Wallchance, year 133
We were ambushed by goblins, the heroes of Wallchance assembled, and sallied forth to beat back the wretched scum, while being aided by unnamed marksdwarves, many goblin bones were broken and many arrows were blocked, except one, Likot Cudgelcrew the Somber Sands of Neutrality, creator of Renowndoused the Venerable Miseries, the magnificent tetrahedrite earring, took an arrow to the
knee hand, she knew she would fall unconscious so she did a quick sprint, to show how tough she is, before succumbing to pain. In return her heroic mates left no survivors on the battlefield. Likot Cudgelcrew (the Somber... etc.) received some sutures, and she's back on the heroic business in full strength.
After realizing that my half-assed moat didn't have any purpose, other than giving some shelter to the goblins from crossbow fire, I decided that it would serve better as a spike moat, and if they survive the fall, they would have to navigate trough assorted traps, I will have to squeeze in some cage traps too, to train my dwarves with goblin prisoners. At least this is the plan, I only managed to drop the ceiling on a hammerdwarf and a farmer so far
Started arming a couple of civilians with crossbows, and some leather, bone, copper outfit, I lost another dwarf, who decided to walk trough some deadly FB extract, with a single boot on, while outfitting himself. Natural selection I guess.
That's correct: population number controls the population of a region, cluster size controls the number that can show up with a given group.
Then how can I have 4 dead gremlins in my fort? The raws are unedited, creature_standard has gremlin pop 1:1, I double checked.