Early Winter of 503 in the Town of Ringquest, pop. 93 fps 28(18)
Vucar the farmer, for two acts of vandalism and one act of disorderly conduct against an axe lord, was executed by the newly appointed Captain of the Guard. The new captain is a no nonsense dwarf, and wouldn't tolerate that kind of disrespect.
With the arrival of the Autumn caravan came three separate goblin ambushes, in teams of five, plus several thieves and snatchers. But due to careful planning, my military was already on patrol, and dispatched the trouble makers post haste. The caravan made it safely to our trading depot, and once again no civilians were lost.
We traded away a large shipment of dwarven syrup, sunshine and lavish meals for some lumber, iron and steel, cages and barrels, and bolts for the archers. Additionally, we made a deal for shipment of lay pewter, tin, copper and lead, because our new mayor has a lay pewter fetish.
Onul the woodworker, who died in the first goblin ambush years ago, has come back as a restless haunt. Vucar the farmer, who was recently executed, had a grudge with Onul. I bet the ghost was happy to see Vucar beaten to death. Maybe he even whispered encouragement to the Captain of the Guard, when he was pondering Vucar's punishment. We'll have to set up a memorial for our dead, as the graveyard is no longer enough to give the departed a resting place.