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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969663 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7740 on: November 07, 2010, 05:25:04 am »

Well... My grand plan, to wipe out the useless dwarves of my fort via drowning, sparing only the intelligent ones, to re-create my fortress, failed miserably. I was like, "Muahahaha!! Prepare to dieee, fools!"
And commanded them to dig out a wall of the room they were in, to start the flood...
And a trickle of water splashes in, about waist-deep. *sigh*
Oh well. At least they get a wading pool. :(
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7741 on: November 07, 2010, 06:00:39 am »

Roastedcanyon just keeps getting better!

Slaughtered the Fish People and stole their stuff (mostly fish, surprisingly), then walled off that part of the edge, AND remembered and rescued the mason who attempted to entomb himself.

Most incompetent siege ever - they sat on the other side of the river, despite me lowering the bridge over it, and stared while a catapult was constructed on the other side.  After a few shots getting close, they all ran away.

FB is still safely behind a wall, and I hit gold another 8 levels down, below the top of the magma pool.

Mayor kept demanding adamantine objects, so I locked her in a pit, but relented just before she died of thirst (mainly as she's my best gem cutter) (likes - adamantine, slade, dragons...).  Immediately replaced as mayor by one that likes copper, scepters and bins.  That will be easier.  Meanwhile the baron has ordered shields and splints.  What's she got in mind?

Off to take care of the zombie dralthas tomorrow... And hoping for a better quality of siege next time...

Because DF players are heavily into pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7742 on: November 07, 2010, 06:42:56 am »

Additional goal for my fortress, probably turning into the main one: breach the clown car. If those dwarves are sentenced to death, they might as well suicide creatively.

Update: the wagon appeared a few dozens of tiles away from a group of undead saltwater crocodiles. I don't think they will last long enough to breach the clown car...

Update: they did survive long enough to dig out a small room one level below (used a stairway), move stuff into there and wall it off, mainly because they had 7 picks.

Update: there's a gigantic aquifer spanning the entire map a few z-levels below. Time to try some extreme aquifer breaching techniques. But since I can't channel... hmm... wooden fortress!!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 07:52:37 am by NewSheoth »
" It... it's finally over. Oh Armok it was like the end of days in some kind of gristly death bathtub of untold horror and wow that is a nice waterfall."
Embarked on a haunted volcano. I am currently terrorized by skeletal alligators.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7743 on: November 07, 2010, 07:58:40 am »

I'm about to test a new cavein method to kill two forgotten beasts, one of which emits smoke that suffocates most of my soldiers very quickly afternumbing them completely. If that fails, a single well-placed ballista shot sould do the trick. If that also fails, as I expect, a small labyrinth made of fortifications and doors and some markswarves should finish them. If that also fails... I'm gonna have fun.

EDIT: the cretin that was supposed to pull the lever was way too slow, I'm keeping that trap for another occasion. The other dumbass who fired the ballista missed miserably. However, my marksdwarves did an outstanding job, no door were destroyed at all. I'm pleased.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:35:14 am by Musashi »
I don't mean to alarm you, but it appears that your Dwarves are all in fact elephants.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7744 on: November 07, 2010, 08:04:15 am »

I've built myself my two-point doomsday device, slightly imperfect, but what doomsday device ain't? It consists of a volcano linked up to two channels at either side with a floodgate and a lever in a room near my dining hall. If dwarves are still eating and theirs goblin siege going on, the best way to continue eating without further inconveniences is of course to pull the lever!
Oh and I dug myself through -10 z-levels, thats right negatives, I'm hoping thats normal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7745 on: November 07, 2010, 08:07:34 am »

I believe that 'negatives' means 'below ground'. It would've been strange had you been digging through positives, which means sky.

Regarding my suicide fortress, the dwarves managed to wall off a secondary exit in time for the undead crocodiles to pass by. They've put up a still and a kitchen and a small farm plot, so they might survive 'till the first caravan after all.
By the way, can anyone explain me how to post screenshots? Would like to share the fort's downfall with you all through images as well.

Update: a ton of new doomed dwarves has arrived, adding 9 doomed dwarves to the fort. Started more farms, expanded the walled-off section of the surface. All the murky pools evaporated save for one, on the other side of the map, in which the most suicidal of them all, the fisherdwarf, fishes. Considering to commence the building of the caravan drowning depot.

Update: MORE doomed dwarves, 3 this time. The fisherdwarf got himself some support in form of a fish cleaner (formerly dissector). Otherwise more of the same.

Update: The dwarven caravan arrived! Offered them a few wooden crafts (as I said, the suicide fortress won't trade, only offer everything to dwarves and drown everyone else). Almost finished the drowning depot, too. The only undead things on the map are three crocodiles from the beginning, walking by every now and then, posing next to no threat for now. Let's see how this unfolds.

Update: Winter has passed, and I'm now expecting elves. The drowning depot is ready.
Meanwhile, the doomed dwarf leader decided to marrry. Perhaps some are less suicidal than others. Goblins won't differ between them, though.

Full list of the dwarves and other notable inhabitants so far:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Pretty much every dwarf is romantically involved with another dwarf. They're not so suicidal after all. But the goblins still won't differ between them.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 10:07:05 am by NewSheoth »
" It... it's finally over. Oh Armok it was like the end of days in some kind of gristly death bathtub of untold horror and wow that is a nice waterfall."
Embarked on a haunted volcano. I am currently terrorized by skeletal alligators.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7746 on: November 07, 2010, 09:12:57 am »

I'm hoping two of my starting seven, one of whom is the expedition leader, can dig themselves out of the pit they got themselves into without making too many detours. The fact that I'm building a labyrinth won't help them...
At least I have another miner, too.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7747 on: November 07, 2010, 09:38:18 am »

In other news. . .
Slew three cyclopes. One was caged, but later died of blood loss.
The warriors that slew them? Legendary by sparring.
EDIT:Assaulted by a crapton of kobold thieves.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:44:23 am by GaxkangtheUnbound »
Proud of my heritage.
Prepare to lose your sanity.

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7748 on: November 07, 2010, 10:06:57 am »

Two unexpected things happened at the top of my aqueduct; first a massive torrent of water, then a power-out.

The water left the sluice like a shotgun blast. I had the walls extended a tile from the drop-off, the water shot five tiles out in a cloud. If the system didn't shutdown itself, that courtyard and everything in it would be fucked.

No one drowned, but apparently someone needed to be cleaned. Two dogs died of syndromes and reminded me why I had them uncaged -- early warning system for extract. The last slope of the entryway is under 7/7 water that would've drained off if I hadn't installed those artifact doors.

Why the power overloaded is a mystery, though. The system has over 400 surplus power before the final hatch opens, so the uptake pumps should be able to bring back enough water to regulate the wheels before they die out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7749 on: November 07, 2010, 10:32:10 am »

Posting the full list of the inhabitants of the Final Destination (though I picked a cooler name eventually).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Update: the elves have come! Carpenters, get ready to finish the wall!
Update: the wall is finished... pump operators, time to claim some stuff for the Mountainhomes.
Update: success!! The elves are trying to swim. One of the elves' name is Waterqueen... she was the first to drown. The horses survived and were allowed off the map, sans trade goods.
Update: Tosid Sashasimush, gem cutter, has gone insane and melancholic because I have no access to gems. Thankfully, she was the most recent doomed dwarf, and so has only passing acquaintances. Keeping her walled in in order not to lose her stuff.
Update: Another married couple! Monom Ninggeshud, dyer, and Lokum Obokunib, miner, have married. They're doomed regardless.
Update: And one more! Ilral Idenkulin, cheese maker, and Avuz Bomrekolil, stonecrafter. Meanwhile, Mebzuth Rothdomas, leatherworker, has gone fey and claimed the lives of a bull calf, a mule foal and a racoon from the elf caravan in the name of his artifact. Let's hope he brings a siege or at least an ambush.
Update: He made a pair of cow leather trousers, Strangesieges the Mute Frenzy. Guess he wanted to express protest at being sentenced to slow death and bring a siege to end his suffering. He only brought several kobold thieves, who stole the remaining elf junk. Also, one of the elves' corpses vanished without a trace. Evaporated with the water and left all the clothing behind Weird.
Stationed two black bears and a cougar from the elven caravan at the entrance and am now keeping it open, not walled-off. Let's see if they prove to be a defense after all.
Update: No human caravan came. I thought they were listed as 'here' on the embark screen. Weird.
Update: ... yet another married couple, Domas Zagodstukos, weaponsmith, and Eshtan Avuzkodor, gem setter. Also, the gazelle pack has found its way across the river by going off the map. So has the pack of warthogs. Also, a craftsdwarf nommed a plump helmet before delivering it to the stockpile, right after harvesting. Now that's munchies,
Update: The weaponsmith mentioned above has gone secretive, and I don't even have stone. And I can't trade with anyone, and humans didn't come, means no metal... and he just got married, means there will be more chances for a tantrum spiral. The fort is doomed anyway, so let's see how it goes.
By the way, it's now in its second year's autumn.
Update: Managed to wall the weaponsmith into one tile. Winter is almost here. A kobold ambush has come. Let's see what the elven beasts are worth.
... absolutely nothing, as the kobolds are all armed with iron and bismuth bronze bows and arrows (though one carries copper arrows). They all went down over the span of five seconds. The fortress is now finally at the kobolds' mercy. I will try to release the weaponsmith so that he will not have to die from starvation and thirst.
The funniest thing in all of this is that the outpost liaison is talking with the expedition leader a dozen tiles away from the carnage. He's a speardwarf, maybe he stands a chance.
Update: The kobolds broke and ran after one of the bowkobolds got mobbed by the entire fortress' worth of doomed dwarves. The speardwarf broke and ran too. Funny.
Not a single dwarf died, though they did manage to wound a horse and kill Cog Akirgoc the cat, as well as all three of my guard animals. Waiting for a goblin ambush that will not consist of pussies.
The ambush did wound quite a few dwarves with red wounds, from one to three. They are still moving around, though. I haven't got any medics, so they will have to rely on themselves. Because they're, y'know, doomed.
.. And you know what happens next? A WEDDING! A FUCKING WEDDING!! Ast Nimaknomal, woodcutter, and Olin Asmelunib, leatherworker. No better way to celebrate surviving an ambush than a wedding.
... And guess what happens not a minute after unpausing the game? RIGHT! ANOTHER FUCKING WEDDING!! Kivish Okirkubuk the carpenter and Kubuk Raksustzatam the woodcrafter. Suicidal dwarves my ass. They're doomed anyway!
... *hysterical laughter* And after that?! YET ANOTHER! FUCKING! WEDDING!! Urist Tobulkol the fish cleaner and Oddom Logemoltar the soap maker. Yeeeeah...
... Alright, I can't laugh anymore. Yet another wedding happens in the doomed fortress. Mebzuth Rothdomas the leatherworker and Melbil Atekastesh the gem setter. Really, what do they do this for? It's not like they're going to survive. Guess they're trying to live out their lives with some fun.
Update: by the way, winter has arrived and it's now the 18th of Moonstone. The weaponsmith has gone insane and melancholic again. Meh, I was hoping for something more creative, like berserk or stark raving mad. The caravan has left. Waiting for a mood that doesn't require stone or metal.
Another wedding, Stukos Ramiteb the butcher and Atir Rithlorbam the fish dissector. Also, Olin Asmelunib, one of the newlyweds mentioned above, had his arms and one leg broken at the time. Love's stronger, it seems. Goblin ambushes still won't differ.
Meh. The leader's wife has given birth to a girl. Poor baby, having to die for nothing.
... Oh come on, it's not funny anymore. Shem Usanled the miller and Lor Zuntirkikrost the fish dissector, the new couple. I will run out of single dwarves in no ti-- what.
ANOTHER WEDDING. ON THE SAME DAY. Iteb Makuthmonom the animal dissector and Thikut Balbomrek the hunter. I'm nearly out of single dwarves already.
Started the drowning depot without a caravan to pass the time. The pump operators turned out to be strong enough to drain almost the entire river. Also, guppies appeared in the puddle on the ground. Funny.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 01:20:35 pm by NewSheoth »
" It... it's finally over. Oh Armok it was like the end of days in some kind of gristly death bathtub of untold horror and wow that is a nice waterfall."
Embarked on a haunted volcano. I am currently terrorized by skeletal alligators.

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7750 on: November 07, 2010, 11:13:14 am »

Interior plumbing and power is back online, and those doors are getting rigged to open whether they like it or not. I'm looking at ways to weaponize this waterblast. There's one little stretch on my doompath where goblins will linger after their leader is killed or captured, and that...that just offends the hell out of me. I thought about putting up bridges to atomsmash or fling them away, but this would be so much funner.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7751 on: November 07, 2010, 01:41:34 pm »

I have over a full page of carp. Several alligators. One living dwarf (woodworker).

I. Am. Screwed.
"I haven't seen my parents in nearly a year, I can't move a foot in any direction, I spend all my days being attacked by animals, and I've been forced to drink sheep puke- wow that's a nice floor grate!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7752 on: November 07, 2010, 01:42:51 pm »

I have over a full page of carp. Several alligators. One living dwarf (woodworker).

I. Am. Screwed.

Draft the woodworker, see if he can get an axe, and charge headlong at them. If he's going to die, let him die in a badass way.
Alternately, give him a pick, burrow into the ground, wall off the entrance and wait for migrants while gradually expanding the fort.

Another part of the epic tale of Final Destination (and it still has a cooler name):

Some migrants have arrived. The Mountainhomes must have a large supply of unforgivable criminals. This inflow of doomed dwarves brings me to 46 dwarves in total.

Again, here's the complete list of everyone in the fortress, including the skeletons.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

One of the new metalcrafters' name is Hammerrule. Seriously.

Update: remembered a workaround for the 'NO CHANNELS' rule. Encased in burning magma said no channels... he didn't say no upward ramps though. Currently trying to breach the aquifer with soil... don't know if it works, but I will see.
Meanwhile, a woodcutter's gone fey... and claimed a MASON'S workshop, despite having zero skill at masonry. Now he demands rock and gems. Let's hope the aquifer breaching works, because if it doesn't, he's doomed just like the ones that went fey before him.

Update: the elves have arrived. And the drowning depot is ready again. Time for free food and brew!
One of the engravers that arrived with the last wave developed a ton of grudges and is currently very unhappy. This is going to be !!fun!!.
Lokum Obokunib has given birth to a boy. Another innocent dwarf having to die for nothing. Meh.
The caravan's horses managed to swim up the overflowing depot's wall and walked into my fortress after the elves all drowned (which happened fairly quickly).

Update: Whee! The woodcutter has gone berserk! The problem is, he's gone berserk with my second axe, and my fort is made entirely from wood.
The stockpiles are overflowing. However, for some reason, the elves didn't bring ANY wood. Weird.

Update: Eshtan Avuzkodor has given birth to a girl. Three doomed babies. Meh.

Update: The berserk dwarf has died and the axe is mine again! Whee!
Right after that, another wedding. Amost Ustuthrimtar the herbalist and Muthkat Rithluthbesmar the clothier. They actually sound alike.
Preparing the drop rings now.

Update: Dug experimental staircases into the aquifer. Sadly, one of the miners had a baby on her self, which she accidentally dropped into the aquifer. It spent a week there before drowning. Sad. At the same time, three dwarves gave birth. As if to compensate. Dakost Akrulnazom, Kubuk Rakustzatam and Oddom Logemoltar.

Update: The above update is now discontinuity. I am now successfully digging out the drop area using upward ramps, line by line. It's much safer, too.
Also, new marriage. Dodok Regshameb the animal trainer and Zaneg Orurist the farmer. Dakost Akrulnazom has given birth as planned, right while she was digging out the drop site. So did Dakost Akrulnazom, in much safer circumstances. So did Oddom Logemoltar, in similar circumstances to the previous dwarfette.

Update: The aquifer breaching plan didn't work. However, I started working on a new one, maybe I will have some success with it. Meanwhile, another birth, by Melbil Atekastesh.
Lor Zuntirkikrost also gave birth. Way too many babies around the doomed fort.

Update: Another wedding, between Stodir Onultangak the mason and Lorbam Akumdakost the still-peasant. Also, Tun Kubukossek has given birth to a boy.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 04:26:25 pm by NewSheoth »
" It... it's finally over. Oh Armok it was like the end of days in some kind of gristly death bathtub of untold horror and wow that is a nice waterfall."
Embarked on a haunted volcano. I am currently terrorized by skeletal alligators.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7753 on: November 07, 2010, 02:25:05 pm »

It's the 20th of obsidian. In 8 days, spring will arrive and the game will force an autosave. I will then upload the save one last time and see if anyone would still be interested in making a portion of the adventurer dungeon.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 03:21:47 pm by Eric Blank »
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #7754 on: November 07, 2010, 02:43:32 pm »

I have over a full page of carp. Several alligators. One living dwarf (woodworker).

I. Am. Screwed.

Welcome to Dwarf Fortress!
The once dark-grey walls are now the dark brown of stained blood. At either side of the path leading to the great granite gates is covered with the corpses and skeletons of Goblin invaders.
Some are still fresh. One is still moving.
As you approach the gate a nervous guard looses a bolt in your direction. Silence... Slowly, gradually, the huge doors screech open. Inside there is a courtyard, the floor wet with blood. Welcome to the front-line. Welcome; to Cloisteredwood.
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