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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969125 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25170 on: August 29, 2012, 06:09:40 am »

...Just as I was placing my giant eagle cages in a specially dug out training facility/egg hatchery, I've noticed, that both eagles are actually...males.

They've sold me...queer eagles.

Checking dwarf wiki I've noticed that (tamed) giant eagles are not so much FUN as they used to be anyway. Well, we shall see.
Everything is an instrument if you hit it the right way.
Oh they know. Spiders are not stupid. They've just got disproportionally huge balls.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25171 on: August 29, 2012, 12:07:40 pm »

Glacialhell has humans just.... Sitting there. it's creepy. However thier marksmen proved handy dueing a SIEGE. The meager milita forces, underequipped due to lack of fuel for the forges grabbed thier looted or bought gear and made to the field. While the first group withdrew after suffering hevay losses and all bu two trolls slain, three militamen were injured in the battle, A speardwarf and axedwarf each suffered a broken leg, and one of the macedwarves suffered a broken arm thanks to a goblin on a giant rat.

Thankfully the fight will end soon, as the leader of the siege had his mount shot from under him and has the whole of the remaining milita on his heels, with the marksdwarves raining bone bolts down on him and his few remaining men.

EDIT: The enemy commander and a few feeble survivors made it out of the battle, and clean up is underway, namly getting the mounts chopped up and weapons stored before kobolds steal them or they rot.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25172 on: August 29, 2012, 01:05:42 pm »

a recruit, just added to the squad, went over its orders and charged the enemy during a siege ignoring the defend burrow order:

alone, untrained, surrounded, poorly equipped, is making a mess of the goblins.

Spoiler: part of the combat log (click to show/hide)

he died, after taking a dozen more goblins with him in the grave.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 01:08:07 pm by LoSboccacc »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25173 on: August 29, 2012, 01:24:41 pm »

My baron is meeting with the human diplomat, a reptile-man/vampire/law-giver/fishery worker.  Quite the resume.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25174 on: August 29, 2012, 01:30:48 pm »

Why can't my disorganized rabble be that good?

It took the better part of two months, but the mounts have been chopped, arms and armor stored, and two of , I found out four wounded have been treated. Humans still haven't left so I'm guessing they'll go bonkers before long. Maybe I'll put some ice on the retracting bridge above them and try to spook them out.

Also, my soldiers seem to be closet elf-lovers or they felt the need to do something to honor the poor sods, since we traded honorably and they were just about to leave when they got slaughtered.

The Coincidental Notch of Glittering
The Fresh Sweetness
The Sweetness of Chilling

Those words seem awful flowery for dwarven soldiers. Only the last one gets a pass because.... Well, she made the invaders taste the sweet release of death on a god damn glacier in the middle of an icy jackfuckistan. Seriously, I don't even see the appeal of attacking this place. Or SETTLEING HERE for that matter, due to regular crippling booze shortages.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25175 on: August 29, 2012, 02:37:01 pm »

Walled off the first cavern layer, giving me complete ground control. Things will still spawn on the walls, but they can't get into the fortress unless they can fly (or unless they spawn in the water). I decided that it would be nice to put some bridges in to allow me to direct animals into trap corridors, and also that it would be nice to have the control room be a replica of the caverns. Not only did the blueprints turn out larger than I expected, 96x72 turned out to be larger on the map than I expected.

On the plus side, the five layers of cavern match the five layers of magnetite-holding rock on the site, so I can get some resources out of this ridiculous vanity project.

I got a good omen a couple of months ago when the first FB rushed through one of the remaining gaps and got into the fortress despite attempts to put a wall up. It charged the dwarves assembled in the hastily-created burrow by the construction site and made a mess of one civilian's arm, but it spent most of its time ineffectually spitting bruising globs of extract. At that point the ragtag (ie. mostly Proficient) milititary equipped only with the armour the first caravan had brought welcomed it to the fortress by giving it a revitalising massage with their leather shields for 20 pages before I drafted the other 24 dwarves and hoped one of them would get an ubercrit. Then it died. I'm not sure how. The combat log noted that it had trouble breathing, and then more trouble breathing, so I guess the dwarves suffocated it by keeping its lungs bruised. Or maybe they were inspired by the actions of the military and accidentally hugged it to death. :(
I am trying to make chickens lay bees as eggs. So far it only produces a single "Tame Small Creature" when a hen lays bees.
Honestly at the time, I didn't see what could go wrong with crowding 80 military Dwarves into a small room with a necromancer for the purpose of making bacon.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25176 on: August 29, 2012, 02:43:02 pm »

My dwarves keep getting interrupted from some storage task in the cavrerns. I have no idea what the hell they left down there they're so intent upon getting, so now a lone marksdwarf armed with a pair of "borrowed" iron kobold knives is slicing apart the crundle infestation. He's doing well, though the dog he had with him (thankfully unassigned) was less fortunate and succumbed to the crundle horde. It has since been pitched into the snow with the piles of dead goblins and other critters.

Oh and we ran out of wood, and the humans STILL haven't left. The last siege also blocked the home caravan so no booze now. What the humans sold us got sucked up by the army of brave but useless kids roaming around the fortress.

Loud Whispers

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25177 on: August 29, 2012, 02:49:16 pm »

3 copper bolts and 37 steel bolts can be recovered from the mess that is 19 raven corpses (more showed up) and 8 wolf corpses, which once melted down will yield 7 copper bars and 87 steel bars. Yum.
Although I now face a new dilemma - should I melt the masterwork bolts?
I'm going to go with yes. I need to recover the costs it took just to kill the birds in the first place, even if it means defacing glorious art.

It's quite annoying really. I have to build roads around the ditch to avoid trees blocking line of sight for defending marksdwarves, but I can't because RAVENS KEEP INTERRUPTING MY MASONS. So while that goes on I have to cut down said trees BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE RAVENS D:


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25178 on: August 29, 2012, 03:34:47 pm »

Journal of Kotonoa, 23rd Malachite, yr.451
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A troll grabbed my pants in my sleep ! By Armok, I'll never shake that creepy feeling ! I would have been toast, but then 9 other dwarves jumped on the monster (including the new migrants). After a good-ol-fashioned beatdown dragged on, I was able to join in and punch his head in too. Our group has given me "the kill" as honorable mention to my bravery. Well, now we've hastily decided to split into two groups, the "Wall Building" squad and the "Troll Punch" squad, in case another one smells out our dining hall.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 06:33:12 am by ZzarkLinux »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25179 on: August 29, 2012, 04:30:45 pm »

For the better part of a year I've had my miners carving out an elaborate set of crafting / workshops / furnace receptacles, finishing the magma pump stack (thankfully it's a nice magma pipe only -38z) and carefully planning where the channels will go for the magma-fueled stuff, proximity to stockpiles and finished goods, wood, all that stuff.  Only one problem: I'd already created a 'master' stockpile on the level above and I don't really want to mess with minecart tracks again right now.

Solution!  Channel two holes in the stockpile above and let two minecarts dump wood/stone and ore/fuel/flux into the holes and plop, right next to my industries, onto a quantum pile of their own.  I AM BRILLIANT.

Except not so much.  I've killed four dwarfs so far with falling rocks.  Usually because they get knocked out and sit there, right under the next 10 falling rocks.  I don't know why I thought this would work.
Quote from: misko27
If adamantine is revealed for more then 2 years without being completely mined it all turns into galena. Useless, Useless Galena.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25180 on: August 30, 2012, 06:31:59 am »

Journal of Kotonoa, Galena and Limestone, yr.451
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We sealed the farm and fed the rabbits, and watch some sparrowzombies fly by. I made some steel weapons and armor for the militia, the only sighting above is a Giant Snail Zombie. I should feel safe now, right?

I mean, things have been calm, so much that the livestock population is growing. Those migrants that arrived in the summer seem to be good people, and they were smart enough to travel the mountains and avoid the swamp on their trip. We're working on booze and food production right now, and the miners plan to carve an entrance for any wagon that may wish to stop by.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 05:29:09 am by ZzarkLinux »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25181 on: August 30, 2012, 11:02:01 am »

My fort has no current highly dramatic stories, but it has a lot of small interesting things. My fort wealth has jumped up dramatically as I smooth a bunch of stone, which caused a rather large migrant wave to double my population. This is one of the things that's nice about not actually using any alcohol or bedrooms. Resource management is much easier.

Food, while not scarce, is dropping off faster than it used to. This wouldn't be a problem normally, people can die if they die, no big deal. Also, I have a fair amount of cats to butcher.

What else is new. Well I have my first fey-mood item! And it's useful! It's a cat bone crossbow, known as Ubur Līd, The Glutton of Tightness. It menaces with spikes of cat bone. I thus started a one-person archery solely to use this.

Oh no! more dwarves! This is going to be painful soon. I need to stop smoothing stone I think.
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25182 on: August 30, 2012, 05:35:51 pm »

My last 12 forts have been a mix of me figuring out
A) An elaborate military system
B) How much idle time to alocate to citazens
C) How to make a effective filtration system for a free flow sewage system.

( [too much idle time = everyone is now related.] [Having one person die = tantrum spiral] )
( [Not enough idle time = NO quick work force] )
( [Filtration + free flow sewer should not be a first project of a new fort..] )

But my military system has revamped into somthing wonderful ^^
skeleton crew of 7 dwarves have all industries between them. EVERYONE ELSE in the military, on duty 2\3rds of the year (1\3rd train, 1\3rd patrol\sentry, 1\3rd free time.) then with every scheduled order, require only half the squad to be present.

draw back = lots of adjustments to any tribulations. And when you mass produce a new clothes group it will take the skeleton crew awhile to clean the old clothes off the floors.

And if someone bitches about "too long patrol duty" I give them double patrol\train for a month, then switch them back to their old schedule resulting in them being "happy". (relieved)

currently 233 dwarves, 12 deaths, it's been 8 years everyone is "quite content" to "ecstatic"
And people live in slums until they have their first combat experience.
Leather everything for everyone
and iron  weapons all around due to lack of FLUX
Just tell her that you were merely doing what the voices in your head were telling you to do.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25183 on: August 30, 2012, 05:56:13 pm »

I'm just over a year into my first real fort. I got very lucky this time, since the ground is practically made of flux, all ores of iron, and both bituminous coal and lignite. It also has a river, no aquifer, and enough trees. I've already fought three or four forgotten beasts (the only dangerous one had dust the would kill instantly, but I had a surviving archer) and an ambush. The water froze during the winter and my well wasn't accessable enough, so one dwarf died. Another was killed by a vampire, and a miner died because I forgot to make his workshop for a mood. However, I've lost 10-20 in war. My current population is between 40 and 50. As soon as I figure out how to get training and patrolling working, I can prevent more problems. I got lucky and didn't have a tantrum spiral even after a FB got very close to my meeting hall, possibly because of the engraved floor and the way I have my nice items stockpiled around it. I have some food issues and need to buy a lot of seeds.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25184 on: August 30, 2012, 07:31:21 pm »

Axemurdered sure lived up to its name...
A woodcutter turned into a Nefarious Smoke Zombie and Axemurdered the shit out of everybody and their little dog, too.  ::)
Certainly you could argue that DF is a lot like The Sims, only... you know... with more vomit and decapitation.
If you launch a wooden mine cart towards the ocean at a sufficient speed, you can have your entire dwarf sail away in an ark.
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