I have my newly-legendary blacksmith make five gold statues. They turn out to be, in order, of the founding of Redgranite, of my expedition leader, of my broker, of my bookkeeper, and of my militia commander. Awesome.
You're going to have to do something epic with them. Dig out a big area near your fortress' entrance, engrave the walls with historical engravings (I think the way to get the most is to find an engraver with high artistic ability (and skill) but low imagination, so he won't just draw cheese), load it up with artifacts, station two war dogs on steel chains at each entrance, and have the statues arranged in a V shape pointing towards the entrance, with the statue of the founder in the front, and the statue of the founding right behind him. Make this your new meeting zone.
Like this:
Oh, you only have 5. In that case,
I think they should be, in order of top-right to bottom-left,
Bookkeeper (The dwarf who stands behind, the fortress wouldn't work without him but he never goes out and performs epic deeds, prefering to sit and do his job dilligently in his office)
Millitia Commander, founding, Broker (They are the frontdwarves, they do important work going out and killing/trading. It also symbolizes the sort of yin/yang between diplomacy and millitary, with the fortress hanging in the balance)
Expidition Leader (He led everyone here)