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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5965575 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25140 on: August 26, 2012, 09:55:34 pm »

My island fortress, Islanddances, just had its first birth!  Only five years in, too.  We're also currently drowning in fish, but all my seeds have disappeared.

Stupid dorfs ate them all. I hate it when they do that.

So, i fired up my glacial fort, and migrants have arrived, among them many former soldiers with thier children in tow. I feel like I'm going to be forced to rely on marksdwarves simply because I've recieved a rediculous amount of hunters and bones are the one thing I have in nigh limitless supply.

I hate Marksdwarves...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25141 on: August 26, 2012, 10:17:18 pm »

Started a new fortress with a pretty awesome embark, across both a good and evil biome. Evil biome has a rain that causes those caught in it to turn into thralls. I didn't immediately seal my fort upon arrival. Summer arrives, and among the free spirits are some geese-turned-thralls. Too late to build a wall to keep my dwarves safe. Worse, dwarves and animals are tracking the splattered stuff, spreading the wonder to others.

I'm getting a profound respect for how dangerous evil biomes are, now. Especially thralls and husks. I've lost several forts to the hazards.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25142 on: August 27, 2012, 01:24:16 am »

Cryptdagger Year 14 -

More artifacts being created.  Weapon smith possessed and makes adamantine short sword.  (Given to captain of sword squad.)  Duke gets fey mood, takes over clothier shop... and makes a pig fiber cloth sandal.  (Aptly named the "Holy Nut".)  Metal worker gets mood and makes an adamantine buckler - another legendary armorer in the fold now as well.

Cryptdagger is now the Mountainhome.  The Queen of the Subtle Stake arrived with her entourage and settled in.  She is generally happy with her quarters, but wants more furnishings installed.  Her guard was split up over the appropriate full-time squads and given better armor and weapons to use.  It has been noted that they are combat skilled, but not the fastest movers as they often lag behind on maneuvers.

Fortress improvements are mainly cosmetic touches or testing things.  The top of the keep had an extra battlement added and has become an exercise yard for various squads.  A "track oval" was paved on the flooring and squads that don't perform well in maneuver tests get given a "Run Laps" patrol order.   ;D

The miners had fun to the west of the keep as they dug some channels, mined out a section of soil layer, and then dropped a 22x22 plug into the aquifer.  Practice, and also made a fishing lake.  Another benefit is that it "dried" part of the stone layer below to make some more dolomite available for steel production.

No goblin siege in the winter.  Instead five squads of cavalry turned up in the spring to preempt the elven trade caravan.  Some fierce fighting in a few access tunnels and the Outer Keep.  (well, fierce bleeding by goblins and their mounts at least.)  Some goblins on flying mounts got the bright idea of entering a firing port being used by a marksdwarf squad to pummel their squad.  And then discovered that the marksdwarves had a section of spear dwarves and a section of mace dwarves posted with them for just this contingency.  One of the goblin squads did not even engage - it opted to attempt to ford the river rather than use the bridge and then got stuck in the middle.  (Not sure they drowned, were swept off the map, or simply gave up and retreated off.)

Highlight of the tunnel combats was the sword squad being turned loose to rampage.  The artifact adamantine short sword is very very good at limb chopping and organ stabs.  Not so hot at the pommel strikes and slaps with the blade flat.  Mixing them with a hammer squad (both given orders to move to the same spot) generates some good results since the hammers help with at least slowing enemies down with bone breaking hits.  And 6-7 dwarves steamrolling down a 3-tile wide tunnel is something to enjoy.

Might be about time to abandon the fort and move on to another embark.  The defenses are strong, the garrison is strong, and beyond tweaks and some minor testing there is really not much else to do unless work is going to start on some sort of oddball large project. 
Armorer McUrist cancels forge steel mailshirt, interrupted by minecart


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25143 on: August 27, 2012, 05:23:36 am »

I decided to defeat the forces guarding the candy rapier in my succession fort. The battle did not go well. Long story short, moose men are demon spawn. Those hooves. Those EVIL HOOVES.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25144 on: August 27, 2012, 05:32:24 am »

Cryptdagger Year 14 -

More artifacts being created.  Weapon smith possessed and makes adamantine short sword.  (Given to captain of sword squad.)  Duke gets fey mood, takes over clothier shop... and makes a pig fiber cloth sandal.  (Aptly named the "Holy Nut".)  Metal worker gets mood and makes an adamantine buckler - another legendary armorer in the fold now as well.

Cryptdagger is now the Mountainhome.  The Queen of the Subtle Stake arrived with her entourage and settled in.  She is generally happy with her quarters, but wants more furnishings installed.  Her guard was split up over the appropriate full-time squads and given better armor and weapons to use.  It has been noted that they are combat skilled, but not the fastest movers as they often lag behind on maneuvers.

Fortress improvements are mainly cosmetic touches or testing things.  The top of the keep had an extra battlement added and has become an exercise yard for various squads.  A "track oval" was paved on the flooring and squads that don't perform well in maneuver tests get given a "Run Laps" patrol order.   ;D

The miners had fun to the west of the keep as they dug some channels, mined out a section of soil layer, and then dropped a 22x22 plug into the aquifer.  Practice, and also made a fishing lake.  Another benefit is that it "dried" part of the stone layer below to make some more dolomite available for steel production.

No goblin siege in the winter.  Instead five squads of cavalry turned up in the spring to preempt the elven trade caravan.  Some fierce fighting in a few access tunnels and the Outer Keep.  (well, fierce bleeding by goblins and their mounts at least.)  Some goblins on flying mounts got the bright idea of entering a firing port being used by a marksdwarf squad to pummel their squad.  And then discovered that the marksdwarves had a section of spear dwarves and a section of mace dwarves posted with them for just this contingency.  One of the goblin squads did not even engage - it opted to attempt to ford the river rather than use the bridge and then got stuck in the middle.  (Not sure they drowned, were swept off the map, or simply gave up and retreated off.)

Highlight of the tunnel combats was the sword squad being turned loose to rampage.  The artifact adamantine short sword is very very good at limb chopping and organ stabs.  Not so hot at the pommel strikes and slaps with the blade flat.  Mixing them with a hammer squad (both given orders to move to the same spot) generates some good results since the hammers help with at least slowing enemies down with bone breaking hits.  And 6-7 dwarves steamrolling down a 3-tile wide tunnel is something to enjoy.

Might be about time to abandon the fort and move on to another embark.  The defenses are strong, the garrison is strong, and beyond tweaks and some minor testing there is really not much else to do unless work is going to start on some sort of oddball large project. 

Put up some ballistas in the depths of your fort and breach the circus. That should keep you occupied if you didn't already do it.
if it's a blob made of steel, don't fight it. it may not heal, but it probably doesn't need to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25145 on: August 27, 2012, 06:28:16 am »

"The fortress attracted no migrants this season"

given I have 136 dwarves on a gods damned glacier that has to rely on foreign booze imports, I consider this a good thing. I know full well I'll be swarmed come autumn after I trade with the humans this year.

To explain, a goblin ambush trapped itself so to speak, being wedged between a closed gate and my militia. While a macedorf was injured, the ambush was crushed. Sadly, the elves didn't make it out, leaving me with piles of my own stuff that I wanted off the map. The only good that came of it was all the spare clothing I got from the elves and their killers.

Anyway, I seem to have been blessed, as one of the Great Spinners of the caverns has been captured and more or less tamed, as has a cave crocodile, who may end up with a mate if the other spotted in the caves is caught. Since I have that spider I wish I had kept one of the goblins I just had executed by pitting and firing squad so I could start a silk farm.

EDIT: Seems The humans may or may not be upset with me come next year. As per tradtion, as soon as the caravan arrived we got attacked by ambushers. Why the diplomat though going alone was smart I'll never know, but his killer sadly escaped justice along with hs squad, killing the diplomat and running like hell after the other group was massacred by the Lifeminers and newly geared speardorfs. A child was kidnapped and I can only hope they were one of the really young ones that were functionally useless. How they even got inside to nab the kid is beyond me though, since I had soldiers AND the caravan on the only way in or out. May have just been that stupid kid who followed mommy out into the snow to watch her beat goblins up with her mace. My guess was, as a kid bolted at the sight of the hammergoblins, they got nabbed when they ran away from the fortress causeway, and out of any soldiers' sight.

I hope being generous with the trading at least averts an assault, becuase the last thing I need are angry humans bearing down on my shoddily-at-best equipped militia. There was sadly nothing I could even do to save the poor bastard, as he was lashed in both legs and had his head crushed like an over-ripe prickle berry with an iron mace. Oh well, they brought the requested wood and the caravaneers made it in with only some superficial injuries to the pack animals.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25146 on: August 27, 2012, 11:14:33 am »

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I love my Dwarves. I just found out that the last undead badger ambush just contributed to the dwindling Silentthunders meat stocks. I used to have the problem where my Dwarves would refuse to pick up corpses (troubling in a 50% reanimating biome), and now they seem all to eager!

*And now they're dragging the corpse of an eagle that fell asleep in the sky to the new raven stockpile. Omnomnomnom.

Zombies - friends or food?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25147 on: August 27, 2012, 11:40:35 am »

Zombies - friends or food?
Both where possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25148 on: August 27, 2012, 11:57:42 am »

Currently at Paintcrush:

Trading with elves who are getting impatient.
creating an artifact copper axe.
Memorializing some of the dead.  (Mostly enemies, but a few dwarves if applicable.)
Readying the moat.
Training up to handle more causes of fun.
Preparing a sniping point on the wall.
The search of more caves to spelunk in.
Maybe an outer ring of doom that can be flooded with water from a brook to drown any ambushes.
NOT getting greedy for cotton candy and invoking the circus.
Third year, and having a tennis succession fort between myself and a personal friend who isn't on the forums.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25149 on: August 27, 2012, 12:57:12 pm »

Coming back to my fort after a while of not playing DF.  Immediately had to deal with a wave of immigrants, bringing my population to fifty, and expand my sleeping area.  That magnetite source is still very productive so I am smelting more steel.  Made some more picks so I can have more dwarves digging.  So far everything is working okay.  Expanded my crafting by adding another carpenter and I think I need another mason.

Not tried making any mechanisms or anything complex yet.
Mary had a Little Lamb...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25150 on: August 28, 2012, 12:19:21 am »

after stabilizing the challenge fort someone posted, I returned to my mostly-militia fort. I am digging downard, but so far I'm not actually building any walls. It's just not a priority.

Accomplishments so far:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Current Challenges:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25151 on: August 28, 2012, 12:49:30 am »

Genned new world, started new game with the Phoebus graphics installed.
Found a nice embark site at a junction of 3 biomes, one of which (about 1/2 of the embark) is listed as Terrifying. There seems to be some lovely glumprong growing there, plus the occasional rain of goblin blood. So far no zombies nor any other freakish weather to be had.
Found some nice deposits of tetrahedrite and cassiterite right off the bat, so things are looking peachy armour and weapons wise. Haven't set up any workshops yet, though.
Certainly you could argue that DF is a lot like The Sims, only... you know... with more vomit and decapitation.
If you launch a wooden mine cart towards the ocean at a sufficient speed, you can have your entire dwarf sail away in an ark.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25152 on: August 28, 2012, 01:44:50 am »

A baby-snatcher got lucky, fatally wounding a legendary grower and injuring some troops before I could put him down. One of the military casualties had been carrying a baby, so I kept her squad around to guard it while the medical crew was patching her up.

While they were there, a squad of lashers sprang from ambush near the gate, attacking some marksponies who were on guard duty. They managed to hold out until the baby-guards reached them, but two were severely injured, including one with three broken limbs. With the arrival of melee troops and more archers, the tide was turned, and all the ambushers were killed or captured. A draftee I hadn't had time to train yet got her first combat experience ineffectually thwapping an invader on the head for three pages until someone else showed up to steal her kill.

Somehow the baby survived all of this and crawled back into the fort. She was even still alive when the doctors finished with her mother!

The baby explosion is getting a little out of hand. I might continue to ignore it, but I'm exploring options including inducing sterility with a plant from a mod I'm using and weeding out the weak by exposing them in the caverns. I think my best bet, however, is to use burrows and an expendable adult to expose large numbers of children to another modded substance which will either turn them into magnificent combat monsters or into berserk... things. Those that undergo successful transformation are clearly the elect and deserve to live a life of luxury in my glorious fortress, while those that don't were obviously made of weaker moral fiber, likely predestined to commit unspeakable crimes or, at best, to live a sinful life in obscurity. Impaling them on green glass spikes is a mercy, really.

I tend to become attached to the denizens of my fortresses, but few children have distinguished themselves and I already have at least one expendable adult picked out. Given my other projects and priorities, we're probably about two years out from beginning the transformations, but once the factory floor is built, the isolation chambers prepared and the necessary precursors refined, there will be a reckoning.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25153 on: August 28, 2012, 02:34:05 am »

Had my most entertaining fort in a long time. Ironfog it was named, and indeed there was plenty of limonite to be dug. It was located in a half- heavily forested, half-mountainside, non-evil temperate region.

As early as a few weeks after embarking, I saw job interruption messages caused by a yeti. It had wandered into the fort, and was harassing the cat I had brought along. I had two speardwarves with me, but I had yet to forge any equipment for them. So I drafted the woodcutter into military, and sent him after the monster. He scored a hit to its foot, tearing the muscle, but from there things went downwards. The woodcutter ended up with several overlapping fractures, and a broken skull (not lethally, though). In the end I drafted the unarmed speardwarves into the military as well, hoping that they could save the woodcutter. Indeed, with their adequate Fighter-skill, they managed to punch the yeti unconscious, and went on to repeatedly pound its head, bruising the muscle. The monster had to be dealt with, so the miner too had to be drafted. He took two hits to its head, first time severing the upper spine's nervous tissue, the second time shattering the skull, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing apart the brain. Then it was time for some dabbling with medicine. The woodcutter used a crutch for a while, but eventually healed completely.

It was quite peaceful for some time. I forged iron equipment for a handful of soldiers, as well as many iron spears to train the weaponsmith. They could also be used to arm an emergency militia. A were-wombat appeared, killed a regular wombat, tranformed into a human and escaped.

The weapon/armorsmith went into a non-possession-mood, but required both yarn and silk cloth, neither of which I had any. Very fast I dug down into the cavern layer, and collected my first silk thread ever. Yarn was more problematic, as I had no adult shearable animals, just a baby alpaca. I had never gotten into wool production industry, so I slaughtered to poor alpaca and spun its hair into a thread of yarn, only to find out that only sheared yarn thread could be woven into cloth. It was early summer, so the metalsmith went berserk long before the dwarven caravan arrived. He was the first casualty of Ironfog, stabbed once in the upper leg and once in the head. His resting place is in the center of the catacomb complex.

After that there were a few ambushes, causing some casualties. Digging of the fort continued. This time I put some effort into aesthetics: Ironfog consisted of winding rampways and large, multilevel, non-rectangular halls with pillars and bridges. There was a functioning hospital, prison and workshop area for every industry in addition to a meeting hall, dormitory and dining room.

Two titans appeared in relatively quick succession. The first was some organic webber. It webbed one speardwarf and kicked his head in before being shot and killed by a marksdwarf. The second was a three-eyed scarab that breathed fire. The military engaged it and blocked or dodged every breath of fire, bashing and stabbing it until somebody managed to sever a major artery in the heart. After a few ticks, the beast was dead but the casualties were yet to come. I had expected the fire to spread, so I had cancelled all outdoor designations and forbidden all items that were on fire. The military started to make its way inside, but three of them were too slow and bled to death on the way. The fire engulfed an entire z-level of the map, spreading as a wide ring that turned everything into ashes. The dead were slabbed, as there were no corpses to be found.

I had 10 fully equipped, moderately experienced melee fighters and 7 marksdwarves by the time the first siege arrived. 'Twas the early spring of the sixth year of the fortress. The population count was about 115. The siege was a squad of lashers, led by a crossbowman. So, not much could be done - the siegers worked through the militia with few casualties. I had civilians sealed away with doors, and the siegers remained on the entrance. Every useless dwarf was drafted to grab a spear. About 30 of them charged through the doors, killing just enough invaders to make the rest flee in terror. Something like 15 were killed, and most of the rest were severely injured. A tantrum spiral ensued, dropping the population to about 50. Two waves of migrants helped to grind it to a halt. A new military was recruited, and nobles re-selected. More migrants came, raising the population back to over a hundred.

Not even all of the dead were buried when the second siege came. This time there were three squads of goblins, all of them mounted. The military was even greener than the one before, so it succumbed quite quickly. I hadn't had enough time to repair all of the tantrum-broken doors, so the siegers proceeded to reduce the population to mere three dwarves. Two of them were in prison, a bookkeeper and another dwarf, who were still atoning for their crimes committed during the tantrum spiral. One was a farmer who was hauling something in the hospital, on the lowest level of the fort.

Ironfog is not yet lost. I locked the hospital and prison doors. The farmer has a way out through the hospital well, and I'm going to see if there's any way for him to get his hands to a pick, and maybe some seeds. He could proceed to dig into the prison and release the two prisoners. There's not much hope to any of this, but we'll see. I expect to lose many migrants that are foolish enough to migrate during this. Mayhaps some of them are miners who can dig themselves to safety, or hunters or woodcutters who can make a dent into the invading force.
Dwarf Fortress- where a sudden mist that causes you to bleed from every orifice and drop dead is one of the better outcomes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25154 on: August 28, 2012, 11:03:00 am »

A baby-snatcher got lucky, fatally wounding a legendary grower and injuring some troops before I could put him down. One of the military casualties had been carrying a baby, so I kept her squad around to guard it while the medical crew was patching her up.

While they were there, a squad of lashers sprang from ambush near the gate, attacking some marksponies who were on guard duty. They managed to hold out until the baby-guards reached them, but two were severely injured, including one with three broken limbs. With the arrival of melee troops and more archers, the tide was turned, and all the ambushers were killed or captured. A draftee I hadn't had time to train yet got her first combat experience ineffectually thwapping an invader on the head for three pages until someone else showed up to steal her kill.

Somehow the baby survived all of this and crawled back into the fort. She was even still alive when the doctors finished with her mother!

The baby explosion is getting a little out of hand. I might continue to ignore it, but I'm exploring options including inducing sterility with a plant from a mod I'm using and weeding out the weak by exposing them in the caverns. I think my best bet, however, is to use burrows and an expendable adult to expose large numbers of children to another modded substance which will either turn them into magnificent combat monsters or into berserk... things. Those that undergo successful transformation are clearly the elect and deserve to live a life of luxury in my glorious fortress, while those that don't were obviously made of weaker moral fiber, likely predestined to commit unspeakable crimes or, at best, to live a sinful life in obscurity. Impaling them on green glass spikes is a mercy, really.

I tend to become attached to the denizens of my fortresses, but few children have distinguished themselves and I already have at least one expendable adult picked out. Given my other projects and priorities, we're probably about two years out from beginning the transformations, but once the factory floor is built, the isolation chambers prepared and the necessary precursors refined, there will be a reckoning.

Marksponies? Baby-guards? What on earth?
Here's a tip, though... Use Russian characters in your WPA5 passphrase. If your spontaneous AI is anything like my spontaneous AI (not as aggressive as yours, good conversation, but actually worse than me at chess*), it can't handle any character outside of the CODEPAGE 437 list.

*I hope. It could just be lulling me into a false sense of security.
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