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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969340 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28545 on: April 01, 2013, 03:44:51 am »


Spoiler: Look what I found! (click to show/hide)
Hello, there! Lemme just finish up these prison cells and I'll have you nicely settled in to be my bookkeeper/manager for ETERNITY.

Edit: Uh-huh. Nice try, buddy.

204, Granite 14
Well. 154 when he kicked the bucket. My fortress is 5 years old. Bloody migrants...!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 06:56:21 am by Lielac »

Lielac likes adamantine, magnetite, marble, the color olive green, battle axes, cats for their aloofness, dragons for their terrible majesty, women for their beauty, and the Oxford comma for its disambiguating properties. When possible, she prefers to consume pear cider and nectarines. She absolutely detests kobolds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28546 on: April 01, 2013, 07:27:00 am »

Just had a migrant show up with 370 goblin kills.  She is a weaver.  Yeah, I totally believe that.

Edit:  Also, I guess there is some kind of Vile Creature that already lives here.  She just slaughtered a wave of sixteen immigrants.
Them durn goblins kept tryin' to take my knittin'! So I says to mahself, "I got to do somthin' about this" and I slays the whole lot of 'em wit mah knittin' needles!

PDF urist master

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28547 on: April 01, 2013, 07:36:57 am »

i'm currently being sieged by goblins, but i had the "not so clever" idea to wall them out. now my dwarves have little to do and no fun. i'm currently building spear traps so the fun can continue.
We are not evil by choice, but evil by necessity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28548 on: April 01, 2013, 07:56:12 am »

The siege hasn't let up, I did manage to capture a fair number of the zombies (about 15) and one of the necromancers, so if they ever go home (it's been about a season so far) I'll have one less to worry about next time at least.
the undead and necromancers have no limit though, im into my 10th year and have captured around 20-30 necromancers; their all alive, stripped, and rotting in a cage on the "safe" level of my corpse grinder pits. I keep them since they have their uses.

my fort recently got attacked by 3 forgotten beasts in the past month, iunno if this rate of forgotten beast attacks is the normal rate, but i always seem to get a high rate of forgotten beast attacks. First one was a humanoid of limestone with deadly vapors that got caved in, second one was a great wasp with a poisonous sting and a small trunk (proboscis?) that managed to go past my cave-in trap and into my fort cuz it took so long to path into my fort that i stopped paying attention to it. The wasp died to 2 war rutherers that happen to be patrolling the stairwells (i have many small 1x1 meeting areas in place of 1 large one, so 1 adverse effect of that is that my stray un-penned animals tend to wander where dwarves work).

The third most funnest beast was my first deadly dust forgotten beast, a towering humanoid composed of onyx. I managed to trap it in my cave-in trap, but nothing happened when i pulled the "boom" lever. Realizing in despair that i forgot to replace the fortifications with raising bridges (i tried upgrading all my cave-in traps to my most refined design, there are multiple designs with the oldest being on my first cavern level), i took this as a sign from the forgotten beast gods that this particular one was meant for great deeds, to be something more than just another beast killed in a cave-in.

I've decided to weaponize Oggon the onyx storm of despair (note: in-game he is just called Oggon, yes, 1 name, but i think he deserves more names) and have a room being constructed where he sits behind a fortification and uses his dust on goblin prisioners.

But i have a question for you guys, i've been wondering, does the dust persist on the goblin corpses? would the dust still be deadly since it might get into the water and onto the floor in smears and pools? i've never really experimented or tried this kinda stuff so i have no idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28549 on: April 01, 2013, 08:00:20 am »

How did you call up the dwarven justice screen?
Dabbling Overseer


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28550 on: April 01, 2013, 08:24:28 am »

How did you call up the dwarven justice screen?


[z], and then it's one of the several options up top that can be chosen between using the arrow keys. The wiki says it only comes up once you've appointed a sheriff or captain of the guard, but I saw it before that. It might require a mayor or a certain number of dwarves.

In personal news:


We have struck magma and adamantine! I'm either going to make a pump stack to get the magma up to where I want it, or make a spiral ramp down to where it is. I can do either, I've got enough room straight down to the sea for it.

...Probably a pump stack. I haven't done anything ‼dwarfy‼ to in this fort yet.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 08:29:22 am by Lielac »

Lielac likes adamantine, magnetite, marble, the color olive green, battle axes, cats for their aloofness, dragons for their terrible majesty, women for their beauty, and the Oxford comma for its disambiguating properties. When possible, she prefers to consume pear cider and nectarines. She absolutely detests kobolds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28551 on: April 01, 2013, 08:46:27 am »

I seem to have acquired a ghost I can't put to rest... He was an axe dwarf, before he took a bolt to the face (one of about 20 casualties in a huge three-way fight between a squad of goblin marksmen, some left-over zombies, and my military, from which almost no one escaped).
I tried to make a slab for him, but he doesn't appear on the list for engraving. When I was checking my coffins, I noticed he has a coffin assigned to him, but it's empty. Looking at all my stocks and body parts, it appears his body was completely decimated... Or he was reanimated and wandered off the map. He's not one of the twenty-nine or so zombies I have decorating the cavern either.Regardless of what happened to his body, it leaves me with an annoying ghost floating around my trade depot harassing whoever wanders past. At least he isn't violent, just very annoying.

Speaking of dead dwarves, I also lost 3 to a forgotten beast (A giant green-scaled fly) with a nasty vapour- the three dwarves who got caught in it for a few rounds of combat died before their was even a task generated to bring them to the hospital or diagnose them. They suffocated. Luckily it's ichor and body seem to be pretty safe so it shouldn't get out of hand.

Cleaning the map is going disappointingly slowly. With all the deaths, and the lack of trade from all the zombies, my population is down to 72 and migrant waves seem to be coming slowly. I really want to clean up all the bodies, though, and get them 12 levels down in the refuse and corpse stockpiles, far from the influence of these damned necromancers.

My engravers have finally reached legendary status, and one of them seems to be legend+5, since he is spamming my announcements with masterpieces, so I should be able to keep any tantrum spirals at bay by making even the tiniest bedrooms look good.

With all the dead merchants and a few dead goblins, I have come across a bit of usable armour metal, not enough to outfit a full military, but at least some of them have some mail now, which is better than they were.

I'm starting to consider abandoning, though, as the lack of any good metals means I depend on the caravans a lot, and the constant ambushes and sieges make trade impossible. I'm expecting the humans and elves to start attacking any time now, since all of their caravans that have come here have not returned. Most of them find their way into my corpse stockpile, or rotting in my zombie collection.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28552 on: April 01, 2013, 09:10:20 am »

I seem to have acquired a ghost I can't put to rest...

I'm starting to consider abandoning, though, as the lack of any good metals means I depend on the caravans a lot, and the constant ambushes and sieges make trade impossible. I'm expecting the humans and elves to start attacking any time now, since all of their caravans that have come here have not returned. Most of them find their way into my corpse stockpile, or rotting in my zombie collection.

yea, caravan guards cant be put to rest if their corpse is missing, see what kind of ghost it is, and use dfhack tog et rid of it if it is a violent ghost or something really bad.

and why abandon such a fun settlement? goblin siege + elven siege + undead walking=massive amounts of fun in 1 season

i'd just build a wall and wait till they kill each other and clean up. Though that might not be such a swell idea as the necromancers would probly get a massive consider building archer towers to cover most parts of the map, necromancers' only weakness is non-lethal cunning traps or at its simplest, cage traps, as well as ranged attacks.

Tarqiup Inua

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28553 on: April 01, 2013, 09:21:25 am »

Fended off first goblin ambush along with minotaur (pastured animals served as their target practice while my marksdwarves picked them off), buried first 4 dwarves, made piles of charcoal, started melting things into metal bars, breached an aquifer...

...what am I supposed to do with all those dwarves, again? It's so hard figuring out which ones to draft into military and which ones should I keep..

I started giving them custom professions starting with '+ ', medics end with "cloth character", starting seven starts with two exclamation marks and there is still so much mess in it. I wonder if I should abandon the fort and start anew. This one has all it needs but I just feel something is lacking... it's not perfect, yet...
Nuri al-Gnat - dwarven apidologist
notable works: al-Gnat's test (for determining the child snatcher's ability to pass undetected while getting stung by bees... or at least look human while at it)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28554 on: April 01, 2013, 09:34:17 am »

I seem to have acquired a ghost I can't put to rest...

I'm starting to consider abandoning, though, as the lack of any good metals means I depend on the caravans a lot, and the constant ambushes and sieges make trade impossible. I'm expecting the humans and elves to start attacking any time now, since all of their caravans that have come here have not returned. Most of them find their way into my corpse stockpile, or rotting in my zombie collection.

yea, caravan guards cant be put to rest if their corpse is missing, see what kind of ghost it is, and use dfhack tog et rid of it if it is a violent ghost or something really bad.

and why abandon such a fun settlement? goblin siege + elven siege + undead walking=massive amounts of fun in 1 season

i'd just build a wall and wait till they kill each other and clean up. Though that might not be such a swell idea as the necromancers would probly get a massive consider building archer towers to cover most parts of the map, necromancers' only weakness is non-lethal cunning traps or at its simplest, cage traps, as well as ranged attacks.

Oh, the constant fighting isn't the issue, I'm considering abandoning because of the lack of military-grade metals, If I had access to at least bronze on-site (without trading) I wouldn't mind, but as is all I've found is one vein of malachite (which I hope leads to more) and more silver than I can keep track of. No tin for bronze, no iron. If the map were less hectic I would just make silver and gold trade goods and buy armour every year from the caravans, but I've gotten two dwarven caravans in 5 years, and neither of them have made it off the map alive, and the humans have never made it off the map, so I think they'll be sending sieges, not merchants, in the future.
I found the copper after that last post, so I'm definitely reconsidering now. It's not much, but at least I can make SOME armour now, and usually one vein means there will be more, so I might be able to get ~20-30 full suits of copper armour now, which is a step up from having most of my combat dwarves in nothing but leather and a few in some scraps of metal armour scavanged from the humans and goblins.

In the mean time, I've started a collection of zombies. I have 31 right now, a few even have proper names. Oh, and that one necromancer. I'm using them to decorate, and remind my dwarves what they're up against. Don't want them getting complacent in the odd season or two the dead aren't scratching at the doors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28555 on: April 01, 2013, 09:44:28 am »

no way pls dont abandon, most forts do not have iron or access to tin (my fort is one of them as well) just dig down to the candy and make some greaves and mail shirts out of that. Make all the iron you can get into steel and make your lighter armor parts such as gauntlets, helms, and high boots out of steel. Also try to make bismuth bronze instead of normal bronze whenever you can, it saves on tin and results in higher value armor.

start training up some armor smiths, or 1 armor smith and melt down all old armor as his skill increases, theres a melt yield chart on the wiki and some armors actually yield more bars when melted than they were made from, so make those armor types until you can make masterworkers and keep re-melting until all you have is masterworkers.

oh and be very careful dragging the necromancers around, i usually transfer them to a isolated stockpile via cages and put them all in 1 cage, they can revive stuff even if being dragged, which most likely leads to their hauler being killed by the undead and the necromancer running amok inside your fort reviving stuff.

oh yea, and you mentioned you had silver? those make great maces for mace dwarf squads, and are especially effective against the undead due to their blunt damage.

PDF urist master

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28556 on: April 01, 2013, 09:58:17 am »

fended off a goblin siege with the most boring method possible: waiting. did manage to capture some war animals for target practice. some goblin mountmen were stuck in my trap corridor. they were no match for the spike traps. eleven caravan just showed up.
We are not evil by choice, but evil by necessity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28557 on: April 01, 2013, 10:10:15 am »

no way pls dont abandon, most forts do not have iron or access to tin (my fort is one of them as well) just dig down to the candy and make some greaves and mail shirts out of that. Make all the iron you can get into steel and make your lighter armor parts such as gauntlets, helms, and high boots out of steel. Also try to make bismuth bronze instead of normal bronze whenever you can, it saves on tin and results in higher value armor.

start training up some armor smiths, or 1 armor smith and melt down all old armor as his skill increases, theres a melt yield chart on the wiki and some armors actually yield more bars when melted than they were made from, so make those armor types until you can make masterworkers and keep re-melting until all you have is masterworkers.

oh and be very careful dragging the necromancers around, i usually transfer them to a isolated stockpile via cages and put them all in 1 cage, they can revive stuff even if being dragged, which most likely leads to their hauler being killed by the undead and the necromancer running amok inside your fort reviving stuff.

oh yea, and you mentioned you had silver? those make great maces for mace dwarf squads, and are especially effective against the undead due to their blunt damage.

Like I said, in a calmer map, the lack of metals wouldn't be an issue, because I'd be able to trade to make up the difference, but the constant sieges and attacks make actually trading for things difficult. I've found some more copper so I'm going to see if that holds up. The undead aren't prone to using weapons, so even copper may be good enough for most of them save the occasional skeletal water buffalo. Goblins and Elves I'm not too worried about, I've been killing them since the world was flat (started playing before Z-levels were implemented), and I'll prob. keep killing them for as long as DF is around.

Weapons aren't a problem, I have more silver than I care to track, and a legendary weaponsmith, I could have enough masterpiece silver blunt weapons to arm my entire population twice over.

It's really just a case of wondering if the frustration from being so choked for supplies is worth the fun of constant attacks.

Oh, and the necromancer is fine, he's locked in a fancy silver cage sitting just outside the barracks. He doesn't have a line of sight to any of the food production or refuse areas, and if he does bring something back to life there's always at least 6 active dwarves near the barracks, So he's pretty harmless.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28558 on: April 01, 2013, 10:18:01 am »

thats the thing though, you can get your resources from the other civs peacefully via trade, or violently via war. Either way, humans still bring metal with them either in their caravans or looted off the dead bodies of their soldiers from their attempted sieges. Elves never bring metals either way so unless you need wood, then offending them is perfectly fine.

Sieges interrupting caravans are annoying yes, but it means the siegers bring free metal armor into your map since they wear it; i have a system of inter-connected raising bridges for the edge of my map in my fort so i can wall off goblin retreaters and reap all the goblinite i can from attempted sieges.

For necromancer sieges that dont give you any items i drop the living undead down a chute so they explode and yield useable bones, and send the dead corpses to the corpse grinder after they become skeletons so that also yields useable bones.
the corpse grinder:

also its important to note that humans and elves will never interrupt dwarven caravans, since they only siege in the summer and spring respectively.

oh and OT:
i recently had a pack of 4 gremlins and 11 gremlin children run loose in my fort, in a wild gremlin breeding project gone horribly wrong (i was dismantling the project so new wild animals would spawn, so had my miner mine out a controlled passage to their room filled with spikes and cage traps, but the miner wouldnt mine the tile for weeks so i stop paying attention and forgot to forbid a certain door that the miner used after he DID finally mine it out). I managed to kill most of them with my single squad of marksdwarves and some of them also ran into the war rutherers and jabberers that freely roam my fort. Gremlins are modded with their trapavoid removed so i also caught a few that tried to flee into the caverns, im gonna tame the gremlin boy and girl i have and execute the 2 adults i re-captured.

Luckily no levers were pulled in the incident, no forgotten beast *cough* Oggon the onyx storm of despair (ability: deadly dust, composition: onyx humanoid) *cough* was released.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 10:31:09 am by Catsup »

Loud Whispers

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28559 on: April 01, 2013, 10:35:31 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
These showed up within a day of each other on Silentthunders. Contingency plans, always. The first one, the Tick is a Titan that I do not doubt will either be captured or taken down by my Soldier Dorfs.

The giant tanzanite buddha vomiting poisonous gases everywhere?

Not so sure about that one. Luckily I've gotten it sealed away, hopefully.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Here goes nothing...

R. Ingish leads the assault.
The Tick rears up to bite her and she shoves her sword down its throat through its mouth. She hacks off one of its legs and is sent sprawling three tiles away with a powerful kick to the head which severs the upper spine's nerves.
Marksdwarves open fire, hitting and immobilizing every single leg on the Titan. It falls over. It lashes out at the closest Dwarf, C. Thob. Thob scrambles away, coated in webbing.
The Marksdwarves are proving highly effective, the Tick appears strained with torn muscles and torn guts brought from the many bolts.
Thob drives his spear into the Titan from behind - he is only a novice speardwarf, a rare civilian in a Fort full of soldiers. All do their duties to the Fort. Dwarves are caught in the web, Ingish is breathing harsher and coarser.

It is surrounded in Dwarves. It cannot escape. Bolts slam into its sides, from behind, from below and everywhere.
Then came the picks. The hammers. The axes, the spears, the maces, the morningstars, the swords, the teeth, the cold.

It had wandered the world since the time before time and now it watched with strange peculiarity as it saw children clambering over its slowly dying shell. Its eyes closed as Udib Minefaint sunk his teeth into his head, tearing a part of his brain out triumphantly.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

How much meat do you think's on that thing?

Ingish Anvilshake is dead. Her body was found by Stukos Anvilshake, her only daughter. Much sads.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 12:32:51 pm by Loud Whispers »
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