City-Fort Koshid, "Slaughterrocks" (Still love that name) is doing fairly well, all things considered.
Late winter in year 143 now, we've survived two sieges and twenty-one forgotten beasts, not including the one that still lives in the well. (The other one down there was finally awoken by some clumsy asshole working on the new trade depot, which I'd planned to build directly above the pool they're in... Good-bye, elves!- But alas)
The population has dropped back below 100, to 94, and yet still many of the dwarves are without proper rooms. The miners work madly to carve out more rough and ready rooms. I'm running out of tunneling space above the first cavern... The fort has a heap of children growing up now, and 'Kolly' Oltarudist, the eldest daughter of one of our most prolific breeders, the late Tun Kamukid, has grown to become the Captain of The Guard.
Sadly, good old Tun, mother of four, went beserk at the lack of mango-wood logs or some nonsense, and beat her poor new baby senseless before a warrior-dorf put her down. As usual, my callous, cold-bearded dwarves left the poor tyke to drag itself around by its broken little arms for a season or so until it expired. Tear-jerking stuff.
Another (rather stupid) child was lost when he decided to face down the second goblin siege. Those two deaths mark the first child-casualties since I implemented the heavily-guarded nursery, so I think it's doing pretty well.
In happier news, we have a total of 13 children, 12 artifacts (Several were lost to the great fires of 142), and a large, poorly-equipped but generally enthusiastic military, lead by Beryl Esdorshem Kegethkbon, 'Beryl Soldplank the Held Odor', the Nursery-guard/nappy changer turned elite goblin-slaying badass of doom.
Seriously, this guy and his war-trained Black bear, Zurdosil, have taken down more goblins then I can be bothered to count, not that that means all THAT much. (I'm pretty lazy)
Here's to another !!FUN!! filled year at Fortress Koshid! *Blows annoying new-years-cardboard-trumpet-thingy*