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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969289 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1425 on: February 20, 2010, 11:33:41 pm »

Embarked in a new zone (do that a lot, I'm picky) with magma, underground river, brook, flux, and somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 z-levels, most of them granite. Unfortunately my dwarves went through the food pretty fast, and the caravan was hit by that nasty bug where they walk... very... slooooowly... so the caravan never traded.

Now, a little background. Since this is Dig Deeper 1.4 I set up a drowning trap immediately. Basically, the entrance ramp to my fort goes below the brook, and when I toggle two levers it seals both exits and opens a 5 tile wide flood path (later I plan to upgrade that path with pumps to speed drowning). A second lever activates a series of pumps which pump the water out (later I plan to massively expand the pump array so it can be flooded and drained at incredible speeds for handling multiple squads efficiently). It's easy to set up, requires only basic knowledge of hydromechanics, and allows 7 dwarves to take down entire armies. Useful for when the orcs siege constantly and keep you from getting migrants.

With the food nearing the danger point and the only soil on the opposite side of the map, I decided to pull the flood lever without engaging the seal doors. It was at this point I realized two things. First, dwarves are kind of stupid. The water, while not blindingly fast, filled the chamber inside of a minute or so, and it took them 30 seconds to pull the lever. The second thing is, my drainage array pump requires 15 more power than the current system provides. So now I'm flooded in, with dwindling food supplies. First time I've flooded my fort, it's fun.

On the positive side, once I get out and can get at the copper on the map, I'm set up to start making bismuth bronze. I'll have to wait for haulers to go after the dolomite, since it's so far away, to make steel. There are two or three exposed hematite veins, and I have magma. Going to need coal or more wood to make it though, bismuth bronze will have to do for now. There's also some gold and mithril, so I can either make mithril or deep steel armor long term, until I hit the HFS.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1426 on: February 21, 2010, 12:08:58 am »

Just feel like mentally fleshing out the last few projects I have to work on here for no particular reason.

- Ice arch that sticks out from within the moat around the Mountaingate, serving as the barracks, weapons/armour/ammo storage, and military housing. Then move in the military and tear down the last of the temp housing.

- Dig out and flood the pond within Mountaingate

- Build the boat in the lake's drydock (not even sure how to go about laying this out, I'm not rreally a boat person)

- Begin mapping out the grand palace... I've got a little over 500 iron bars to spare, but I haven't got many sieges lately so I might just make the shell out of iron and the inside out of maybe diorite. Aside from the usual noble quarters and the like, I'm constructing a master vault here with all non-furniture artifacts inside. Also going to mint a bunch of coins for no reason (I have economy off) just for the sake of storing them and having it look awesome.

- Finish up the jail and build some offices for the regular fortress guard. Royal guard will probably operate out of the palace.

- Some kind of arena. Last on the to-do list, I think; unlike most of the other stuff still to do I don't really have an idea of how I want this to look yet. But you can't really call a fort 'complete' without an arena.

- Finish the goblin drop tower; when it's done they should fall from around 30z above the mountain, 15z or so through a gap in the mountain, and then another 40z through the grotto cavern into the 3/7 pool of water in the center of the shrink to Armok, leaving a nice little bloody pool. I don't wannt half-ass this one, so it's taking some time to get the tower part looking good.

Sigh. I've been working on this fort since just before November. I'm really hoping to get it done by the end of February, or at the latest before the new version is out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1427 on: February 21, 2010, 12:34:40 am »

I have this goblin master lasher local leader who is pratically a coward since he keeps at a distance and stays behind his squad (unlike most squad leaders) and every time I try to get him, he keeps running away. The last time I had a siege (which was the current game season, only lasted, what, a week or so) I tried to send my guys after him while he was near the edge of the map and ALMOST had him. He got slowed down running into a squad mate and one of my champions was just a few squares behind. The rest of the squad was annaihlated.

I,unfortunately, lost one of my champions to a hail of arrows/bolts a bit later in the siege.

I'm currently cleaning up the mess with speed:0 dwarves. Not sure if I'll train up some more soldiers or not since 9 champs is probably enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1428 on: February 21, 2010, 01:19:16 am »

How do I start.

Within the first year, harpies killed five of my dwarves, leaving an axedwarf, who wasn't really even upset, and a FREAKED OUT legendary miner. The axedwarf kills the harpies, and I try to keep going on with the two.

The miner tantrums, and starts a fistfight with the axedwarf, who is sleeping. And the miner is holding a pick.

The miner is suddenly much happier, now that he's killed the axedwarf.

He tantrums again, shortly after, and hits a dog. The dog flies across the room, and loses an eye. It keeps going in and out of stun, but the miner is happier. For awhile longer, until he ends up killing a cat. Then, he's made leader of the party (the Fatal Hatchets, lol) and is suddenly much, much happier.

So I build six tombs, and six no-quality coffins for them. Then, he I build him a lavish room, and smooths all the walls.  Then I realize that there's a huge kobold problem, so he builds a quick entrance way on soil and a hallway for traps. He's getting wood to make cages for the traps when he runs into 8 elves.

Only one bowman, one spearman, 6 wrestlers, so he manages to avoid the arrows and run, easily killing a wrestler who chases him down.

Now he's built sloppy second fortress, containing only a couple workshops, and I'm going to tunnel into the original fortress and lead them into a maze of traps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1429 on: February 21, 2010, 01:27:59 am »

That is one sadistic miner. Should have been the one with the axe though.

Papa Cauldur

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1430 on: February 21, 2010, 02:43:48 am »

Urist McCarpenter cancels Construct Building; Interrupted by Skeletal Carp.
Urist McMason cancels Construct Building; Interrupted by Zombie Longnose Gar.

And I'm playing Dig Deeper too. :< I'm trying to build a bridge over a lake.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1431 on: February 21, 2010, 02:45:51 am »

I have a brook on my highest Z-level and I'm trying to flood the world so I can have an underwater, underground utopia. It isn't going so well.
My dwarves keep giving birth and one lost a baby over the edge of the channel I built near my brook and it was attacked by the three mountain goats that were also there. After a while it bled to death. I checked the unit screen and no one was tantruming, which I suppose means the parents regret having the child.
If dwarves decided to live in trees like hippies, they'd still do it better than the elves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1432 on: February 21, 2010, 04:53:15 am »

Augh. Just spent a good hour doing some fancy designating to put together a giant mural of a five-pointed star in gold surrounded by iron... only to realize that while my design looked right, from the dwarves' perspective, it's upside-down. God damn it. I will not let this stand in my way. Onwards!

Edit: Hoorah, fixed.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 08:05:41 am by Retro »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1433 on: February 21, 2010, 08:54:39 am »

One of my blacksmiths just produced this monstrosity of an artifact table, with an image of my queen on it in adamantine. Perfect timing too, she was getting bitchy about her throne room not being good enough (it shows white in the noble list but she keeps getting bad thoughts about someone having a better one, which is odd as hers is the biggest and fanciest I've built) - I'm sticking this in the middle of the room to hopefully shut her up.

At 1.5 million dwarfbucks it's worth more than my entire stockpile of furniture thus far (up until now furniture for the entire fort was valued at around 200,000 db).

She'll probably have a heart attack when she sees it.

Screenshots of the crazy table over here:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1434 on: February 21, 2010, 06:18:15 pm »

So I've discovered this fort is very mineral heavy, even after running reveal I didn't know there was just this much metal here. I have a ton of bismuth bronze, almost enough for 8 suits of armor, and enough copper and tin to make plenty more bronze and pewter. Dig Deeper added black pewter, which is tin and lead, and this mountain also is very heavy on galena, so I'll be using some of that. In addition, the andesite higher up has a few good veins of hematite, and the dolomite on the very edge of my fort has some hematite and limonite. Combine that with imports and siege gear (assuming I ever actually get attacked) and there's a good variety of metal for weapons, plus some good stuff for goods (including gold and mithril).

One of my haulers went moody and is demanding cloth. As I have no cloth, I walled him in. It's a possession anyways, though it's ironic - the only thing the elves brought was cloth, I just hate elf cloth. My remaining haulers are clearing away stone in the tower cap farm, dropping it all on an atom smasher. Once that's done, I'm going to drop the floor through the river and flood the entire room, then drain it out through fortifications. Should have plenty of plants growing soon, which is good since I cheaped out and only brought plump helmet spawn, so I'll need to harvest some underground plants to expand my farming. Lots of work to do, work work work.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1435 on: February 21, 2010, 09:35:45 pm »

I'm in the late summer of my second year in my new fort and just got my first artifact in this fort, which is.... a limestone coffin. Why a coffin? why of all things did my miner make a coffin, he doesn't even have a preference for them...

The group name is The Sword of Tunneling (randomized name, but I like it) and the fort is Thundervalley. Apart from bieng in a desert, I don't get what the coffin has any significance for....

Maybe I'll stick it in the middle of my forts dining hall. Wierd, I know, but hey, this is DF.

Oh yea, I have a ninja elf as a liason, he is just hyperfast. At 90-100 ish fps, if you blink, you'll miss him.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 09:42:41 pm by smjjames »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1436 on: February 21, 2010, 10:22:35 pm »

My fort is boring. I'm turning the old fort into an entry hall, complete with a big pit and a drawbridge and some ballistas and things, and expanding the areas I dug out to properly suit a real fort. Hopefully I can get it done without any Orc/Dark Elf surprise attacks. D:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1437 on: February 21, 2010, 11:59:22 pm »

Broke a goblin siege (yes siege, not an ambush) for the first time using only a ballista.

you must now retrain that ballista operator as a tailor.
Toady typically doesn't do things by half measures.  As evidenced by turning "make hauling work better" into "implement mine carts with physics".
There are many issues with this statement.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1438 on: February 22, 2010, 01:10:14 am »

Why a coffin? why of all things did my miner make a coffin, he doesn't even have a preference for them...

Maybe he had some sort of premonition...
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... It's okay to sell quivers..."
I just ripped open a lions throat by biting it. Who's the lion now, bitch!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #1439 on: February 22, 2010, 04:20:43 am »

Making some major progress. After I finish up the couple projects I'm working on now, there's just furnishing the apartments (goal of making all 200 dwarf bedrooms Royal quality) and some misc. stuff. The last thing I'm quasi-stumped on is how to revamp my pub. Right now it's just a two-tier building with a fake bar of tables and cabinets and som tables/chairs scattered around, but I'm not sure what to add to it.
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