You should be able to copy and paste that shit into data/init/world_gen.txt
Then generate a new world with parameters and you should see WUT at the bottom of the column on the right side of your screen. Select it, then wait.
In Helmsdance the game ran far to quickly, there was a food shortage and the first dwarven caravan came and left before I could react. So I scrapped that fort and restarted in the same place, after lowering the FPS cap to 50.
New fort is called Urnwax.
4x4 site with 4 biomes
Brook: Honestbore
Volcano: The Ash of Chilling
The Tooth of Outrage
Mountain, Warm, Wilderness
Obsidian, Dacite, Andesite, Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Granite, Gabbro
The Prairie of Burning
Tropical Savanna, Warm, Sparse Trees, moderate Vegetation, Wilderness
Yellow Sand, Obsidian, Dacite, Andesite, Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Granite
The Sizzling Forests
Tropical Coniferous Forest, Warm, Heavily Forested, Thick Vegetation, Wilderness
Yellow Sand, Obsidian Dacite, Andesite, Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Granite
The Wild Hill
Tropical Savanna, Warm, Sparse Trees, Moderate Vegetation, Wilderness
Loamy Sand, Claystone, Gneiss, Quartzite, Marble, Schist, Diorite Gabbro
If anybody wants this site, it is a volcano adjacent a major river, beneath an Evil sea, easy to find.
I should point out that I set Titans to 1000 to discourage sprawl.
Anyway, it is early summer of 1052, I got 2 war peasants named Doren, who hang out and eat my food and drink my booze, and generally don't do anything else. When the elves came in the spring, the broker did not want to trade with them, always saying he had better things to do. I like the exotic animals the elves bring, so I said anybody could trade and one of the war peasants runs the the trade depot. So they are not completely useless. Also, in addition to elves, spring brought elephants.