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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5978715 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1605 on: March 06, 2010, 04:55:11 pm »

Just finished trading with dwarves, and am about to bunker down for winter due to the constant Dynosaury attacks.

Also, just massacred 2 Kobold thieves who tried to sneak in.

No I'm not psychic. I just know that this is dwarf fortress. and the most stupidly awesome and inexplicable thing is probably going to be the first thing to happen.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1606 on: March 06, 2010, 05:46:19 pm »

Had my first siege ever. Bunch of goblins came, refused to go in, so I had to send my squad to wipe them. Bad thing is that now all civilian goblins and elves on map are marked hostile. They don't really try to attack me, but they scare my dwarves, so I have to kill them all :(


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1607 on: March 06, 2010, 05:48:09 pm »

that's perfect cause now you can seige them back!
Nom nom nom


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1608 on: March 06, 2010, 05:55:01 pm »

Rakeglazes has been left behind, and now Firediamonds has been claimed.  This fortress will be a grand underground palace - a king's throne spanning 5 Z-levels, 21x15 wide, a reflecting pool, two massive, engraved pillars, and (planned) statues and furniture to bring the settlement's name to life.

The city's main hall is 7 tiles wide with a (currently empty) waterway splitting it down the middle.  There are three levels of this (seperated by the waterway levels), and ramps to allow wagons to access any level.  These three levels - currently - hold 3x3 quarters for a total of 144 dwarves, plus noble quarters.  Soon, the sole signs that there is any Dwarven presence  in this lands will be the ramp that leads down to the fortress proper, and the 15-story hole that leads to the new garbage stockpile.

As with all new lands, though, this one is not without tragedy.  The first life lost was a dwarf known only as Tosid.  During the first wave of immigrants to Firediamons he straggled behind the rest, and was picked off by a giant jaguar.

Ustuth Plannedstake, a metlacrafter, was the next.  A design oversight left the forges open to the volcano from below, and eventually his industriousness caught the attention of a pair of fire imps.  They attacked Ustuth and her child, burning them both.  Sarvesh Rampartconstruct, a nearby woodcutter, charged the imp with his axe and sent it flying into the wall where it blew apart, but the damage had been done.  Shortly after she went mad from the pain of being separated from her child, who was simply left to lay on the ground while she was taken to a bed to rest.

Her child, though, is perhaps the saddest case of all.  Both its hands have been burnt to uselessness.  Like her parents, she worships Obok the abbey of Wire, a Dwarven got associated with creation, crafts, metals, and minerals.  I fear she will never have the opportunity to honor her god through craft.  For now, she crawls the halls of Firediamonds, ignored, and uncared for.  With luck, great luck, she will recover.  With luck.

Kib Rooterchambers was a mason, one of the first seven, and the creator of an unparallelled stone coffer called The Dourness of Ruin.  He sealed himself within the mountain, and only after his death by starvation was he noted as missing.  He had only even spoken to one person after his journey to Firediamonds, preferring to spend the rest of his time carving from rock what would be needed for the grand palace.
Q: What do you get when you take 100 clear glass windows, 1000 silver bars, 6700 gold bars, and 18,000 marble blocks?

A: A very large wall.

"Alright, here's Helltooth... Harborfence... Urist, come get GenericBlade... and you. Welcome to the Danger Room. First timers get good ol' Ballswallowed. Have fun and try not to take off your own toe."


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1609 on: March 06, 2010, 06:17:09 pm »

By useless, are they mangled or amputated?
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1610 on: March 06, 2010, 10:18:55 pm »

I only just recently saw my first megabeast, a black dragon with a tripartite name who claimed to be a ruler, apparently of the ratling civ that had been sending their best and brightest to die in my traps. My response was the eminently reasonable "SHUCKS!* Civilians inside, lock all doors and windows, marksdwarves to your posts, we will not die without a fight!" Fortunately, dragons don't have [trAPAVOID] and are [PET_EXOTIC], so if I could catch one I could have a nifty defense measure. Moving on, I watched to make sure it didn't try anything funny and was captured/killed as quickly as possible. It did not attack immediately, instead it wandered through the clouds, apparently searching for a way in that wasn't guarded by 19 champions, lotsa war dogs, and big cats with lots of teeth. No such luck, dragon! I eventually checked the units screen and discovered that this black dragon who ruled the nation who'd been stealing from me, who'd earned and fought his way to the top of the heap, who had just invaded MY county...was friendly. :o ??? :-\

*Not an exact quotation.

Edit for Update: Apparently the dragon in question is "friendly" in the same way that tamed cave crocs are friendly; it's just destroyed two farm plots and an archery target. I think I'll have to use DC to tame it.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 12:58:30 am by darthbob88 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1611 on: March 06, 2010, 11:37:40 pm »

after a cave in due in part to my own negligence in hurrying to complete a semi-mega project (a funky shaped tower/tomb I'm calling Armok's Timepiece cus it's shaped like an hourglass), I built some coffins to house the newly dead dwarves. Afterall, they fell like fifteen z-levels, so I wasn't surprised they died. I was surprised, however, when I ended up with an extra corpse... It was a marksdwarf, which is the only reason it caught my eye;I didn't and still don't have any marksdwarves. Where did this dwarf come from? @_@

Also, I figured out what happened to the humans of this city through my engraver. Apparently they were attacked by a goblin civ that had a demon for a leader. Demons can destroy buildings, right?
Dwarf fortress threads can sound so.... unethical
it would be unethical if this wasn't the bay12 forums
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1612 on: March 06, 2010, 11:50:55 pm »

 Gearholes is celebrating its fifth year and the arrival of its new Countess and her consort by forging a mess of golden goblets.  Nobody wants to talk about the real reason why, of course (gold is paradoxically the only precious metal the Countess and her cohorts have NOT banned for export), but they're all too cheerful to be fully acknowledged as an important fortress by their civilization of The Ivory Castle to worry about that.  Besides, 50 gold goblets should buy out the entire human caravan and then some.  Still, there's talk of overthrowing the new Countess for so casually banning the export of roughly a third of the fortress' 3.12 million dorfbux in wealth.

 There is also debate amongst the builders about the mayor's over-ambition, mostly because he ordered a mile-and-a-half-long walled courtyard to be constructed in the northwest corner of the designated boundaries of Gearholes to box in about a sixth of the site's forests.  Mayor Nish Amoslan (Nish Openwind to the humans) insists that it's vital for keeping the fort well-protected from the marauding Goblins.  He's quick to dismiss anyone pointing out that said marauders simply attempting to come within 500 yards of the trade depot would result in Goblin salsa from one of the 35 fully-loaded weapon traps protecting the entry road.  One of his fellow founders, Morul Abanidath (Morul Constructamused), claims it's because the Goblins killed his favorite war dogs back when the fort was still young and he still hasn't forgiven them for that yet.

 Whatever the case, Gearholes is in for an interesting time now that the Goblins are rumored to be preparing a vile force of darkness to invade...
Sanity is for the weak.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1613 on: March 07, 2010, 01:20:39 am »

Cat Fortress. Playing with the cat mod. So many cats died completing this, from being attacked by werewolves 5 times, drinking in the carp-infested river, having a tantrum spiral and then having two cats, one uninjured, one with a mangled lower body to fight off a unicorn-riding elf ambush. "Little Caz", a cat that had been in the fort from the beginning died valiantly fighting the elves before a 30-cat migrant wave turned the elves into a fine bloody mist.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1614 on: March 07, 2010, 10:52:00 pm »

Have decided to make my "work fort" my primary fort now that I've switched to working weekends. Spent the vast majority of today building it up and working on my first major mega-project, an outer wall that is going to encompass a fairly sizable portion of the map, but not all of it.

Have had lots of sieges but because of my forethought in creating my military I have yet to have significant challenge, despite playing with the dig dwarfier mod. I did have a black dragon show up and he did kill one champion by burninating him (plus a peasant) but one of his buddies with a hammer knocked it unconscious and my military swarmed him with a vengeance. And since I'm playing the dwarfier mod I get the wonderful task of stripping the dragon carcass. I then proceeded to outfit my most accomplished champion in full Dragon Scale plate with a Dragon Scale Shield and a Dragon Scale Axe. He is now dubbed "Captain Awesome". Of course, in doing so I got to experience first hand the frustration in getting specific armor to specific dwarves. I figured it out though.

I think I managed to get a pretty tame set of nobles. The worst request I've gotten was Billon and Dwarven Steel (dwarfier metal). The Duchess likes Aluminum, the Consort likes Flasks, the Mayor likes Green Glass (which I have), and the Tax Collector is the one who likes the aforementioned Billon. I've yet to run into a mandate I could not meet. I'm sure that'll change with the years as supplies run low but for now, it's cool.
Tolkien had a great secret: The dwarves of Moria didn't dig too deep. A prominent dwarf with lots of friends started tantruming and, well, you figure out what happened next.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1615 on: March 08, 2010, 01:01:41 am »

A sasquatch just appeared on my map after fifteen years of absolutely nothing but groundhogs, mountain goats, and hoary marmots. Wow. So a new pet for my baron.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1616 on: March 08, 2010, 01:32:21 am »

Beat off a few ambushes and figured out how to sell the giant spider cloths the kobolds have for lots of coin.

I thought I was doing great with moods, piece of cake, then I had a guy while I tried to find him thread. And now I let a guy go insane for cut jems. Pretty lame of me. Think I will revert a few years and spend a bit of thought getting some of the non interesting workshops going.
My population is steadily climbing by births. I have to get the puppy chopping industry going, its getting ridiculous.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1617 on: March 08, 2010, 03:36:50 am »

recent fort I just started, had a major river, magma, and flux in a rather small area, thought, 'Great site.' and decided to embark. Only to find the river was frozen. Great, no water. Then remembered reading that you can use magma to melt water and instead of giving up on that fort decided to try and get some magma moving around and get some water. Then spring came and the river melted, with everyone on the ice but maybe two people.


Tried again, but this time made a huge stockpile to the side that accepted everything and had the dwarves moving away from the wagon ASAP, everyone but the farmer died. Did still have a pick though so thought I might try a hermit challenge. Then thought better of it, have a mega-project I'm wanting to do and one dwarf just won't cut it.


They all survived this time, though lost some of the booze/food, and the fisherdwarf was on the opposite side of the river. Started making an entrance in a valley that ended at one end, making a great approach for caravans/enemies. Was digging into the hill, and, aquifer, started flooding out. Didn't really have the tools to deal with it, nor the experience with aquifers. Savescummed. Went to other side, lost all but two dwarves, the fisherdwarf (female) and the woodworker (male). Yay, a breeding pair of dwarves, hopefully anyway. Since immigration is turned off. Then the fisherdwarf threw a tantrum, and shortly later went insane and became melancholy.


Couple of similar incidents to the last, with the fisherdwarf going insane each time. Finally got everyone minus maybe half the booze off the ice before it thawed. Now working on fort, with entrance above the magmapipe.

Another map I have going at the moment just had a 'migrant' arrive. Yes, singular, had to do a double take at the line and sure enough only one dwarf entered the map. This is more perplexing as immigrating should be off. Oh well, another body to build a Mega-Project.

Coincendentally, it'll be my first time trying to do anything more with magma than make a channel for the forges, and it's an orbital cannon that can shoot magma/lava, water, or obsidian.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 03:38:33 am by techno65535 »
... while being chased by axe-welding cats in the dark.
Scratch that, throwing-axe-wielding cats in the dark.
They're cute but my god that's terrifying.
GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1618 on: March 08, 2010, 07:27:57 am »

Well,I have jellyfish flying trough the air thanks to my mods. I have to send fisherdwarves to hunt them down. And just now,I'm really not sure wtf happened,but...

Well,there was a merchant,his donkey and a guard standing near the edge of my map,doing nothing. The other merchants left,so I dunno wtf this guy was doing there. Then out of nowhere,the merchant goes berserk!!! So the guard killed him and ran off. Then the donkey went melancholy. o.0
I got all the merchant's merchandise,which is pretty cool...a free anvil,yay! ^_^


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1619 on: March 08, 2010, 08:25:20 am »

running out of wood for a "boat" i'm building, I decided to finally attempt to cross the dreaded carp infested waters to access the southern forest.obviously, this is a risky maneuver at best, but things went as well as can be hoped for, and the only casualty was a baby. Somehow, despite being involved in a cave in, a goblin attack, and several other misfortunate events, the mother didn't go insane/melancholy. And, while the initial crossing was somewhat dangerous, my dwarves are now safe when crossing the river, at least until the carp learn to jump fifty feet into the air, latch onto a dwarf's beard, and drag him down into the depths.

I suspect the first "Urist McWoodcutter has been struck down/drowned" message to show up late next spring.
Dwarf fortress threads can sound so.... unethical
it would be unethical if this wasn't the bay12 forums
Bay12: A short, sturdy forum fond of !!science!! and derailment.
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