Running new fort under 0.31.21 set up with better than average minerals.
2nd year the elves and humans have come, traded and departed, annother group of migrants are comming in and an Ettin decides to wander by uninvited.
I have no traps, no doors and no military, but I DO have a scattering of dogs and war dogs.
I order a wall to be built to close off the entrance, and watch as nobody comes to put in the wall. (every dwarf has masonry skill enabled). Ettin reaches the front of the fort within 4 steps and changes course, as he sees a cow grasing on the hill above the entrance, and goes over to attack the cow. Cow dodges and the first wardog reaches the Ettin, a few bites later 2 more war dogs join in and the ettin runs a hundred spaces then turns and fights the closest wardog, killing it in short order, then runs again... repeat the stop and fight twice more and then it comes back to the fort entrance as I've opened the wall back up to let in some dwarves. knowing the wall will not go back up in time I reluctantly draft all my miners.
One miner, named Datan just happens to be outside and near the Ettin and when drafted steps right up to the Ettin readying his copper pick and judging his strike...
Ettin steps forward and Datan strikes the earth right through the bones in the ettin's foot, the ettin falls over and Datan methodically proceeds to break what seems to be every bone in the Ettin's body, for 22 pages of combat reports. Both hands, both lower arms, both upper arms, both feet, both lower legs, both upper legs, both left and right skulls, true ribs, lower spine, middile spine, left upper and right upper spine , tore both lungs and twisted the pick in them for good measure, got the kidney, got the spleen and got the guts, twisted the pick in them as well. Dozens of arteries are spurting, and dozens of tendons are torn and motor and sensory nerves severed, yet it will not pass out and is crawling slowly away as Datan mines his bones.
The Ettin finally dies and I order 36 floor and wall spaces to be engraved, and not one mention of the fight.