Had a weresnail show up with a migrant wave again. Im starting to wonder if i did something wrong thats making weresnails not act like other werebeasts.
Anyway, this fort had no military whatsoever, and this was the middle of the craftsmans workshops, so it ended up killing like 16+ people before someone punched it in the head, crushing its brain.
Try as i might i cant set up graves quickly enough after these disasters so the bodies went to rot before they were buried. A large portion of the population is in a constant state of tantrumming/stumbling obliviously because for this race i was stupid enough to make them more vulnerable to stress than average.
It was in the process of entombing the dead that a tentacle horror emerged from the caverns. It immediately killed five or so people in the tombs, plus one or two more that got walled in with it. I built some cage traps and caught it, have to deal with it later.
I fixed how it got in (i misplaced a wall leaving a gap it could climb in through) and things were good for a while yet. I bought a nymph off the caravans (apparently they count as pets, and this race can tame everything in its environment...) and shes been making plenty of friends by casting healing/disease resistance spells all over the place.
I also caught a whole herd of wild boars in the cage traps, so why not tame and butcher them, right? Well it was all well and good but i forgot i never expanded my initial food stockpile, which was full, and so it all started rotting im the butchers shops. Thats a lot of wasted meat.
Around that time i started noticing some of the people the nymph was casting spells on were referred to as thralls. I double checked and nymphs dont have an enthralling spell, so i figured i had a grand vampire on my hands. Sure enough somebody turned up dead in the community bedrooms, and there were nearly a dozen children playing around to witness it. It was my secretary(broker). I locked him up in a room offset from the normal population, but one of the children that witnessed the murder, a bovine person girl-child, followed him in there. What the hell, i dont care. He enthralled her and theyve been getting along fine since then, thralls dont sleep.
But the rest of the populace wasnt so peaceful by that point. There were multiple fistfights resulting in injuries, i didnt have a proper jail so the militia commander and their squad were just beating people up. (But they were glad to recieve a reduced sentence) and then out of the blue, one of the woodcutters loses it with an animal caretaker. She chases him out behind the in-progress civics buildings and hacks him to pieces. There were no witnesses to any physical violence, so its not reported. But i did pin her for assaulting a turkey, so... I convict her and then exile her.
Another tantrum was started by the village elder, responsible for consoling angry workers. He beat up multiple people, mostly without serious injury, but he then kicked a cougar woman in the backside so hard it exploded in gore, which isnt cool at all, so i realized i had to find a new head-grampa. The cougar woman for her part was innocent of any offences, including tantrumming, and has recovered from her injuries.
Worlds gone mad. This forts a little too late to change the stress vulnerability to regular levels, i might just have to watch it crumble away. Ill end up with nothing but animal people left over at this rate.