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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969641 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54345 on: November 21, 2019, 06:18:33 pm »

Animal person visitors in fortress mode are said to be rare. Well, sometimes they show up as mercenaries. A dingo man by the name of Dgdmfva Yowzdnywzyl, a spearman, came to visit my tavern and wanted to be a mercenary; I accepted his petition. However, I may have to look into starting a meat industry (or buying meat off passing caravans) since dingoes, and by extension dingo people, are carnivores.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54346 on: November 21, 2019, 08:13:35 pm »

Playing a heavily modded game, so far things have gone *mostly* okay. Playing as the Light Worshipers from Darkest Dungeon, I set up shop in a tropical forest. The monsters appeared soon after.

It's primarily been demonblooms and stygian mongrels, but a few chaos serpents also appeared, the second appearance of which left the Jester Eget Scorchringed dead, his heart having been punctured by a serpent's fangs (due to being a new arrival and thus not armored yet.) That aside, multiple injuries have been sustained, but nothing permanent. Broken bones from torsion damage mainly.

It's taken the better part of a year, but a tavern/barracks is nearly finished, only needing some windows, and work areas are starting to be built (since I'm doing everything on the surface, construction takes a lot of time and effort.) The constant attacks by demonblooms, Stygian devourers, and Stygian mongrels though keep slowing things down, even with a five man militia constantly killing the damned things. Still, the one jester aside, things have gone well.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54347 on: November 21, 2019, 11:17:11 pm »

Your stressed won't get captured by goblins or elves if you exile them, it isn't simulated that deeply, so while I do think they'll technically walk past or through the goblin settlements, nobody will be trying to capture them.

Also, yes, destroy the worst vandals. If they're consistently bothering you, then they need to be gone, since even with exile they'll rejoin the pool of historical figures. As historical figures, they're a lot more likely to show up at future forts, which tends to cause problems.
Good to know, thanks! Yeah, vandals keep recycling between my fortresses, stirring drama everywhere they go. It's funny that they'll be just as stressed as they were 50 years ago! It's like they're just standing in the woods, waiting for a new fort to be established. No new experiences or memories. Magma bridge it is, then.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54348 on: November 22, 2019, 12:40:38 am »

Shellsknives has reached 76 pop, with at least enough rooms to cover 72 of them. inmigrants tend to arrive just when i've covered the previous population count so now i have to figure out where im gonna carve the next row of dormitories. the fortress receives a fair amount of visitors thanks to having made an inn early after embarking but due to population growth the original tavern was eventually converted into extra rooms while a new dining hall was carved out. so far the only resident from outside is an elven bard but who knows, there seems to be some mercenaries arriving too albeit there's not much to kill in this forsaken mountain.

the outpost liaison has arrived at least 2 times but there hasnt been much done in terms of trading, next year should be profitable due to a huge stash of stone crafts which will probably be traded for seeds. the fort isnt having hunger problems but there's not much crops to grow atm and there's a shortage of underground grops too. in addition, i need to find a way to create Enormous Corkscrews in order to fund a little water based project. turns out the Aquifer was at the base of the volcano and it takes quite a long treck for the citizens to arrive into the well. the first years of the fort were survived thanks to alcoholic drinks but a water source is a dire need for the long term survival of the population and there's a lot of floors to cover between the aquifer and the fortress.

compared to other embarks this fortress hasnt received unusual visitors yet, last one had a Wererhino and later a Werelizard while the first modded run i had got me a goblin ambush/invasion which completely crippled the military. a militia is being trained in this fortress regardless of no dangerous creatures around and thanks to the upper parts of the mountain being made of obsidian i have access to at least some basic kind of cutting weapon instead of wooden spears/swords.

Loud Whispers

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54349 on: November 22, 2019, 09:55:31 am »

the outpost liaison has arrived at least 2 times but there hasnt been much done in terms of trading, next year should be profitable due to a huge stash of stone crafts which will probably be traded for seeds. the fort isnt having hunger problems but there's not much crops to grow atm and there's a shortage of underground grops too. in addition, i need to find a way to create Enormous Corkscrews in order to fund a little water based project. turns out the Aquifer was at the base of the volcano and it takes quite a long treck for the citizens to arrive into the well. the first years of the fort were survived thanks to alcoholic drinks but a water source is a dire need for the long term survival of the population and there's a lot of floors to cover between the aquifer and the fortress.
You got trees? If so, you can make wooden corkscrews on the cheap


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54350 on: November 22, 2019, 07:35:11 pm »

Total catastrophe just happened. My civ's only non-conquered fort is now my own fort. Though there was only one other fort in the first place, which has now been conquered. My fort is merely a new embark, just into summer. Certainly not fit for a queen - but my metalsmith (no migrants yet at the time of this post either!) is now the queen. The only other civ position that shows up is the baron of the fort that was conquered, who appears as a marksdwarf (this may mean he was imprisoned while in soldier mode). Curiously, the hostile civ shows up as "Skirmishing" for contact, something I've never seen before. What do you think I should do now, other than ignore the queen's requirements/mandates/demands entirely?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54351 on: November 22, 2019, 10:11:07 pm »

You already know what you must do. You will not fail, for your newfound crusade is just.


Construction is underway on the Baron's manor. it ain't much, but a skilled glassmaker and metalsmith havedone a good bit to make his new abode tolerable. Still needs a dining room though. Trade was disrupted by a group of malice imps as well, so I'm sure war is coming eventually for the scuttled Usmenomon wagon, but *most* of what they bought left with them.

Constant live combat has yielded a swordmaster among my fighting men, and I've decided to have the squad's barracks formally be attached to the Baron's house. Fitting, I think.

but by far the biggest issue is housing right now. Syrface living is a slow and plooding affair in DF, moreso in an evil biome with constant interruptions, and it's likely going to take the remainder of the second year plus some more to get houses built for everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54352 on: November 22, 2019, 10:28:44 pm »

Total catastrophe just happened. My civ's only non-conquered fort is now my own fort. Though there was only one other fort in the first place, which has now been conquered. My fort is merely a new embark, just into summer. Certainly not fit for a queen - but my metalsmith (no migrants yet at the time of this post either!) is now the queen. The only other civ position that shows up is the baron of the fort that was conquered, who appears as a marksdwarf (this may mean he was imprisoned while in soldier mode). Curiously, the hostile civ shows up as "Skirmishing" for contact, something I've never seen before. What do you think I should do now, other than ignore the queen's requirements/mandates/demands entirely?

Time to dig deep, store up as much as you can, and button up.  In other words leave the surface world behind and keep yourself save in a underground city.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54353 on: November 22, 2019, 11:50:25 pm »

the outpost liaison has arrived at least 2 times but there hasnt been much done in terms of trading, next year should be profitable due to a huge stash of stone crafts which will probably be traded for seeds. the fort isnt having hunger problems but there's not much crops to grow atm and there's a shortage of underground grops too. in addition, i need to find a way to create Enormous Corkscrews in order to fund a little water based project. turns out the Aquifer was at the base of the volcano and it takes quite a long treck for the citizens to arrive into the well. the first years of the fort were survived thanks to alcoholic drinks but a water source is a dire need for the long term survival of the population and there's a lot of floors to cover between the aquifer and the fortress.
You got trees? If so, you can make wooden corkscrews on the cheap

that's something i originally intended with past forts but for some reason im not able to build Corkscrews from the Carpenter Shop. not sure if its because of a missing [REACTION] line in the raws or something else. in general i thought it was because my fortress denizens havent made a library and done research to learn about it as otherwise im sure i had covered most of the important professions race-wise.

but anyways.

8th of Felsite, year 129. Shellsknives has reached 135 inhabitants. the fortress has been mostly completed in terms of living space with only a missing floor for warehouses and workshops. sustenance from the surface is still a requirement as no prospection has been done further into the depths of the volcano after finding the aquifer. a human caravan arrived but the nobles havent been able to pinpoint which civilization this group belongs to, however, they were able to provide some important goods like metal cages, thread, leather and so on. the latest visit from the Outpost Liaison was a bit thorny due to disagreements over using wooden cages (playable elves doesnt seem to be able to make grown wood like those generated by the NPCs, and of course they are taken as if they had been cutted from a tree rather than being magically grown from seeds). hopefully things will return to usual in the next spring.

there's now a Bowmen division in the militia, with most of their members having already gained the status. in order to not mess with the ecosystem the fortress doesnt rely on hunting so these fine marksmen have had to learn from zero in order to do their duty. in the 4 years since the foundation of the fortress there has only been 3 hazards entering the region, a Giantess, a Cyclops and a Wereturtle. it was a sad situation having to kill these beings but there wasnt enough time to catch them into traps, perhaps the next invader wont have to suffer the same fate at the hands of the swordmen division and their obsidian blades.

on the industry side, an arrival of Cassowaries and Monitor Lizards have been enough to kickstart an egg factory, the pair of horses that arrive in the fort grew enough to become a proper breeding herd but it will take awhile for the new foals to catch up with the rest. a pair if buffalos have recently arrived, both still too young to become a breeding pair but things look promising. in terms of war animals there hasnt been much outside of the Bobcats that arrived with the founding group. due to the arrival of a female with one of the early embarks there has been at least 2-3 litters of these felines but they havent aged enough to become war animals. in order to evade a further catsplosion the adult males have been put into cages and will probably be traded with the human caravan for something equally valuable. we havent have had a need for war beasts, but one can never be sure when they're gonna be needed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54354 on: November 23, 2019, 09:11:30 am »

Two years on, I've had so many visitors petition to join my fort for soldiery that (aside from the dwarf captains) I have two full squads' worth of mercenaries training full-time. Thus far I've defeated a giant, a cyclops, and two (admittedly small) goblin sieges with zero casualties. Not sure if it is norma to get this many mercenaries or if it's a quirk of my fort's location/world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54355 on: November 23, 2019, 09:58:23 am »

Two years on, I've had so many visitors petition to join my fort for soldiery that (aside from the dwarf captains) I have two full squads' worth of mercenaries training full-time. Thus far I've defeated a giant, a cyclops, and two (admittedly small) goblin sieges with zero casualties. Not sure if it is norma to get this many mercenaries or if it's a quirk of my fort's location/world.

I wish I could that many mercenaries. :C


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54356 on: November 23, 2019, 10:43:01 am »

Two years on, I've had so many visitors petition to join my fort for soldiery that (aside from the dwarf captains) I have two full squads' worth of mercenaries training full-time. Thus far I've defeated a giant, a cyclops, and two (admittedly small) goblin sieges with zero casualties. Not sure if it is norma to get this many mercenaries or if it's a quirk of my fort's location/world.

I wish I could that many mercenaries. :C
Same. I have a select few in my fort that are highly well-trained but not any significant amount.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54357 on: November 23, 2019, 02:12:53 pm »

One of my dwarves "likes the color clear"


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54358 on: November 23, 2019, 03:27:44 pm »

One of my dwarves "likes the color clear"
When did clear become a color? He likes transparent things?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54359 on: November 23, 2019, 07:54:25 pm »

year 130. Shellsknives has reached a growth beyond 150 citizens and its economy has thrived, after finding a way to the caverns and constructing a series of bridges linking to connect the few remaining solid ground in a vast underground sea the fortress has been able to fix its water issues and a new water source has been found. the Elves of The Contingent Hill had finally achieved some sort of safety with no big creatures attacking the site outside of a Werekangaroo. casualties were low and no one was infected, the night being returned to the wilds after the full moon and everything returned to normality.

all things considered, it seems their fortress will last for a long time unless the gods of nature change the direction of events.

alright, time to move on with another fortress. this thing has lasted for quite a while without suffering any kind of FUN. there's no point on keeping with it so i retired for the time being, also it seems the location of the fortress doesnt allow for any kind of holdings so there's no more nobles to cover. perhaps a goblin fortress will come next. who knows..
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 01:51:33 pm by xaritscin »
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