1. Fairy Fortress
I embarked with a standard embark... but with fairies instead of dwarves. Item list seemed to be fine except for "forgotten beast n/a" and "unknown frozen creature substance". Believe it or not, fairies have the standard things and relationships dwarves have, along with labors. This might very well be just a regular old fort. I'll abandon later to mess around more, but for now I'm playing around.
2nd Granite, 251: Fairies will not dig. Or do anything. I'm abandoning.
2. The Everseeing Realms - Iron Man Fortress
All sorts of crazyness. The item list turned from wierd and regular to LSD-level. Bogeyman leather cloth, plume agate picks... unfortunately, it crashed on embark
3. Cave Lobster Fortress
I already knew this wouldn't work when I started it, but it doesn't really matter to me! Embarked with no skill points spent for kicks.
1st Granite: A bunch of leather blew up, and then everyone drowned.
4. Ettin Fortress:
All was well on Embark except for the fact that all picks had been replaced by whips. I'm not entirely sure at the time of writing (no internet access) WHAT an Ettin is. Oh well.
1st Granite: They have relationships and labors. Unfortunately, they wouldn't dig, probably because of the above problem. I got them to place some blocks though. Heh... Ettin Fortress would have been cool.
It works. I finally found a RAW-dupe combo that works. Relationships, labors and digging all work, too. I started out on top of some grass and snowy/non-snowy trees, so I just started digging into the ground. Should have brought some blocks for a barrier!
2nd Granite: Been digging around. Item list is okay, and the local soil is fine. I forgot to bring a second miner, so I only have one. Oops.
4th Granite: Struck native copper on second layer.
6th Granite: Everything works. Saving the game. I guess it's just like DF, but Minotaurs are way scarier. I'm gonna carve out a labyrinth in the side of a mountain I found. 'Til next time!