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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969357 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52770 on: September 09, 2018, 12:29:26 am »

The Forgotten Beast Dirlu Nocpurthrireg has come!

Oh crap

A great blob composed of snow.

wait what

It has a stubby tail and squirms and fidgets.

And no special attack.

It's a giant, probably adorable snowball with a little tail. It spawned in a part of the cavern that's totally cut off from my fortress. It's as harmless as a forgotten beast could be.
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How did I manage to successfully apply the lessons of The Screwtape Letters to my perceptions of big grocery stores?
If you're going to kill me, I'm allowed to scream.

Senator Jim Death

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52771 on: September 09, 2018, 12:39:51 am »

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The snowball beast left the map almost immediately in what I presume was shame.

Now, up on the surface, I have a farmer stuck up in a tree somehow.

No fruit gathering involved. Best as I can tell, a human tooth was in the "outflow edge" of the river, where sometimes the water is only 4 or 5 deep. I guess he pathed out there to get that tooth, the water deepened, and then--I don't know what. He canceled his job because of dangerous terrain. Maybe he was thrown up there. Maybe he got scared and ran up it. I don't know.
If it's not trying to be fun, it's not trying to be a video game.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52772 on: September 09, 2018, 12:45:19 am »

Ambushed by a tribe of lion people (mod).
14 of them altogether, vicious lion-headed, spear wielding savages. Having no military at all yet, I pulled everyone back inside the fortress. No hope for the animal pasture though. Haven't got round to moving that inside yet.

The lion people close in roaring battle cries in their bestial language. Then they spot the turkey.

Suddenly blue exclamation marks start flashing as the proud tribesmen are overcome by terror and start fleeing the battlefield.

Ambush over. They'll be back, but I'll be investing in some more turkeys before then.

That's hilarious, what mod are you using?
My own. Kind of a work in progress i started a while back to teach myself modding and tweak DF to just the way I like it. Features a bunch of new civs including various tribes of animal people.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52773 on: September 09, 2018, 02:27:51 am »

Playing my modded game that has drows and driders in it.

Some drider ambushers have arrived, mounted on giant cave swallows and giant bats.

My marksdrows are highly skilled in their tenth year of service, and much of the invading force has died. Not from being shot directly, but rather from having their mount shot from under them whilst well up in the air...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52774 on: September 09, 2018, 03:52:52 am »

"Snatcher!". The lookout cry every parent dreads.

The huntsman looked up from his kill, thoughts of his children happily playing outside in the trash pile, oblivious to the oncoming threat raced through his mind.

Scanning the trees, he spotted it. A tiny creature in a grey cloak clutching a bulging sack. Reacting with the precision that comes from decades of hunting in the untamed wilds he reached for a bolt and raised his crossbow.

The world moved in slow motion. Had the foul being completed its task? Was that his son in the bag? What if he hit the bag by mistake, or...

Thunk. The creature screamed as a steel bolt lodged into it's right hand. Dropping the sack it fled into the undergrowth.

A few minutes later a half dressed militia squad stumbled onto the scene. One of them kicked aside the empty bag. 'Nothing to see here' she shrugged and the squad made their way back to the safety of the underground.

The hunter smiled grimly. Job done. No children were taken this day. And none of the fortress would have to deal with the stress of discovering the remains of one of their own at the fortress entrance.

(playthrough of fortress mode today in which a squad was slow, a hunter was damn fast and accurate and a dwarf snatcher was sent running into the night).
« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 03:57:30 am by Shonai_Dweller »

Fleeting Frames

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52775 on: September 09, 2018, 09:28:14 am »

@Senator Jim Death: I've noticed when chickenrunning in aquifer that the miner doesn't stop climbing up when on dry staircase and onlys stops when reaching the top (bit annoying, that).


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52776 on: September 09, 2018, 09:52:02 am »

A terrifying Roc swooped down out of the sky, and attacked one of my original settlers, who valiantly defended herself with her masterpiece pick, but succumbed to her injuries before my archers arrived to finish off the crippled Roc.

It is the 11th year of this fortress, and only 5 of the original 7 pioneers remain.

Pvt. Pirate

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52777 on: September 09, 2018, 10:57:27 am »

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The snowball beast left the map almost immediately in what I presume was shame.

Now, up on the surface, I have a farmer stuck up in a tree somehow.

No fruit gathering involved. Best as I can tell, a human tooth was in the "outflow edge" of the river, where sometimes the water is only 4 or 5 deep. I guess he pathed out there to get that tooth, the water deepened, and then--I don't know what. He canceled his job because of dangerous terrain. Maybe he was thrown up there. Maybe he got scared and ran up it. I don't know.
i beet he stumbled and fell up the tree :D
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52778 on: September 09, 2018, 02:22:36 pm »

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The snowball beast left the map almost immediately in what I presume was shame.

Now, up on the surface, I have a farmer stuck up in a tree somehow.

No fruit gathering involved. Best as I can tell, a human tooth was in the "outflow edge" of the river, where sometimes the water is only 4 or 5 deep. I guess he pathed out there to get that tooth, the water deepened, and then--I don't know what. He canceled his job because of dangerous terrain. Maybe he was thrown up there. Maybe he got scared and ran up it. I don't know.
Either the tree grew, or he dodged. Probably dodged.

My savage biome with Giant Keas/Bluejays/Flies/etc. frequently causes the little dorks to dodge up into a tree, at which point they can climb up and down the tree branches to ridiculously high Z-Levels, but refuse to come all the way down unless I either a) build a staircase up to their tree, or b) cut it down. Lately I've been choosing b) and hoping the little dorks survive the fall.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52779 on: September 09, 2018, 02:23:33 pm »

They're not dodging up, they're chasing the birds up due being vengeful at them.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52780 on: September 10, 2018, 12:33:00 am »

Today I started making a typical underground basecamp for one of my adventurers: a well appointed tavern, a stairway to the underworld, and a hefty stock of fine meals and various liquors. I jokingly named the fortress Goodbeer (a la Goodburger) and the mental image of Kel with a braided dwarvish beard going "welcome to Goodbeer, home of the Good Beer!" has made me more attached to this place than any fortress aforehand.

That's just background to explain the amount of pride I felt seeing a barkeep and her tavern full of unarmed visitors curbstomping a giant to death before my lever pull order could even get through.

Right after first contact:
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Moments before giganticide:
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« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 12:37:12 am by 《monty》 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52781 on: September 10, 2018, 04:25:28 am »

A new spring comes and the elven traders arrive into what is likely among their worst nightmares, a forest fire. A small group of panicking goblins rushes past oblivious to their presence, the last of a great siege now broken. Behind them a wall of flame rises up, growing and spreading rapidly it races to meet up with a second fire and block in the traders from reaching the fortress.

Unusually brave for elves not tempered in our training grounds they decide to rush the gap of fire. Past dozens of old burned stumps, past piles and piles of accumulated raw goblinite, past one flaming giraffe too slow to escape the blaze they ran for the ever closing opening. They almost didn't make it, arriving with only a few tiles left but the first among them passes safely into the already burned area. It was at that moment however that one of the trees at the very edge of the gap collapsed directly upon the elves scattering them and throwing several of them and their animals into the fire, they did not emerge.

Giving up their trade run the survivors turned and managed to escape the onrushing wall of death. All save for the one who got through, he was forced to continue his journy through the great smoldering husk that was once a forest. Stepping carefully among the piles of still semi-molten copper and charred corpses he continues to the oceanside beach that serves as a courtyard for our fortress. The elf descended through a short smoke filled tunnel, past a rhinoceros with it's thick hide riddled with goblin bolts and back legs spattered with magma bellowing it's last as it slowly died in a pool of it's own liquefied fat and boiling blood.

One can assume that this lone elf after having past such carnage and random death would have expected to find the beach littered with dwarven corpses, the workshops torn apart and the great doors into the fort knocked down leaving the unprotected entrance gaping open like a wound, a terrible miasma escaping from below. Imagine his surprise when he emerged from the tunnel to find the beach a buzz with happy activity. Squads of dwarves, elves and goblins training side by side in the sun. Bone carvers running about with every mismatched sock in the fortress before a truly massive mound of bones. And one very irritated looking broker followed by an even more irritated group of haulers now returning the elf friendly goods to their store room.

With not a pause or even a polite word this elf departed from the beach from the only other point of access, a bridge which extends over our small sliver of the ocean to the map edge. A bridge made of wood and known as THE PLANK which serves as a means of disposing of troublesome citizens...

Senator Jim Death

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52782 on: September 11, 2018, 11:49:57 pm »

Five giant bluejays started flying listlessly over my fort today. They haven't yet done anything harmful, but my outside workers are all scared to death. I order my couple of marksdwarf squads to shoot 'em. I don't expect miracles.

It went badly enough that one of my craftsdwarfs--not in the military--got fed up waiting for them: she (and her baby) charged outside, leaped up on a tree, and beat one giant bluejay to death with her hands. The marksdwarfs, meanwhile, I guess got bored of missing and wandered off to go train. Or ran out of ammo.
If it's not trying to be fun, it's not trying to be a video game.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52783 on: September 14, 2018, 03:48:47 pm »

Fairanvils, 2nd Felsite, 433

Uz Fatalmerged, a masked lovebird woman mercenary, applied for residence few years ago. I found the idea of tiny, flying mascot for militia hilarious, so naturally I accepted and recruited her to one of the squads. She seemed to have trouble with heavy armor so I had a set of tiny candy armor (awww!) custom made for her, and since most weapons are two-handed for masked lovebird... persons, I found an iron whip for her to train with.

That proved to be a great idea. As soon as she gained some skill with her new weapon, she started wreak untold havoc to armies laying regular sieges to Fairanvils. Indeed, the last thing many a goblin ever saw was something bright and colorful flying overhead, lashing from above through helm and skull like nothing.

But, it seems that even scarred and feathered death incarnates do, er, feel the urge from time to time. I only just noticed Uz going to a nest box and laying five "masked lovebird woman eggs" into it. Moments later a hauler came in and carried the eggs to a stockpile. Looking into stocks I saw that the stockpile had through the years accumulated quite a pile of these eggs, and that many of the eggs had found their way into roasts.

Apparently dwarves do love a good egg roast.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #52784 on: September 14, 2018, 05:31:27 pm »

I've wondered frequently just how intelligent egg layers would be handled in DF... I don't think I've read any specific study results.
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