I have been building a rather respectable library. Embarked on the only patch of tropical swamp in the world in order to grow papyrus (it felt like the most proper sheet). Three employed scholars and more visiting from all over and my collection grew, it could however only ever be second best compared to the peaceful necromancers in the north.
Five years of raids, most without causalities, except one in which several necromancers, maybe all, were killed, including a Gorlak
However, all I ever got were (allegedly fantastic) texts about the tower, its residents, its founding, and books about the writing of the earlier books. The necromancer's library seemed endless and, given the choice, my soldiers would pick any one of the numerous texts, except the one that mattered (slabs are a lot heavier than quires so I get it). The only thing more endless is the Artifact list in the civ screen. Going through it took far to long, but now I finally possess the secrets of life and death! on a slab which I am pretty sure is unreadable in fortress mode
Could have some fun with it in adventure mode though now that it is in a safe place.
Some unrelated notes:
I caught a bronze colossus in a cage trap (I thought all mega beasts could avoid them) almost as soon as it enter the map.
I got a queen in my fort almost immediately but never any lower nobles. Thankfully she mostly demand backpacks.
The map is full of little pools were visitors seem to get stuck (but never drown). I think it has to do with the shifting water levels in this hot climate making them attempt to path through.
And as always, the dwarves are all awful at cleaning up after invading armies and now everyone is depressed from looking at corpses all day.