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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 6244281 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40035 on: February 26, 2015, 03:35:51 pm »

I just spent the best part of 6 hours making an elaborate flooding system to get rid of the two Vampires that I didn't want eating my civillians that were held up in my prison. The system had but two major design flaws, the first being that I forgot that Vampires don't drown. The second being that I linked both the intake and outtake floodgates to the same lever... so I couldn't open up the release without flooding something.

I fixed it eventually, and got a Hammerer in the fort, temp banned the chains and 6 dead Dwarven Babies later 1 vampire is finally dead, and the other is in jail for 400 days, and will get 100 hammerings when they get released... so I look forward to that.

Also, the room right next to the prison is the Captain of the Guards' private quarters, so now his lovely engraved floor an all his other nice things are covered in mud... :D

edit: typos & fixed the format to make it more readable.
If you've got dwarf problems, I feel bad for you, son.
I've got 99 whales because I killed Urist with one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40036 on: February 26, 2015, 03:38:02 pm »

I'm now trying to power my pump stack with windmills. Turns out my whole setup is worthless because you can't stack them. In other news:

That's a captured FB, a lizard with spit that causes fever and drowsiness. This is going to be fun. Next time I catch an FB, I'll use a prisoner with a shield but no weapon. Luckily the FB disarmed him with a bite to the arm before he could hurt it - he did pretty well even without his sword.

EDIT: Goblins, a lot of them. Make that dead goblins. The only casualty was a cowardly voracious cave crawler.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 04:07:14 pm by TheFlame52 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40037 on: February 26, 2015, 08:50:15 pm »

Merchant1: Look, their trade depot is there.
Merchant2: Why they painted it red? It looks funny.
Merchant1: Doesn't matter. Let's unload the goods first.
The troglodyte head shakes The Troglodyte around by the head, tearing apart the head's muscle!

Risen Asteshdakas, Ghostly Recruit has risen and is haunting the fortress!

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40038 on: February 27, 2015, 12:00:57 am »

My unlucky shearer has returned to visit! Are all ghosts neutered, or is getting atomsmashed by a drawbridge a gelding blow?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40039 on: February 27, 2015, 12:18:06 am »

They are all neutered, for some reason, maybe because they don't have any tissue/organ anymore.
The troglodyte head shakes The Troglodyte around by the head, tearing apart the head's muscle!

Risen Asteshdakas, Ghostly Recruit has risen and is haunting the fortress!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40040 on: February 27, 2015, 02:50:56 am »

Sigh, those buzzards.

 I dropped various creatures into the pit with 4 blind cave ogres. The BCOs were peaceful until a buzzard was dropped in. The buzzad attacked the BCO and was beaten into buzzard pie.

Everyone hates buzzards, it seems.
The troglodyte head shakes The Troglodyte around by the head, tearing apart the head's muscle!

Risen Asteshdakas, Ghostly Recruit has risen and is haunting the fortress!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40041 on: February 27, 2015, 10:03:29 am »

The challenge presented to me was: 1x1 embark on a tundra with lots of neighbors; but only build from z-1 and above.

I gen a small world, short history, Highest: Civ, Sites, Savagery, Beasts?, and Minerals.
So I started a 1x1 embarked on a Joyous Wild Tundra with Goblin, Human, and Elves neighbor. 

I had to re-start once because I did not know that I cannot build a workshop or furniture within 6 tiles of the map edge. 

My current layout can house 100 dwarves each with a door and 1 coffer.  6 Farm Plots at 3x5, and built Kitchen, Still, Farmer's Workshop, Leather Worker, Butcher, Tanner, Loom, Clothier with "Leather and Cloth QSP;" and Quern.  No Presser and Jeweler yet.  I have Carpenter and Craft workshop with Wood Quantum Stockpile (QSP); Mason and Mechanic with Stone QSP; Wood Burner, Smelter, and Forge with "rest of stone and bars" QSP.

My dinning area is right in middle, and I can expand through my 3-wide hallways as needed. 

I embarked with 1 iron anvil, 1 copper pick, 100 logs; 40 bituminous coals, 40 malachite, 20 cassiterite, and 20 bismuthine to make bismuth bronze;
60 bauxite to build my surface entrance consisting of a 5x5x2 roofed tower entrance adjacent to a 7x9x2 roofed Depot; and using up-ramp + hatch for defense lockout.

I did cheese a bit to get more barrels via 6 each booze, 6 each seeds, 20x1 meat each, and 5x1 each sand bag.
Animals: 3 female + 2 male: cats, dogs, and turkey.  I have 24 poults now in a cage so I will have at least 24 leather by year 3.

I find the challenge is awaiting trade caravan for more wood, and stone, fuel for my forge because no trees grow on a tundra.  My farms are doing well, but with no stone and fuel source, it sucks.  And aquifer isn't in the z-2 when I dug an up/down stairs on level z-1; the z-2 did not say "damp".

I embarked with 0 skill points allocated.

I requested wood, stone, ores, leather, cloth, animals, and bolts from the liason.

I made 6x bismuth bronze serrated disc, and use those to trade with the caravan.  I got lots leather, cloth, some bars and blocks, some cut gems, and lots of food.  I did not have enough Lavish meals to trade this time.  I created 6x more serrated disc for next trade--I'm limiting it to this much; but I will probably use Lavish Meals later to buy metals.

My miner is level 10, and now doing individual drills.  He got the first kill, when a passing reindeer herb aggro my dogs. 

My Axe "militia commander" killed a Polar Bear being harrassed by one of my war dog watch.  A nice one-shot decapitation. 

My other remaining militia is a Speardwarf. I had to remove him from the squad because he is also my broker.  Now after the trade was done, he isn't wearing the bismuth bronze uniform, but he is doing individual drills now.

I have 10 beds set, but not setup as bedroom.  I'm down to 40ish logs.

It's beginning of Winter now, and I need to do:
- Sort through the migrants; Give nicknames, and recruit to squads.
- Set 10 more beds.  Only have 12 doors.  No coffer/chests made yet.
- Micro count barrels, why some empty barrels aren't going to the barrel stockpile?!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40042 on: February 27, 2015, 10:33:05 am »

First game back after about a year.  Embarked on a nice temperate forest biome.  Something to ease myself back into the game.  River flowing down from an off map mountain through a low canyon where the new home will be built.  Bathcanyon the brave colonists planned to name it.

Within a month of arriving everyone had been devoured by giant alligators.

I suppose that is what an untamed wilds zone gets you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40043 on: February 27, 2015, 10:59:10 am »

I hadn't done a cleansing in a while, so I hooked a lever up to my shared cage, sent in my military, locked the door, and pulled the lever.

Turns out over a hundred animals are bad for FPS. Also it turns out that over a hundred animals can overwhelm even legendary +5 militadwarves. Luckily they had steel armor, which deflected most of the blows. Even though each one has several pages of vengeance, they all came out fine and pretty happy. One swordsdwarf doesn't have a breastplate, so she got a bit torn up.

On another note, should I make Hammerlord Edem my hammerer? I think I'll make Spearmaster Doren the champion. They both deserve rewards, as they and my militia commander are the founding members of the military and the only dwarves with titles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40044 on: February 27, 2015, 11:22:53 am »

Half my millitary just mutinied on me! The newly founded Spear Squad and the Axe Squad decided to rebel after one of the Spear Squad members was beaten for disorderly conduct (to death, mind, but they haven't minded about this kind of thing before).
A quarter of the millitary died in the fight, one of which was that gelded Dwarf from way back when, who until now had been doing fairly well for himself, as-well-as one of my Swordmasters.
Another Swordmaster killed so many other Dwarves (serves them right for that totally uncalled for betrayal!) that he landed himself a nice title... he is now: "Likot Boremirrored, the Blockaded Trickery of Shooting".

Also, I've now got the all the Troglodytes on the map in cages, and we've found the magma ocean too! I'm thinking gladitorial arena for the next Vile Force of Darkness that arrives...
If you've got dwarf problems, I feel bad for you, son.
I've got 99 whales because I killed Urist with one.

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40045 on: February 27, 2015, 11:33:47 am »

Accidentally breached the third cavern before I had a hatch ready. Lots of bones. There's the body of Spezoslem, the crundle who infected a cave swallow woman to death. She probably killed him before she succumbed to lack of medicine, but because he's just a crundle and she's a sentient, he goes down in history while she is forgotten. Ain't it sad? I could put up a mock slab next to Spezoslem's in the tavern, if I knew which cave swallow woman she was. There isn't room for all of them.

And off to the side is Yellowgill, the sole survivor of all this tragedy, standing in the middle of the bones of his enemies and all his allies. The whole time I was waiting for a hatch to install, I kept the miners digging, and he never moved. Like he was frozen with PTSD. I guess if I don't make any sudden moves, he won't nut up. I think I'd like to capture him alive; is it possible to get him peaceable enough to let him wander around?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40046 on: February 27, 2015, 12:53:29 pm »

So far the thing that threatens to end my fortress more than anything is my own bloody millitary! They keep killing each other over beatings! The captain of the guard died in the last betrayal, so now Likot is in charge, given that she (Likot is female, a fact I wasn't aware of earlier xD) seems to be bloody immortal, and has been involved in ending every one of these fights himself.

Seriously, at the risk of jinxing it, this dwarf... she's dealt with vampires, forgotten beasts, the elf diplomat, cave ogres, goblin seiges and insane dwarves I don't think anything will knock her off any time soon.

Edit: hah! I just looked at my body pile in the aftermath and caught this "gem" in my animal stockpile:

I'm so sorry. xD
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 01:33:19 pm by Neo_Spade »
If you've got dwarf problems, I feel bad for you, son.
I've got 99 whales because I killed Urist with one.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40047 on: February 27, 2015, 01:36:39 pm »

I recently embarked in an interesting location: a river running into an enormous chasm, some 30 z-levels deep (the base of the waterfall is littered with pieces of exploded carp).
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)

This thing should be dammed, ASAP:
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)

Now, here's a little quiz for you:

1. How long did it take to fill the reservoir to the brim?
Spoiler: Answer (click to show/hide)

2. How long will it take to drain the reservoir down to the lowest level? (there are two 1x4 outlets, one at the base of each dam)
Spoiler: Answer (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40048 on: February 27, 2015, 04:48:13 pm »

I'm replacing my old crundles with new ones since these ones aren't laying enough eggs for my taste. I want some baby crundles now that I modded them in.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #40049 on: February 27, 2015, 05:06:55 pm »

I just had a Goblin seige, the army killed them down to three already retreating crossbowmen, and only one rookie hammerdwarf died...
then an entire squad of Swordmasters just decided to jump into a moat and kill themselves... now I need to get all their armour back... which won't happen until the brook and moat freeze over in about a months time...

edit: typos.
If you've got dwarf problems, I feel bad for you, son.
I've got 99 whales because I killed Urist with one.
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