Hungry head in my third cavern. Two at first. When my first marksdwarf arrived, six more showed up and he fought off 8 hungry heads while his squad captain arrived.
Meleedwarf Zon Fokermeng arrived as well, killed a hungry head and fell off a ledge, landing head-first 4 floors lower. Dead as a damn doornail. His captain is now killing the last heads.
Both my first marksdwarf (slightly bruised) and the meleecaptain have hit a hungry head in the teeth. Hitting a hungry head in a specific (right eye tooth) tooth helps and knocks it out but hitting them in teeth plural is hilarious. Marksdwarf punched one in the teeth, result: loose teeth (1 or two on most squares, 7 on a single specific one) flying everywhere, even up a z-level and on the wall.
Swordscaptain punched one with his buckler, result: 4 squares. Two with one tooth each, one with two and one with 13 loose teeth and a presumably toothless hungry head flapping about.
Another bismuth bronze buckler bash bruised a bone and the pale head died of a severe case of alliteration.
edit: I forgot to mention yet another tooth that was still in mid-air, two squares with a single tooth each a z-level higher and a set of three and a single tooth still floating in the air above the now deceased head.
edit again: they're not floating in mid-air they're on top of a tunnel tube and a spore tree respectively.
edit3: last hungry head was so severely injured it resembled a hunch of raw meat more than it did a living being. Nevertheless, it woke up from unconciousness and started chasing my legendary armoursmith. I wasn't worried as the armorer ran towards my war dogs.
6 dogs, only one attacked and then missed. Useless mutts. Head kept chasing armorer. Dogs quit chasing head. I was frightened my smith would fall down a ledge and die like Zon did. But no. Armorer got fed up with the head, spun around and punched it in the wing thusly sending it, stunned, careening off the same ledge before smacking rather solidly into a spore tree.
Armorer has a kill.
edit4: with the heads dead, a blind cave ogre showed up. Closest dwarf was my high master axedwarf. She killed the ogre.
A jabberer showed up, same spot. Attack. Militia commander (same dwarf) got stunned and continuously attacked. I sent in other dwarfs. Militia commander got her foot bit off. Jabberer was slain by swordsdwarf and a war dog. MCom got picked up, brought to hospital a hundred floors up. Mason, who likes to help, diagnosed her. Gave her a crutch, shoo'ed her out of bed and went to sleep in the same bed. Footless pale super-soldier hobbled off to clean herself. I really, really hope that bite was as clean and neat as my dabbling diagnoser thought it was. I may have given her an electrum tomb but I don't want to put her in it quite yet.