Embarked on a Good ocean(although I think it was just the swamps that were good). Building an above-ground village is going much better than expected. Trade is a little tough, our balls have been the most valuable export. Er... spiked wooded balls, that is. There is a distressing number of dead fluffy wamblers in and around the village, even before anyone with any cats immigrated. I am trying to capture them for sale, but I seem to not have any bronze colossus meat for bait and out trappers keep getting rats instead(plus one fairy).
In other news, I'm working on my Pokemon mod again. For the most part, Ivysaur and Venusaur are working. I think I'm doing something wrong, though. It's razor leaf attack only seems to either bruise the skin, or fracture the bone. Charmeleon is giving me problems. It won't scratch(which it damn well should), and [FIREBREATH] doesn't seem to any damage([DRAGONFIREBREATH] does, though). Pitting Ivysaur and Charmeleon against each other, they don't seem to be able to kill each other at all, only beat the living crap out of each other, which is essentially what they do in the Pokemon games/cartoons. I don't know whether to find this funny or infuriating.
Venusaur vs Charizard Round 1 ended when Charizard managed to set not only Venusaur on fire(with [DRAGONFIREBREATH], not [FIREBREATH]. It has both tags), but itself too(it has [FIREIMMUNE], but I should probably put [FIREIMMUNE_SUPER]). The second fight ended when I took direct control of Venusaur and somehow managed to rip Charizard's head off, and Venusaur's inventory page showed it had "Charizard skin" in its grip, which I think had "Charizard blood covering" on it. I'm glad I found out that losing its head as well as the tail will kill Charmeleon/Charizard, which is intended.
Most of the other fights were against alpacas, and so far all have been done well against it. Even though they try to fight back, even the attack-less Charmeleon can kill it. Many alpacas gave their lives for these tests. Many more will follow.