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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969337 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28125 on: March 05, 2013, 03:23:02 pm »

in winter of year one, the beakwolves fell upon us. In panic at the only armed dwarves being asleep or in one's case, damn near dead from no water, Cathay, one of the migrants and the second oldest daughter of one of the pikedwarves, hastily forged three chopping axes from mithril, welded cobalt, and deep bronze for herself, her father, and her older brother. These three dwarves were all that stood between the fortress and the probing horde of beakwolves.

Whether or not they'll claim victory has yet to be seen.

EDIT: They claimed victory with not more then bruises, killing the beakwolf probe to the man, resulting in 13 dead invaders. But their victory was not yet complete, and the axedwarves found themselves facing off against a dark strangler assault force. The father, Typhoon, earned a title in killing 8 of the monsters while his son slew the rest, though Cathay proved to be a quick learner of the ways of punching the fuck out of things and strangling the life out of them.

Back to work while the others work on smelting cobalt to make some proper weapons.

EDIT II: Well, violence solved our problem. 17 dark stranglers came at us and only one escaped and only because he bit the sergeant's foot and ran like hell while his buddies got sliced to ribbons by the sergeant's kids.

Dodged a bullet with a retch fiend. Didn't know it was about to crawl into my fort when I hit the access switch to button up the cavern area and it faceplanted into a good solid obstacle. Whole bunch of the little bastards and they strike me as noticeably sturdier than a strangler.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28126 on: March 05, 2013, 04:52:46 pm »

*Meanwhile, at SplashCanyon*

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The dammed-up artificial lake has now been weaponized!

Note that in these pictures, the slope itself is only 1-2 tiles wide, the rest is just water flying through the air. Lovely! Sure, it'd be better if it was magma, but I'll take what I can get, and I had all this water handy, sooo...
Really kills my fps, but it might come in handy if I can just lead the goblins along the right path...

Edit: Oops, I maybe should've ordered my dwarves inside first... Got one drowned hunter and one weaponsmith that has been missing for a week now... Ah well, can't have progress without a few sacrifices eh?
Edit2: Uh... make that two hunters, one fisherman, and one weaponsmith. Whatever, was getting a bit crowded.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:56:03 pm by Flanderbland »
"And Armok said to Urist: I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beer and the magma."


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28127 on: March 05, 2013, 06:18:04 pm »

Well once again I suffer from not-enough-going-on-at-once-itis, and have generated a world for the specific purpose of seeing how long I can last on a terrifying glacier embark.

I am sadly disappointed so far, there has been no sightings of undead, no evil weather, and the glacier itself has not offered any other challenges besides the lack of water and ores.

Updates to come.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28128 on: March 05, 2013, 09:12:50 pm »

I designated every worn out piece of clothing in Metalsnakes to be dumped into a single tile, along with a few troublesome corpses. A year and a half later and I still have no idlers, and they're still dumping. My fault, I think. The atom smasher is kinda far away. I also got tired of my vampire sitting in a cell doing nothing. So, I assigned him some nice clothes and have mostly smoothed out his new office and bedroom. Once that's done I'll fill it with fine zinc furniture (his favorite), dump some good clothes and maybe a craft or two from above, and have it masterfully engraved. Then I'll seal him up with a nice zinc block wall and make him the book keeper.

The blind cave ogre we have pitted below the prison seems to be rather weak. I dropped maybe three kittens and a baby goat down there and they scratched him to hell and back and exhausted the poor bastard. He got one kitten and I had to finally let the rest of them out. They're still kicking around, I think. Now I throw him animals one at a time. Once the elves finally get the balls to attack me (three, four caravans slaughtered so far) I'll cage them up and get him a name/start making some history. Do creatures skill up from battle, or just get better names? I wanna know if my ogre will get stronger.

The GCS silk farm I've set up has produced quite a lot of web, but since everyone's dumping socks one at a time it hasn't gotten done yet. Legendary clothesmakers, though.

The one-armed devil Baroness of Metalsnakes, Oddom Konadetur Rithlutaned Bāsen, continues to blast fools with her hammer. This includes scattering the teeth of the latest elf caravan horse all over the depot. If only she could get rid of the increasing number of diplomats hanging out in the fort. Some have been here for years, and I think they're bugged. She does the Conduct Meeting job with them, but they never get done. I guess she gets interrupted by military duty..? I don't want to off these diplomats, I like trading with them.

And finally, I think I have a poultry industry running. Forbidding a nest box doesn't apply to the birds, does it? I just want the eggs to hatch.
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow dwarf is either a fool or a coward. Whoever can not take care of themself without that law is both. For a wounded dwarf shall say to his assailant, "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven." Such is the rule of honor.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28129 on: March 05, 2013, 09:56:29 pm »

Well, this place only seems to reanimate the dead. Not a big deal, right?

This is the saga of a lone horse, lost in the caverns after it strayed too far from the walls. He wandered away during construction of the initial barricade, and I figured he could wander the caverns and report what was to be found. Hoo boy did he find something... he stumbled on the nest of a Giant Cave Spider. The spider bit him in the throat, severing the arteries and causing him to spray blood everywhere. He dies from the venom injected during that attack, and the spider goes back to hiding.

A few minutes later, I see a combat report that the horse corpse is fighting a troll. I zoom in on the action, and watch a troll get kicked in the skull repeatedly. The troll corpse promptly rises up, and the two zombie-buddies proceed to the nearby cave swallow people camp, and try to take over. A few cave swallow people die, and resurrect, but are taken down by their tribemates. The horse corpse and troll corpse are joined by several more bird people, and now my entire first cavern level is full of shambling dead.

Now I have to trap all this crap to be rid of it.

At least the housing development is coming along nicely - I'm making a few little slate shacks in the isolated bit of the caverns, hopefully that works well enough for the general mood of the place. 


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28130 on: March 05, 2013, 10:06:59 pm »


The dark elves attacked today, following an elven caravan in. They were detected by the butcher, who was venturing out to pick up a felled log. He was chased down and killed by lashers. The mayor, who was similarly outside, ignored my immediate recall of all civilians into the inside burrow, and he died, most painfully, when two legs and a hand were hacked off by the dark elven sword master leading the assault. They were prevented from further destruction when the war dog pack attacked. Three hounds gave their lives to buy the militia time to rally, and the dark elves were driven off, four killed and the three others severely wounded. My danger room-trained militia handled them easily - only one swordsman received wounds - a torn open right arm.

The kills belonged to a crossbowman, swordman, spearman, and hammerman, all of whom immediately returned to training. I was disappointed by my Legendary Swordsman/Shield User/Fighter/Armor User Militia commander failing to get any kills, but it's all okay, I guess.

Time to bury Diamondwasp's dead, and return to work.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28131 on: March 05, 2013, 10:51:30 pm »

The champion of Wheeledmoment is dead. She dodged away from a honey badger and over the lip of the volcano. I have assigned her the tomb next to our late baron and will be filling it with memorials and statues of her. She was the militia commander for 22 years. In that time she only made 57 notable kills but for much of it she had no use of her legs. May Dumat Ringrevered the Hoary Shield rest in peace. And may her lover Shem Windfortress the Flimsy Priest not go insane.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28132 on: March 06, 2013, 01:48:30 am »

A vile force of darkness has arrived!

My fortress' western wall is right up against the edge of the embark, so of course the goblin crossbow squad had to spawn there. On a whim I'd been having my mechanics scatter weapon traps across the fields outside my fortress, and the poor mechanic who was out there loading the crossbow trap on the corner of my fortress got shot. So of course he falls unconscious right on top of the crossbow trap he had just loaded. With masterwork copper bolts (hey, I have a zillion of them). Wonderfully ironic.

Couple baby snatchers came round later. Two were dispatched by my military, one got away with a kiddie, and I discovered another couple corpses lying on strategically scattered weapon traps... Good riddance.

Got attacked by a minotaur. I was hoping he'd be the first victim of my my brand new dodgeme trap bridge over troubled waters menacing iron spikes, but instead he got his brain torn by the very first spiked green glass ball trap. Oh well, maybe next time.

Managed to clog up my garbage chute by designating it a pond in an attempt to wash some of the blood off of it. Forgot that it dumps into the very edge of the magma pool, so instead of the collapsing cave-in I now have to send down a miner into the cavern layer and channel it out...

As a side note, do weapon traps not hit as hard as a creature wielding the same weapon could? My crossbow traps are generating a lot of "tearing the skin" messages, which don't jibe with the "chipping the bone" messages I've been getting from my marksdwarf squad.
...and have a fortress protected by weaponized killer trousers. No need for an army. When goblins arrive, just deploy the pants.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28133 on: March 06, 2013, 04:41:50 am »

Please excuse ze french accent, we are pretending to be french to avoid capture.
So I shall say zis only once.  Our crack infiltration team have joined ze rezistance. we are currently holed up in ze back room of a human cafe.  We are in a major human town zat at some point in ze past was partially subjugated by goblins, or ze goblins were enslaved and now live with ze humans.  Anyway, zere are 7 of us and 500 of zem, so we sneak about, keeping ze doors locked, avoiding ze patrols.

HQ has sent some assistance, most of zem don't make it as we dare not make contact until darkness
A supplies unit arrived and made it to our makeshift depot, but upon leaving 1 of zem went round in circles for about 2 months, then went nuts.  Ee is still zere banging ez head against ze doors of ze main keep.

We have acquired some weapons, and will keep doing so until ze day we can rize up and overthrow ze humans.

(explanation:  I embarked inside a human building in a town [using just_embark utility] and immediately locked the doors and dug for the sewers - discovered an aquifer to make things harder and am just now starting to get some training done so we can carry out some selective murders in order for migrants to arrive. FPS is awful at around 20, but I'm thinking I might be able to make it go up in this embark as I reduce the native population  ;D )


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28134 on: March 06, 2013, 04:58:35 am »

Migrants came a good time; I'd decided to name dorfs randomly, some after old characters, some after Bay12ers, some after preferences. Neonivek died from neglect just before migrants came with whom I named Treebane, a no-skill peasant. He shall replace the dehydrated woodsdorf. Two hunters also came at an opportune time, as a small herd of unicorns are in the area.

Wound up with a wrestler, another peasant (both he and Treebane are macedwarves by trade it seems) and a few nonambusher marksdorfs. In the end, I got a bunch of potential recruits, haulers, and a nearly doubled population to 36.

We gon die if we don't get more food I think...

EDIT: First hunter went out, and only fired a single shot.

He fucking oneshotted a moving unicorn. If that's what he does to things he wants to eat I don't wanna know what he'll do to things he wants dead for annoying him.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28135 on: March 06, 2013, 09:53:28 am »

Clearly he has been blessed by Kynareth. No Idea if I spelled that right...

Last night my fortress recieved migrants, some of whom landed themselves in the militia or fortress guard, and others in various labors. I still have a very low ratio of idlers, which means I still need MOAR DORFS. Or maybe less for them to do, but that isn't gonna happen because I NEED the ore processed into metal to be processed into armor and weapons (especially armor) and I NEED the butchered animals' remains hauled to the appropriate stockpiles and I NEED fresh clothing and a heap of tanned hides. And We also need the walls upgraded, as part of my megaproject, but as it stands they keep invaders out (for the most part) and prevent most LOS for enemy marksmen, so that isn't our highest priority imaginable, but it is still important. Right now the biggest concerns regarding invasions are that we routinely receive necromancer and elemental mage sieges, including hordes of undead, and ambushes form the various hostile civs, who routinely beat the crap out of the undead hordes. I would like, however, to see these threats dealt with more rapidly and with fewer casualties, so the militia needs new armor, and I need to finish my trap network.

I think I'll build a glass roof for the keep. Glass windows as well. Then I'll have some pits dug into walkways throughout the fortress to provide light to the deepest interiors. Should avoid cave adaptation, although everybody gets appropriate amounts of sunlight anyway, but it should also look cool as shit.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28136 on: March 06, 2013, 10:36:46 am »

Clearly he has been blessed by Kynareth. No Idea if I spelled that right...

You got it.

Nothing major going on, construction of the shacks progresses well, especially after the last migrant wave. Everything in the first cavern level is dead / zombified, and driving me nuts. Got to get a smasher built, but I don't want to lose any chance of capturing spiders so I think I'll just build a trap chamber, and hope for the best.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28137 on: March 06, 2013, 11:59:11 am »

All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28138 on: March 06, 2013, 12:47:45 pm »

Mildly annoyed now, mostly because of things related to my, up until now, awesome tidal wave weapon.

Turns out I have a vampire, so I promptly figured out who it was, drafted him and stationed him at an ideal location to try my new weapon.

Ordered everyone else inside (so I wouldn't repeat the mistake from last time where several dwarves drowned), and pulled the lever.

As the huge mass of water descended upon the vampire, I noticed two things:

1. Vampires do not drown.
2. More annoyingly, it seems that units aren't swept away, or even thrown off balance, by water. The only thing that happens is that they become less mobile. This seriously limits my enthusiasm for this as a weapon, since I imagined hordes of goblins being swept away by a gigantic flood. Sure, they'll probably still drown, but that won't be as cool...

As for my vampire, I think I'll drop a cave roof on his head, I need to do some landscaping anyway...

Edit: I thought the vampire would at least be annoyed by this. But nooo. "Dracula McVampire has been ecstatic lately. He was comforted by a lovely waterfall lately". Great, I made him happier.
Edit2: Operation "Crush the Vampire" is... somewhat successful. Yes, the vampire got crushed to a bloody pulp, all well so far. But then I went to mine out the remaining layer (I dropped two z-levels on his head), and for some reason there was another cave-in... killing two of my three miners. Ouch. No idea why that happened.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 01:42:20 pm by Flanderbland »
"And Armok said to Urist: I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beer and the magma."


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28139 on: March 06, 2013, 02:44:18 pm »

Welp, the family took to the field again right after the elvish caravan arrived. Cathay and Typhon both suffered minor injuries (nothing major,though the two will need stitches) from facing off against a frogman attack. As his father and sister fell back trailing blood Chopper went into a martial trance!

And completely slapped the frogs' shit.

When his relative withdrew, there were some 15 or so frogmen and their commander, a macefrog left.

He's killed 10 and wounded one, among the dead the enemy commander.

With a mangled leg.

MW dorfs scare me now.
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