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Author Topic: Supernatural 8 - Game over! Town Victory  (Read 71189 times)


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #360 on: June 18, 2015, 07:58:08 pm »

[sarcastic_joke_not_meant_to_be_taken_seriously]Can I replace someone?[/sarcastic_joke_not_meant_to_be_taken_seriously]
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #361 on: June 18, 2015, 08:10:45 pm »

I'm only fine with calling it if it counts as a win for team Cheeetar.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #362 on: June 18, 2015, 08:49:47 pm »

[sarcastic_joke_not_meant_to_be_taken_seriously]Can I replace someone?[/sarcastic_joke_not_meant_to_be_taken_seriously]
Ahaaaahhhhh >_>
So, I had 2 days offline due to...issues (hopefully nobody browses my post history and sees the Happy thread post I made), and I had no way to announce it earlier to everyone here.
I'mup for tentative replacement, but really trying hard to catch up to the everything .-.

...Can we...EXTEND more? On behalf of technical capabilities for everyone? I couldn't find the time to post this (and that my big post got wiped due to technical reasons which I won't expound on because it already seems more like an excuse if I do, but its honestly bluh. Cheer cheer there <_<)

I'm only fine with calling it if it counts as a win for team Cheeetar.
You've a way of making me suspect you even if I think you're town, y'know. :I
A bit of meta here, but its less metaknowledge from my standpoint, and more (constructive?) critique as a player.
Yeah I'm just saying this out. Still re-reading on flabort as of late...

But query @flabort: I'm a Sexton, yes. What do you take of that, and why did you question:
2) Hey, that's my role! Are you saying there's two of us, or are you counter-claiming?
...a conjunctive?
...Which comes off as passively defensive to me?
I'm not counter-claiming because...I don't really think there's exclusivity to roles here. I've no idea where that idea came from and I wonder where you got it.
And on the 'two of us' thing...I'm basically confused. What brought that curiosity about?


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #363 on: June 19, 2015, 03:26:37 pm »

Meh, whatever, if you don't vote me off today then the mafia will kill me
And yes, I realize that some of my comments were more of me projecting than analyzing. I did say that after my analysis I was less convinced, right? You quoted bits of that post.
I'm aware of your statement, yes, but you still were convinced.
Now, since you obviously looked in the spoiler, would you mind answering the questions in it?
Mafia refering to the anti-town team, I know it's cult but I was at the start of a bad mood and starting to shut out everyone.
As far as questions, while looking through it I missed the questions in the spoiler.

Re: Re: Cheese post 6: How is it not? I already said, putting the blame on an entirely different game is evasive.

Re: It "appears to be"?: It "looks like"? "seems a lot like"? I'm not sure what kind of detail you're asking for. That's litterally what I mean, it appears to be a tactic for the purposes on not doing anything else that he could be accused about.

Re: Third question: Yes, I'm telling you that he was finding a safe, supportable fake-claim, but NO I'm not saying he abandoned them for the werebear, I'm saying claiming werebear is the culmination of that. Given that we still have some absent players who could be the real werebear, it could still be a fake claim, but given that you and TDS believe him, it's obviously supportable, and it's a deterrent from town inspecting him at night, which makes it a safe fake claim.

Meph: Re: Ending the game:
Meh, I guess. If modkilling the absent players would end the game in victory for one team or the other, go for it.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #364 on: June 19, 2015, 03:34:54 pm »

I'm only fine with calling it if it counts as a win for team Cheeetar.
You've a way of making me suspect you even if I think you're town, y'know. :I
A bit of meta here, but its less metaknowledge from my standpoint, and more (constructive?) critique as a player.
Yeah I'm just saying this out. Still re-reading on flabort as of late...

But query @flabort: I'm a Sexton, yes. What do you take of that, and why did you question:
2) Hey, that's my role! Are you saying there's two of us, or are you counter-claiming?
...a conjunctive?
...Which comes off as passively defensive to me?
I'm not counter-claiming because...I don't really think there's exclusivity to roles here. I've no idea where that idea came from and I wonder where you got it.
And on the 'two of us' thing...I'm basically confused. What brought that curiosity about?
Passively defensive, yes. I was asking if you're saying there could be two town sextons, which you seem to believe is possible, or it the roles had to be exclusive and you were therefor counterclaiming, which you weren't doing.
I was feeling like you were putting another point against me by claiming the same role I had claimed when a mass claim had become the only way to solve a stalemate between me and Cheetar; I felt it was a vote in Cheetar's favor, aka against me, weakening my case further, and I felt upset over it, so I got defensive. This, when I was starting a depressed phase.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #365 on: June 19, 2015, 03:42:55 pm »

Passively defensive, yes. I was asking if you're saying there could be two town sextons, which you seem to believe is possible, or it the roles had to be exclusive and you were therefor counterclaiming, which you weren't doing.
I was feeling like you were putting another point against me by claiming the same role I had claimed when a mass claim had become the only way to solve a stalemate between me and Cheetar; I felt it was a vote in Cheetar's favor, aka against me, weakening my case further, and I felt upset over it, so I got defensive. This, when I was starting a depressed phase.
Quickpost: I didn't actually check if anyone claimed (eyes skimmed Cheeet's were claim), but I claimed anyway.
Long post coming because I recreated it from scrap -_-


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #366 on: June 19, 2015, 03:45:52 pm »

Call it.  Everyone lives happily ever after as the Cult and Town realize that they have A Lot In Common and should thus be good friends.  Draw.

Kind of hard to play with so few players.
And then I catch up with the posts and see this .-. eep.
...That sounds like a good ending, but we're 7 people. Just a spout of inactivity present ( says me, who was 'inactive' for 2 days prior).


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #367 on: June 19, 2015, 04:00:52 pm »

flabort: Could I ask why you're voting Cheeetar (sans anything he said; focusing on his role)? I mean, the basis of the vote aside, there's little correlation to him being scum if indeed his werebear claim is true. He can't also have been a convert, unless there's a cult Wizard and SOMEHOW the werebear is an inactive player.


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #368 on: June 19, 2015, 04:09:06 pm »

I am a Guardian Angel. Remember when I mentioned the possibility of a neutral third-party? This was why.
When did you mention this? I don't remember anything from reading back, nor does the search engine help.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #369 on: June 19, 2015, 04:22:55 pm »

Hooray time to write x-x

Hello other six people. Hello 3 people voting flabort.
    Jack AT {? - Did I miss something?}
    flabort {C. Sexton ... 'Counter'claim to birdy's poke?}
    TheDarkStar {Claimed Guardian Angel}
    roo {?}
    spruce {?}
    Cheeetar [Cheesecake] {Claimed Werebear; not contested}
Spoiler: SK Werebear flavor (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Town Werebear flavor (click to show/hide)
    Tiruin [EPenguin] {C. Sexton}

    Teneb -
Spoiler: Necromancer (click to show/hide)
[D1 Lynch]

    origamiscienceguy - Cult Guard [D3; Obviously mauled by were-creature; assumed either targeted Cheeet, or Cheeet is SK werebear who mauled Guard. Either way, Cheeet isn't a target for the moment.]

    birdy51 - Town Priest [D3; Slain by weapon]
    Persus13 - Townsperson [D3; Slain by weapon]

    Deus Asmoth - Town Dreamwalker [D2; Dead
    ToonyMan - Town Fortune Teller [D2]

    Peradon - Town Illusionist [D2; Lynch]
Six people other than me. Three landing their votes. Presence of a cult. Lacking activity...and I do believe the dead chat is sorta grumpy about all this.
So, first of all. Totally sorry Birdy. Didn't read this post when I claimed. Seriousness back in: Thanks spruce for keeping it up.

Moving on.
Method I used was backtracking. Since pretty much a one-(wo)man judge here who had no say on the game, ever, I'm hitting myself with a candelabra because my Sexton-ship is silly. (That, and I do fairly believe that the use of a Sexton would be alarm to the Necromancer; Cult can have a Sexton so I don't believe that counterclaiming, flabort, is a primary matter of business)

Seriousness back in: Checking up OSG, and trying to match any relation of attitude with the current person to be lynched...Cult Guard; honesty or not, he's pretty much a loose end. What I believe the cult we've got currently is a one-shot recruit (usually paired with a pair or singular other town role)
Correlating it to the now, however...most people are jumping on flabort (...ok, literally everyone active other than me.) because of his play and vote position. Considering the rest of the people present, and connecting the flavor to D3 start-kills, we've 2 spots accounted for: A sure cult kill and a sure werebear kill.
But another person died, and its apparently from a cause of physical-weaponry. So my guess is a Monster Hunter cultist.
...Aren't Guardian Angels a third-party goal focused on protection {any somebody} present?

I mean, I feel like I'd like to vote flabort because he's oddly out, but I'm not completely certain with TDS (though standing to reason, I'm looking back and rechecking) or Jack, who hasn't claimed as far as I know. There's roo and spruce...

Pretend you can't say 'neither' or 'I don't know'.
I love you
-r style of discussion.

Jack A T

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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #370 on: June 19, 2015, 06:57:43 pm »

Posting quickly, working on a bigger post: Unvote.  I do not feel confident in my vote.  Flabort's stubbornness about that case doesn't feel, well, scum.  His case has a manufactured feel, but it...well...I don't think it's scum manufacturing.  I think it's the sort of manufactured feel a case gets when the evidence is based on the conclusion.  Scum manufactured cases tend to be more natural-looking: conclusions supported by evidence (like proper cases), not evidence built on conclusions.  His continuing use of the lens of his conclusion to back his conclusion and his stubbornness about each part of his case doesn't feel like the sort of thing scum would do under pressure like mine, too.

And now I have no idea who to vote.  Argh.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #371 on: June 19, 2015, 07:00:58 pm »

At least we have some more activity going on now. And notquitethere said he should be able to take over for Spruce this weekend, so I'll extend to ~5pm Pacific Monday
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One

Jack A T

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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #372 on: June 19, 2015, 07:33:57 pm »

Thinking about it, it's pretty obvious (particularly to the cult) what my role is already, just by process of elimination.  I've been semi-guessed already.

I'm a Vampire Hunter.  Yes, Meph went with that gag again.  Each night, I can either inspect someone to see if they're a vampire (...yeah) or kill.  As you already know, I've killed.  I've already basically given my reasons for the Asmoth kill:
Taking into account the lack of third parties that stab, the vigs that stab, the scumteam being accounted for already, and the lack of much reason for scum to kill the low-activity Asmoth, I think it's safe to say Asmoth was vigged.
His non-entity status D1 led me to get rid of him to make things easier later.  N2, I was thinking roo or Tiruin for inactivity, but then I realized Persus13 felt a lot like his bland Sup7 scum self (he posted, gave text, but didn't contribute much to the game or play in ways that stood out aside from blandness).  Took the shot.  Wasn't.

Didn't initially join the massclaim to ensure I could still do my night work without interference and because I didn't trust the main claim-pusher.

flabort: Have a cute cat video.  Might help.
Spoiler: flabortchat (click to show/hide)

What I believe the cult we've got currently is a one-shot recruit
Why?  Their team's kill's accounted for each night.  We know they haven't recruited anyone, then, which I would think they would do N1.
So my guess is a Monster Hunter cultist.
...Aren't Guardian Angels a third-party goal focused on protection {any somebody} present?
You think the scumteam is a one-shot converter who hasn't converted and a bonus killer?  Why?
And yes, Guardian Angels are that.

I guess I didn't vote, looking back. I guess I'll vote for flabort to avoid someone tying the vote. He's also voting for Cheeetar who seems to be confirmed town.
TDS: Do you like your flabort vote?  Do you see evidence for his scumhood aside from his (not quite confirmed town) target?  And who are you guarding anyway, Guardian Angel?

NQT: Analysis?  Thoughts on the flabort/Cheeetar affair?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #373 on: June 19, 2015, 07:51:37 pm »

Jack A T:

I guess I didn't vote, looking back. I guess I'll vote for flabort to avoid someone tying the vote. He's also voting for Cheeetar who seems to be confirmed town.
TDS: Do you like your flabort vote?  Do you see evidence for his scumhood aside from his (not quite confirmed town) target?  And who are you guarding anyway, Guardian Angel?

flabort is currently the scummiest person, so yes, my vote is where I think it should be. The main scummy thing about him is his case on Cheeetar - he still hasn't provided a reasonable reason for it.

I'm guarding Tiruin. I don't know what her alignment is - there are no flavortext clues and I have both an inspection-protection and a conversion-protection.

If you're a vampire hunter, does that imply that there is at least one vampire in the game?
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now

Jack A T

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Re: Supernatural 8 - Day 3 [1 REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #374 on: June 19, 2015, 07:58:48 pm »

If you're a vampire hunter, does that imply that there is at least one vampire in the game?
I'm guarding Tiruin. I don't know what her alignment is - there are no flavortext clues and I have both an inspection-protection and a conversion-protection.
Do you have an NK and a Judgement protection, and what have you used each night?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.
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