My name is...
And I am...
Who are you? What’s your job? A describing word often associated with you?
What’s been keeping me awake?
Has someone close to you been hurt? Do you feel as if you’re being hunted? Is that one level just bugging you too much?
What’s just happened to me?
What situation just happened? This is the situation you’ll be starting your tale with, so make it interesting.
What’s on the surface?
How do you present yourself to others? What’s your public face? How do you act in public, and how do you want people to see you?
What lies beneath?
What are you really like, in the privacy of your thoughts? What dark traits do you never let see the light of day?
What’s my path?
Where are you going? What goals do you want to achieve? What is your aim?
Permanent Madness [ ] [ ] [ ]
Exhaustion [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
^None of these three can be changed in character creation, so ignore it.
Fight Responses
Flight Responses
[ ] [ ] [ ]
^You get three responses total, so split them up among Fight and Flight. You can have three of one, or two of one and one of the other.
Exhaustion Talent:
Your exhaustion talent is something mundane you're really good at, like shooting, driving, or parkour.
Madness Talent:
Your madness talent is something you've never been able to do before now, something supernatural, weird, and more frequently than not, horrifying. Let the twisted side of your imagination run rampart, but don't come up with something overpowered.