Those cunning devils... Knowing they can't defeat us in battle, they have taken to attacking our minds.
I get sieged constantly by goblins. They come with almost every caravan so I have gotten quite proficient at turning large forces of goblins into large piles of corpses. They never manage to kill more than a couple of dwarves each seige but they have this uncanny ability to make sure its somebody that mattered. First it was my legendary mechanic who was caught resetting traps from the previous battle. Then it was my irreplaceable legendary glass maker who was collecting sand.
Fool me
once twice...
So I tightened security and assigned war dogs to my important dwarves who aren't allowed to go outside for any reason anymore. Left with no way to directly target my VIP dwarves the goblins resort to psychological warfare. Their next victim was one of my original 7 dwarves who had grown into a fine weapon and armor smith during the course of our long war. He was depressed over the recent loss of his long time friend, the legendary glass maker. Coincidentally, his skill with the forge had just reached the point where he could create his first masterwork weapons.
The clever goblins set their plan in motion sending in a couple of volunteers to taunt my marksdwarves. They were promptly turned into pincushions as the hail of masterwork silver bolts found their mark. Instead of staying to fight, the goblins cleverly bolted for the edge of the map taking with them a great many masterwork bolts. Apparently the "theft" of the bolts imbedded in those filthy goblins was the final straw. My smith snapped like gorilla on PCP right in the middle of the grand hall. In his mad rage he made the mistake of attacking the most skilled hunter in the fort who just happened to be accompanied by a pack of war dogs. Needless say he died a truly gory death in front of everyone. Apparently half of them were his friends and loved ones.
Not quite done with the clean up, the seasons changed, a new caravan was heralded and as expected the goblins returned. This time they targeted another member of the original 7, my legendary appraiser and broker. The bloody battle was won with the loss of a mere two dwarves, but there are a lot of dead animals thanks to enemy marksmen. I checked to see who they were and oddly enough the dwarves were just useless sheerers. I wasn't even done breathing a sigh of relief when my legendary appraiser/broker went stark raving mad.
Apparently he was a close friend of the fort's original smith who was the honored guest at the red dinner. It quickly became apparent what drove my broker over the edge. Those cunning goblins had executed the three war dogs I had assigned to protect him.

It also just so happens he was also our last mechanic. He was the backup for legend that we lost a few sieges back .
There is tension and miasma in the air. I smell a tantrum spiral coming. Two of the original 7 are dead. They appear to have been friends with everyone. Worse yet I realize all those damn wardogs that were supposed to keep my VIP dwarves safe are doing the exact opposite. They are perfect tantrum inducing suicide machines and the goblins exploited this weakness to great effect. Now the legendary crossbowman in charge of my marksmen is in the red as he mourns the loss of his damn dogs and he is friends with the mad broker.