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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5965907 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45270 on: January 06, 2016, 02:32:42 pm »

I think they did, but nothing of interest to me. Maybe I'll have better luck this coming year.

Man, these two 10x10 farms take up a lot of labor when harvest time comes. It's good that the children participate in the harvest, but I still need the little buggers to grow the fuck up and start hauling heavier objects and assembling traps and floors. Seriously, I've got 28 kids in a fort of 171, and it'll be 8 years before any of them can work. It's irritating.

I miss the features of the modest mod; I know there's some other dwarfs kicking around my fort who have good scholar skills that I'm unaware of, but like hell am I going to search through each and every one of them individually to find them.
Insert_Gnome_Here has claimed a computer terminal!

(Don't hold your breath though. I'm sitting here with a {x Windows Boot Manager x} hoping I do not go bezerk.)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45271 on: January 06, 2016, 02:50:32 pm »

The warriors successfully slay several goblins in their descent, netting a a new melee warrior for War Party Horse (while all the archers have been bundled into War Party Asp.) The warrior took up the spear of a slain goblin spearman, and War Chief Emung has earned the title of The Realm of Columns for his mounting kill count.

In fact, his granite bludgeon has proven a far more capable arm than Ngojo's quartzite axe. They even managed to slay an elk bird! That beast's hide will go to make chords, for the making of a small number of other weapons.

The warriors also discovered who truly leads the goblin tribe, a Warlord by the name of Stosbub Dreadevened, and the human warriors have likely slain one of his three closest comrades. Emung has retired for the night to sleep off the gash in his head, so hopefully Ngojo and the new arrival, Warrior Rilstud, can overpower the warlord's other two honor guards without injury and mop up the rest.

Meanwhile, birch trees fall. The abundance of fruits means that felling the trees would be... Wasteful. Especially considering that much could be used to purchase other needed supplies from the nomadic caravans.

EDIT: The next foe was beaten, though the goblin injured Rilstud. Thankfully the shaman can mend trivial injuries, though infection is an immense risk. Time to shear the sheep for medical supplies.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45272 on: January 06, 2016, 03:21:12 pm »

Speaking of injuries. Remember my finger bite victims from a few pages ago? Now, 10 fort years later, they still have an infection in their finger. It hasn't progressed any further though, not even on the dwarf that's very slow to heal.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45273 on: January 06, 2016, 03:29:31 pm »

Speaking of injuries. Remember my finger bite victims from a few pages ago? Now, 10 fort years later, they still have an infection in their finger. It hasn't progressed any further though, not even on the dwarf that's very slow to heal.

Infections I think act as a slowly-bleeding injury mechanically, or so I've heard, just sans blood. So tiny wounds aren't really likely to kill someone, while something like being gut-stabbed or their arm getting sliced open very well might do them in a year or two down the line.
Injuries treated, more or less. Emung refuses treatment for his head injury. Most assume he will be dead in two years time at most from infection, if not from violence.

A suit of elk bird leather scale armor was fashioned for the leader of War Party Asp, and War Party Horse moves to slay capybara for hides and meat, while the way out of the caves is secured against trolls. The last thing we need is the spring getting knocked over again.

Speaking of which, the cave itself is being put to use as housing, the now-two diggers carving the siltstone passage into usable rooms, including a tavern to draw in wanderers and give a proper place to make merry at their overall good fortune, as the land is clearly abundant with forage and game.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45274 on: January 06, 2016, 03:31:29 pm »

I seem to recall a bug that causes fingernail and toenail infections to never heal up because the tissue type they are made from has no healing rate set in the raws. I think you can work around it by editing the raws for your save to add a healing rate to that tissue type. Let me see what I can dig up.

EDIT: Ok, I think this will work, but I haven't tested it. Go to <your DF directory>/data/save/regionX/raw/objects/ and edit tissue_template_default.txt  (Where regionX is the region you're playing, like region1 or region42). Find the block that starts with [TISSUE_TEMPLATE:NAIL_TEMPLATE] and add a line to in that template  that says:

I'm fairly sure the order doesn't matter, just make sure it it before the next blank line.

This will give nails the same healing rate as shell or bone. If you want them to heal as fast as other tissue like skin, fat, muscle, eye, lung, pancreas, spleen, flame, or chitin, use 100 instead of 1000. Apparently lower numbers mean faster healing. Every tissue type that has a value is set to 100, except for shell or bone. And tissue that doesn't have a value apparently doesn't ever heal.

You probably also want to make the same addition to <your DF directory>/raw/objects/tissue_template_default.txt so it will be there in future worlds that you create.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 03:46:53 pm by khearn »
Have them killed. Nothing solves a problem quite as effectively as simply having it killed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45275 on: January 06, 2016, 04:32:31 pm »

Oh wow I had completely forgotten about that bug. That must be it in this case. Will try the fix, although I'm not sure if it will work on an existing dwarf.

EDIT: it seems to have worked: as soon as I booted up after the raw edit, all 3 finger victims rushed to hospital with a rest injury job. They then had their nails diagnosed, cleaned, sutured and bandaged by my medical team.

Now let's hope this does not cause the infection to start progressing to infection! or worse haha
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 04:40:34 pm by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45276 on: January 06, 2016, 05:26:20 pm »

The best thing the elves brought me this year was a black bear, and I am in no need of more animals. I stocked up on fruit, buckets, splints and crutches (because you never want to have a shortage of those last 3) and gave them some stone toys for their troubles. The migrant wave, however, brought something far more wonderful: A great prospective scholar (and his peasant wife)! Sure, he'll need to make a lot of mechanisms before he's a proper legendary mechanic, but you know what? The fact is that right now Optics Engineer, Fluids Engineer, Wordsmith, Writer and Reader are skills I cannot train right now, and he has those skills. His wife has no scholarly skills of any sort, but I'm thinking of making her a scholar anyways just so that they don't get unhappy from being apart.

Finally got that first block of 80 weapon traps done. Next thing to do: take down 80 stonefall traps and put up the next block of 80 weapon traps. It should go a lot faster this time thanks to a conveniently placed large serrated green glass disc stockpile. I'll also put up 3 weapon traps made from the goblins' own weapons, and 7 made from 70 spiked silver balls I've made on the side. Whenever the goblins come next, I'll be more than ready for them....
Insert_Gnome_Here has claimed a computer terminal!

(Don't hold your breath though. I'm sitting here with a {x Windows Boot Manager x} hoping I do not go bezerk.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45277 on: January 06, 2016, 06:58:07 pm »

I just got my first elf visitor, in 15 years of fortress existence. I get elf caravans every year, but all my hundreds of visitors so far have been goblins, humans and dwarves

It's a scholar: An elf doctor. She's born in the time before time, 378 years old (my worldgen ended at 250).
She's an adept wound dresses, great diagnostician, great surgeon, novice bone doctor, competent suturer, and skilled critical thinker.
She's now busy writing me a bookcase full of great medical guides. She's an expert writer and novice wordsmith.
Sadly, she's not even dabbling in teacher, but she is a great student.

I hope the bug where you can't assign full citizens to locations is fixed soon. I'd hate to lose her as a scholar, although I guess once she petitions for full citizenship, I could just make her gain some military skill with individual combat drilling, and then let her train with a squad of noobs, so she can get some teacher skills, while waiting on a bugfix.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45278 on: January 06, 2016, 07:16:26 pm »

I miss when the elves would bring several pages of cloth and wood. At least they consistently bring cool animals these days.

I've been playing with my longest-running fort so far - Cavestir. FPS death is beginning to set in so I put up a map just in case.

Decided to play in a "terrifying" biome, having had fun memories of harpies ripping my dwarfs to shreds before. Sadly, the "terror" seems to consist of blood rain, weird plants and not much else. Well, giant kea and keamen, but I don't think those are exclusive to evil lands. Drilled down to the caverns, which went pretty fast since we're in the forest and it's not that far down to the caverns, and found not one but two magma pipes reaching the first cavern layer.

Other highlights:

  • The blood rain seems to startle the dwarven caravan somehow, so they keep dropping huge piles of wares when they leave. I have enough vendor trash as it is, thank you. The elves are made of sturdier stuff, it seems.
  • In the first year, a kobold arrived, got shot and fell into the moat and died. I didn't put a drain in the moat so he's been lying there like some kind of twisted tourist attraction - and boy do the engravers and crafters like to depict 'ole Shreegus. It's him and some locally important night trolls on every engraving, figurine and statue.
  • A titan decided to pay a visit. Of course it was a web-spitting bird. Ten dead on our side, back when my army consisted of twenty-five. The year after, the world entered "The Age of the Goblin". I like to run small worlds, oh yes. Forgotten beasts still exist, as I saw a few years later.
  • Apparently there's a bug with exported wealth or I'd be due for some proper nobility. Instead I get other places' barons - two of my workers inherited the titles. Savescumming to check legends shows that one place was conquered entirely by the goblins, so I have a baroness of Nowhere tooling around.
  • Looking into building some temples for the individual gods. Pity that the civ doesn't have a death god with all the death going on, but I can borrow one from the humans, they have like four evil gods and the rest are ambivalent at best. Some kind of death metal civ.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45279 on: January 06, 2016, 07:55:59 pm »

The humans have brought me a single bag of hemp seeds. I don't know how many seeds that is, but I suspect I'll want to wait until I have a few more bags to start above-ground farming.

Edit: oh wait, I can just check in the kitchen. Okay, so I have 20 hemp seeds now. Still want to wait until I can get my hands on more.
Insert_Gnome_Here has claimed a computer terminal!

(Don't hold your breath though. I'm sitting here with a {x Windows Boot Manager x} hoping I do not go bezerk.)

Spehss _

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45280 on: January 06, 2016, 08:03:49 pm »

The humans have brought me a single bag of hemp seeds. I don't know how many seeds that is, but I suspect I'll want to wait until I have a few more bags to start above-ground farming.

Edit: oh wait, I can just check in the kitchen. Okay, so I have 20 hemp seeds now. Still want to wait until I can get my hands on more.
Couldn't you just plant the seeds you have, then once they're harvested and processed they'll make more seeds?

My fortresses always start with 5 or 10 plump helmet spawn and by the end of the first year I'll have 200+ of them.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45281 on: January 06, 2016, 08:10:56 pm »

Hm, I guess. I mean, the spot I've been eyeing for my aboveground (or more accurately, underground with a sunroof) farm is a fair ways away from the rest of my fortress, especially my plant processing hub. It would be a lot of effort to set up, so I don't want to start until I know I can go plowing ahead at full speed.

Then again, I do have all those whip vine seeds lying around....
Insert_Gnome_Here has claimed a computer terminal!

(Don't hold your breath though. I'm sitting here with a {x Windows Boot Manager x} hoping I do not go bezerk.)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45282 on: January 06, 2016, 09:09:30 pm »

Weaponsmith got a fey mood.  I forbade all the bars except steel... but unfortunately, she has a personal tin fetish.  I had to let her take a tin bar.

Hell, if nobody's suffocated because of it, it hardly counts as a bug! -- StLeibowitz


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45283 on: January 06, 2016, 09:22:06 pm »

I just finished a massive tower, now I'm looking at temple interior decoration, and probably some fort bling.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #45284 on: January 06, 2016, 09:37:26 pm »

Uh oh, the goblins showed up before I could finish my new weapon traps. This should be interesting......

Edit: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A goblin just got gelded by a copper mace in a weapon trap! This game is the greatest.

Mind if I sig this?
Edit: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A goblin just got gelded by a copper mace in a weapon trap! This game is the greatest.
Urist McLeader stopped eating Kitten Tripe : Creating God
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