HelpedInk came under siege by goblins once more, and things got a bit... chaotic for a while.
I had improved my defences further by adding a secondary entrance, a "back door" if you wish, which I planned to funnel invaders through. It's basically a narrow pathway filled with traps, with shooting galleries at the sides, and rising bridges at either end to lock invaders in. Pretty simple, but should work.
It was JUST finished when the siege came, so in theory it could be used, and I started making the steps to move the fight there. Ordered the marksdwarf-squads to take position, and sent all my dwarves inside the fortress.
I was just about to lock it up when I noticed that there was a human caravan on-route to my fort... They started fighting the invaders, and I was contemplating leaving them there, but in the end decided not to, since I'm relying pretty heavily on trade, and I didn't want them to have any reason to dislike me just now.
So, I ordered the marksdwarves back, and sent my melee-squads out, expecting the worst since my melee arn't the best trained fighters around, and there was around 60 invaders, melee, ranged and trolls, with a couple of *masters thrown in. I'm usually relying quite heavily on my marksdwarves, and seeing as none of them was in position, well...
Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be my smoothest, most casuality-free siege to date. Didn't loose a single dwarf. The humans took a hit, but meh, who cares really. I saved them, so they can't very well blame me.
On another note, the caverns I breached a while back (and then resealed, since I felt I had better things to do than go spelunking) has spawned their first FB. I don't care really, he can't touch me, so he can wander around down there and rot for all I care.