Year 16 in Torchlaud, the continuously-raining volcanic mountainside castle. Population is up to 146 plus 8 children. One child has a failed mood and is dehydrating. We don't accept foreigners as citizens.
The steel-clad military is now 8 axes, 10 spears, 5 hammers, 7 swords, and 6 maces for regulars; with 5 reservists, 8 guards, and 5 full civilian training squads mostly unarmed, leaving 45 non-military dwarfs.
Crime has been almost non-existent lately as all artifacts are either built furniture, assigned to a dwarf, or locked in a room.
A few missions were sent out for tribute, and the last one didn't return.
Our slightly chaotic castle walls & towers are finished now, and a new trade depot is in use, fully engraved with gold doors and a tower over the entrance.
The dwarfs have also constructed an outlying archery tower near the west magma chamber entrance, and finally connected the "lure" hatches to a lever so enemies can't take control of them again. This tower is only accessible from underground.
A goblin, beak dog, & troll siege greeted the new year 16. All dwarfs were sent inside the castle and/or underground. Patrols along the walls were ordered and we were going to wait out the siege because we've got a bit of stress to deal with. But the overseer failed to remember that trolls can break down doors... so a battle began when the patrolling Axe Lordess Ustata killed the offending troll. Naturally, another zealous dwarf had to run out the doorway and chase after some beak dogs & goblins, killing several before dodging into the volcano's crater. All military was scrambled to avenge her and two fights occurred outside the castle, one on each side. One more dwarf was lost, and the remaining besiegers lost heart and fled.
What to do next? Perhaps replace castle doors with drawbridges... perhaps not because that's not FUN!!
(edit: Maybe I'll try Salford Sal's active squad without an assigned barracks for a bit.)