16th Obsidian, 253: Another siege arrived. Dug fall pit some levels deeper, let's see how It'll work now ^^. Woops, goblins @ Giant Cave Swallows. This sound FUN again!!
18th Obsidian: Lost a Planter, that couldn't retrieve in time. Was probably collecting bees (In winter 0_o).
19th Obsidian: Anoter casuality of the same type, a Milker this time And the third frag, a lye maker
25th Obsidian, 253: everything that goez down due to gravity is successfully defeated. Many of the other has run away. Still have three goblin lashers hanging in the arir over Giant Cave Swallows like waiting for something. Also, 16 z levels are better than 8 for sure! I'll wait for the mess to rot out and start dealing with it only then ^^.
10th Granite, 254: We've taken down one lasher with our only anti-aircraft system aka our only marksdwarf. Fallen badly after the swallow got shot with some bolts. Two left..
12th Granite: Our air defence decided to go for new bolts, waiting.
15th Granite: Second target down, 'pilot' survived. Close combad brigade hurrying!
16th Granite: 'pilot' killed, a soldier get injured, seems that it isn't serious
17th Granite: aim at the swallow! Last target hit! Later: some pieces of goblin lie around
. The swallow dead! The siege is over! Hurra!
If we had swallow-mounted bowmen, that would be worse! Indeed, we had some, but they flew away after surface forces got defeated.