NordicNooob is striken with melancholy!
Anvillizard is doomed. Three heterosexual couples remain in all dwarfkind, and none will marry. Most taunting is that this death-this looming death-would not have happened if not for my own incompetence. Two preventable incidents have resulted in a net loss of two potential couples, possibly three. In 1007, the children Ral and Melbil were torn apart by a blind cave ogre in the middle of the fort, simply because I wasn't watching and let my cage traps fill up, also missing the chance to close the old cavern gate while said ogre would have been breaking down the door to the fort. Of the two, Ral would have been willing to marry had he come of age, and, if the second incident hadn't happened, he would have had a partner. The second incident was far worse. A drastic (and avoidable, if I had just been more patient) stand against the cavern's undeadsplosion ended in disaster, killing five. Most important of them (unbeknowest to me at the time) was Kulet, simply because she was a daughter of Bim (one of the two fortress mothers, every fort birth is a descendant of either Bim or Iteb). Cross-referencing sexualities of the casualties of these incidents shows clearly that there would have been sufficient couples to continue the race of dwarves in spite of the inevitable deaths of Bim, Iteb, Tobul, and Vabok (all strange mood casualties that needed unobtainable yarn cloth, Vabok being an infant who was ripped apart in Iteb's arms when she went berserk). This conclusion even generously assumes that I have no control over if a non-marrying dwarf pairs off with a marrying one, thus rendering that couple moot, even though honeymoon suites are a thing.
Thus, for the first time ever (I get bored before things go bad a lot, okay?), I have truly actually lost with no suicidal urges (or even holding back on glitches!) on my behalf. Even if the fort doesn't fall ever, (as in I leave it be in save homeostasis) I've passed the point of no return, barring vampires as a way of being "immortal" since over infinite time infinitely many arbitrarily unlikely mistakes will happen that could get them killed, unless I take the depressed vampire in a 1x1 hole for all eternity route, which isn't exactly surviving.