Murderconstructs enters its first winter with a mix of news.
Aquifer found to the east - so a secure cistern should be fairly easy to set up, plus water available for traps or other projects. (The main fort is on a biome to the west that does not have an aquifer, so there was no issue getting down to stone.)
First two waves of migrants came in, adding six dwarves to the founding seven. Including a high master armorer and another trained miner.
Some initial fortifications are up to protect the initial position of the Trade Depot. Walls, a roof, and a second level to hold a barracks is being worked on. Lower levels have a smattering of workshops and more elaborate areas are being worked on such as a larger dining room in a marble layer and some levels of individual rooms to replace the current dormitory.
Dwarf caravan arrived, traded, and left. I realized that this dwarf kingdom (and probably the goblins as well IIRC) have *no iron*, tin, or some other metals. So trading will be for bronze and steel equipment.
Exploration tunnel downward hit SMR without encountering the third cavern level or magma. Implication though is that magma will be ~140 Z levels down when located. This favors a "deep fortress" with at least part of the population concentrated well underground and the migrants and caravans coming down to visit (or being ignored) while the dwarves take over the caverns. So more tunnels being dug to find the extent of the caverns and whether there are vertical routes that pass all three to potentially be used for access shafts.
On the flip-side all the metal ore discovered so far is shallow. Tetrahedrite and galena for the most part. That is, until a tetrahedrite vein suddenly transformed into a large deposit of magnetite.
With a deposit of chalk right beside it. Limitation right now is very little charcoal and the fact that 2/3 of the map is a treeless wasteland. Thus the need to find magma in order to get our armorer some steel to work with. And then work out something to get the materials in one place with some efficiency.