Simple, repurpose the old shallow fort into one.
Bronzeclapped bade farewell to the humans, who leave laden with exceptional, fine, and masterwork lead items and a few silver and gold ones I used to buy weapons. Mass production for the dwarven caravan, as I have a fair amount of silver and gold, as it seems those drop quite frequently (but not always) under the new system compared to iron ores. Kinda messed up really...
The manager now runs the gate-dam and a bridge across the river. He can look out through a green glass window, has his own room above the lever room/office, and best of all: If he gets attacked, It'll be no big loss. i have four other guys with recordkeeping and appraisal skills. Oddly, during the summer goblin ruckus, he walked right through with his meal of wombat meat stew and didn't even acknowlege the dying goblins or two injured dwarven wrestlers. Just walked in, ate his stew, updated the stock records, and lowered the wagonbridge.
My medical crew managed to promplt stich up the injured wrestlers and they went back thier normal lives, though one will never walk unassited again. Our brewer was also injured in the fighting, having been bringing some wood in when he was crippled, with both legs broken and motor nerve damage in her left leg. SHe's been patched up, but developed an infection as the mess made getting to her difficult.
Here's hoping the next caravan leaves good and wealthy!