BunnyBunches the Rabbit-Hut
11) Beards grow tired, Bunnies grow restless12) Switching Gears
Last time, I finished a first step in my megaproject.
My bunnies got an upgraded hut !!
It went well, and I want to build even more things on the surface.
Of course, flying corpses and foul-vapors that spawn next to my not-evil biome still want to challenge me.
Of course, I seal myself back in for now.
I need to re-organize and re-supply for the next phase, and I don't want those falcon men corpses coming in.
Earlier, I dumped about ~50 obsidian stone next to my West Security Entrance.
My dwarves plowed through that pile so fast that they started grabbing stone from elsewhere.
So for the next step in surface development, I need to:
: make a large(r) stone dump next to my NorthWest Security #1 checkpoint
: farm more food cause we're running out
That's a lot of hauling, and my military has been helping out.
One of them even processed all my pigtails to thread.
Hell, all of my militiary is ecstatic now. I need to put them back in training !
Also, my miners having finished digging out my dual purpose garbage area.
Now they are clearing a little bit more stone (yes I need more), then they will start searching for magma.
In the meantime, they find shell-opal.
Watching the dwarves hauling
ass stone can get dull.
But even the children are helping out, plucking food from the fields and knocking down outta-date walls.
Still, I'm too afraid to push any sort of "Fast-Forward" button.
If I do, next thing you know migrants will spawn on top of corpses on top of ash, and everyone will be starving. So I still have a lot of micromanagement to do.
The megaproject pushes on.