One of the migrants to Axehold got a strange mood. He's a weaponsmith...he withdrew from society....and he grabbed some bronze bars, camel bone, and limestone. Heck yeah, he's started his construction! Hopefully he makes some sort of axe weapon, otherwise I'll have to bend my rules a bit to use the artifact.
In other news, fort construction goes faster thanks to enlisting migrants in stone block duty, and a bunch of excess stray animals shall be slaughtered. One of the migrants is a skilled wound dresser and bone doctor, but may be a vampire as well, considering his high social skills.
...and the weaponsmith made a spiked bronze ball. Well, that's still useful, but rats. I would've at least preferred a hammer.
EDIT: Shortly afterwards we got our first elf ambush. Apparently by adding the [ITEM_THIEF] tag to the dwarf civ makes all other civs hostile, it's interesting for more !!FUN!! but so far I haven't had any ambushes besides goblins. The 4 axedorfs have been sent out to repel the attackers, but what's this? The axedorfs are all wielding wooden training axes, despite the uniform assigning them bronze battle axes! So far, they've slain one elf, but I'm not keeping my hopes up yet. The doors into the fort have been locked, the Spears of Heart are on their own now.
EDIT2: I've created a new dwarven sport---elf beating. The 4 axedworfs of the Spears of Heart have successfully repelled the elvish ambush, slaying 8 swordelves and currently beating up a ninth one that wasn't quick enough to run. A good thing too, there was an elvish bowman leading the ambush, but he was content to stay back and watch his pansy soldiers get beaten to death with training axes and wooden shields. It was funny to imagine, many of the elves were simply chilling by the locked doors without even helping their comrades' against our troops.
I'm thinking of turning the Spears of Heart squad into a dedicated "elf-whackers" team armed with training axes for future ambushes and sieges at Axehole. This was hilarious.
EDIT3:So as the rest of the elves continued to flee the elf bowman finally starts taking shots at the newly deemed "Treebeards" of the Spears of Heart. The 4 bronze-clad axedorfs are now ganging up on the bowman, who apparently has a war polar bear mount. They couldn't down the bear in time before the bowman escaped off the map, but they certainly gave the bear a bruising. No injuries were sustained by the dorfs, even against the bowman. Wow, elves are pansies.