Built the magma scaffold and pumped lava up into my tower. I need to turn heat on before it will heat the stone around it, but that'll drop my fps considerably so it will be a last minute thing. However, the hot tub is officially complete. The sauna failed, the water and lava didn't make steam they just destroyed each other, so my current plan is just to put chairs there. Who needs steam when you're sitting on molten rock, right? I'm trying to come up with two more heat related things, but I'm drawing a blank. Maybe put some beds in and call them massage tables, but I dunno about the fourth. Noble death chamber?
I've met every prereq for the queen short of tribute. I have masterwork and artifact furniture prepared for her rooms, which take up an entire floor in the tower. The civ screen doesn't list a husband, so his floor isn't prepared, if he shows up I'm sol.
I have four more floors til my obsidian tower is finished. Shouldn't be too much longer now. In the meantime, I probably should finish engraving the duke consort's room. It's been too low quality for over a year now, I just haven't... given a damn. I've been completely ignoring mandates, mostly I'm worried that my haulers will start going broke once the tower is finished though I don't intend to stay that long. Once the tower is complete, I'm going to designate actual meeting areas instead of meeting zones and have a season long party or so, then archive the save and start a new fort. It's been a blast, this is my first true megaproject short of a few megatraps I made to deal with orcs in previous forts.