So much has gone on in Lordgates, my new Mountain-homes-fortress. Trying to create the dwarven mountain homes in two parts: Lordgates, an enormous city on the edge of a lake in a 4x4 embark, with three boat dock areas and soon to be a shipyard. I've got the dwarves running at speed:50 because I want to get it done and move onto the as-of-yet-unnamed capital in the mountains behind it. Lordgates has no normally embarkable biomes in it, just the mountain covering 3/4 of it, and the lake, 80 z-levels below, on the Eastern edge of the embark. I've dug out the grand halls, a central dining area, and the ship docks.
This year, I spent the summer making a shaft down to the magma sea for the metalsmithing operations. I have NOTHING but tetrahedrite for metals, though, so getting around to importing tons upon tons of sand, clay, metal bars and ores, and wood is going to be necessary.
As I was opening the forges' magma chamber to fill it, I got the message; "You have found a curious underground structure."
And as I had suspected, that's exactly where all the zombie and skeletal animals I'd seen in runesmith were hanging out.
It's also the source of the MASSIVE lag I've been experiencing for the longest time: Some of those things are ‼ON FIRE‼, which has been burning through the cavern mosses around the fortress. Not sure how that happened down there with no magma access and no naturally burning materials, but it just increases my urge to rid the world of the blasted things. Too bad the capital itself won't have the fortress under it.
On a rather cool note, my local government's symbol is two half-moons, being the government's name is The Palace Shield this is appropriate. I will be laying out these moons in silver bars on the floors of the larger sections of the fortress later on.
Even cooler, one of our deities is a mountain wyvern goddess of the mountains. She will have a copper statue dedicated to her constructed on a tower above the center of the grand halls, on a silver base. We also have a god called Risen Risen Datan: Coal the Coal of Iron. Steel. We will import iron and wood and manufacture steel equipment for our use and export.
If there's one thing I need to work out it's how to get rid of all this stone, and set up plenty of residences for the dwarves. I want to include some rather grandiose architecture throughout the city. Then I want to create some even more impressive architecture in the mountain halls itself.
Curse these fiery abominations! I can do nothing to defend my FPS while they wander across the caverns aimlessly, setting the entirety of it ablaze! Down to 17 fps now.