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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5962328 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52815 on: September 23, 2018, 02:50:03 am »

A vile force of darkness has arrived !
An ambush ! Curse them !

A goblin force arrived. And a simultaneous raid by a drider force.

The drider civilisation and the goblins happen to be at war with each other......

Combined with the traps on the approach to our fortress, our military only had to do a bit of light mopping up.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52816 on: September 23, 2018, 03:26:01 am »

An ambush, curse them!
Elven elite archers. They start shooting up a herbalist while everyone else withdraws inside. Militia are called to set up on the far side of the trap corridor.

Suddenly from several floors down in the tavern. "Further abuse cannot be tolerated. Let this be a warning to you!".
Apparently a brave but foolish Elven diplomat turned up unannounced and is now wondering how to leave quietly. Nobody minds as the militia commander shoves him into a spare bedroom and cleaves his skull.
With hindsight, should have checked if the ambushers and the diplomat were actually from the same Elf civ. Ah well...


The militia commander surveyed the scene. Several dead elves, one wounded herbalist who would recover. A good day's work. But something wasn't quite right. Turning over an elf corpse he looked from the silver bolts in its quiver to the troll-fur leggings it wore. Finally his gaze fell on the helmet and his stomach lurched. Clearly stamped in the centre was a well-designed image of a lesser yam plant, the symbol of The Seducer of Wheeling, a goblin civilization...

Baron Steelstockades joined him. 'Get these bodies cleaned up asap, soldier. The elven caravan has just turned up and we don't want to spook them. Oh, and give this list of requests to that obnoxious diplomat before he leaves.'
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 03:49:30 am by Shonai_Dweller »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52817 on: September 23, 2018, 06:17:47 am »

Someone threw a tantrum.

In the library.

15 citizens have been sent to the hospital with various broken bones caused by being struck by spinning books sent flying from overturned bookcases.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52818 on: September 23, 2018, 06:42:47 am »

Someone threw a tantrum.

In the library.

15 citizens have been sent to the hospital with various broken bones caused by being struck by spinning books sent flying from overturned bookcases.
Libraries do seem to bring out the worst in people. I've come across some savage scenes at libraries in Adventurer.

I mean, they're places of study and academic discussion, so it's reasonable that arguments would start fairly regularly. If only the inhabitants of our worlds would handle insults a little more diplomatically... :)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52819 on: September 25, 2018, 09:30:51 am »

About two years back a female bugbat got into the tombs from the first cavern layer. The dogs liked to chase and bite it so I figured they would take care of it eventually. Then I see that a trained crundle ran afoul of it and was killed so the dwarves gave the bugbat a name, Othillolok meaning Weakengranite. Shortly after she gives birth to pups. At this point I cave and capture the now badly scared bugbat and her pups and train them all, now they're mascots. A little time goes by I start doing some selective slaughtering to grow stronger pups and at the same time I get a little bored and experiment with giving Othillolok sentience. I forget that this will also give her pups sentience and so two of them are slaughtered. When I realized it'll make them need to drink and I didn't want to worry about that I returned them to normal.

Several months later one of those pups has come back as a ghost to haunt my fortress. I gave it's mother a soul only to rip it out and trap this poor helpless baby in limbo between life and death in the process. Now it's following poor Othillolok around and overwhelming her with horror...this is why you don't play god kids, you'll make your bats sad.



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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52820 on: September 25, 2018, 09:40:23 am »

That's sad.

Also, I didn't know that selective breeding worked in DF.
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52821 on: September 25, 2018, 12:15:38 pm »

That's sad.

Also, I didn't know that selective breeding worked in DF.
noone knew. NOONE!
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52822 on: September 25, 2018, 12:19:49 pm »

That's sad.

Also, I didn't know that selective breeding worked in DF.
noone knew. NOONE!
Noone knows many things. He is truly a master of all arts.

Anyways, selective breeding has been a concept for quite some time, although I was under the impression that it hadn't been implemented yet. That was a long time ago though, so...

Haven't there been a couple ethnic cleansing forts along the way? I certainly remember people talking about doing that, but I'm not sure if those projects ever got off the ground, so to speak.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52823 on: September 25, 2018, 12:34:56 pm »

That's sad.

Also, I didn't know that selective breeding worked in DF.
noone knew. NOONE!
Noone knows many things. He is truly a master of all arts.

Anyways, selective breeding has been a concept for quite some time, although I was under the impression that it hadn't been implemented yet. That was a long time ago though, so...

This is my first fort actually trying it myself but I've heard it talked about as if it's a thing quite a bit. I wasn't doing proper science on it but it seems to be working on my giant rats and giraffes, less so on the GCS and the last litter of giant moles was very undersized. I have way too many animals so I've been ordering dozens of the weakest ones slaughtered with dwarf therapist not even setting up a real breeding program. It is entirely possible I have been imagining my results.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52824 on: September 29, 2018, 01:03:25 pm »

Sometimes, citizens get into a fight with other citizens.

But if the aggressor is in the hospital, some wounded citizens being recovered by another citizen, will leap up as soon as they go through the hospital door, and cancel the recovery task, running around with untreated injuries, and bleeding all over the place.

Considering remodelling the hospital to have single bed rooms, instead of one big ward, as a result of this phenomenon.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52825 on: September 29, 2018, 06:20:19 pm »

This is my first fort actually trying it myself but I've heard it talked about as if it's a thing quite a bit. I wasn't doing proper science on it but it seems to be working on my giant rats and giraffes, less so on the GCS and the last litter of giant moles was very undersized. I have way too many animals so I've been ordering dozens of the weakest ones slaughtered with dwarf therapist not even setting up a real breeding program. It is entirely possible I have been imagining my results.
I'm pretty sure selective breeding is in, the wiki seems to think so. I thought that offspring only inherited the mother's genes but then that got fixed during that update that accidentally gave all the animals commitment issues. 

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52826 on: September 29, 2018, 09:24:29 pm »

Today I set up a stockpile chain and kitchen just for cooking millable plants. I don't need the food--I just want those bags back and can't bring myself to magma-pit all that potential food.

I also ejected my only unhappy dwarf, just because I could. They'll send more.
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52827 on: September 30, 2018, 12:24:18 am »

An unusually interesting year in Minebrave.

The queen has given birth to a daughter, her fourth child with the king, at long last his dream of raising a family is fulfilled.

The first of two trained gremlins has become a citizen and is now training with some of our best elves.

Experiments with captured goblins who survived the incineration of their comrades has shown that tantruming goblin invaders can topple statues and become vampires. This knowledge is being weaponized. All that is required now is the secret of life and death to complete our collection of curse powers.

Another weremammoth attaked due to our lack of early warning system, the military engaged in battle on the beach where they performed quite well for being entirely unarmed and taken by surprise while training.
Thirty soldiers, punched and kicked and bit the great beast, dodging blows that could crush them to paste. They held the creature until it reverted into an elf which was quickly dispatched. Three dead dwarves and two dead elves with one dwarf being bitten on the lip and somehow surviving the massive injuries to his skull. He was dispatched to claim the nearby depleted kobold cave which he successfully took after accepting the surrender of the only survivors, three kobold children.

One of our human militia members was breaking under the stress and was also one hundred and twelve years old so he was dispatched to claim another kobold cave or die. He returned reporting they refused to surrender, I thought that unacceptable so I sent him to pillage. He returned and reported he met and slaughtered some of the resistance..elves.. At some point without my noticing the second closest kobold cave was captured by the elven civilization. We now war with the elves.

This accelerates my timetable but is not unwelcome, it was inevitable now that steel production is finally in full swing. An attempt to attack the elven cave resulted in four seasoned dwarves being torn apart by a yak bull. Our most elite soldiers were dispatched and crushed the beast.

For near a decade now Minebrave has relied on it's magma crab based primary defensive cannon to resist large forces, the cannon currently contains 78 wild magma crabs. This has been declared too effective and boring so a large labyrinth is being constructed on the surface. When completed it will enable us to allow traders through or force invaders through several different styles of traps or a military killbox.

It's going to be quite the variety pack, your standard hallways of weapon and spike traps of course, a dwarven shotgun, a cave in chamber, a room for perhaps driving goblins into becoming cursed or just releasing some of my pet abominations. Sadly we are having to improvise a drowning chamber in place of the planned goblinite refining crucible due to a long forgotten aquifer until magma can be brought up to clear the way. The killbox will be inside an enclosed tower, using bridges and an artifact unicorn bone floodgate a funnel can be created that can become a single tile chokepoint or a trade friendly entrance. Also enclosed in the tower will be a smaller tower above the last gate before the beach. From this tower archers will be able to rain steel and silver death down upon invaders in the funnel and past the chokepoint beyond which waits dozens of superbly trained melee fighters. Lastly the magma crab defensive cannon stands ever ready.

Currently building is stalled due to an elven seige. Only two builders were caught beyond the gates, one was slain the other, better trained, danced around their pitiful weapons and and made it into the defensive perimeter thanks to a goblin siege arriving behind the elves distracting them. The elves turned to fight and were entirely slaughtered, even the dreaded yak cow they brought. Now the goblins are wandering past a handful of weapon traps and I'm trying to decide between the crabs one more time or a full force miliary charge. I'm a little disappointed, I really wanted to turn one of the weremammoths loose on the elves but I can't even release it against the goblins because that bridge isn't set up yet and I don't feel like making another one at the moment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52828 on: September 30, 2018, 12:55:39 am »

Joyous wilds embark. The colourful trees, smell of fresh eggs and giant cockroaches circling ominously above. What more could 7 healthy dorfs wish for in life?

Please ignore the stench of death and heinous ash floating in from the North where a knob of evil sea thrusts it's way unwanted into the biome. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Oh look, a giant slug, ain't nature grand?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52829 on: September 30, 2018, 05:00:29 am »

Today, my civilization declared war on the elves (or the opposite, I'm not sure yet). Because of this war, plenty of noble dwarves have been dying... and I now have three barons. The second they get annoying, they'll get to play a game of Mystery Lever.
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