It's actually possible to get quite a lot of detail about a melee attack if you have enough time to type it all up. For example:
"Arms in triangular formation, one in front of the other with hands on the centerline (imagine a line going down your body, bisecting it, basically that). Feet below shoulders, forwards and nearly parallel, though slightly angled so that if lines were projected from them, they would intersect near where the opponent is. Head up, shoulders back, body straight up and chest slightly up. Hips forward slightly, and backside slightly tensed.
When in range, perform low-heel kick aided at shins. Swing foot up in an arc, emphasizing speed to bringing heel at target. Stomp downwards and use to quickly move forwards, bringing other leg back into position when position. Intercept incoming punch or guarding arm with horizontal parry (somewhere between a slap and a palm strike), simultaneously, use other arm to deliver a straight punch along centerline. Aim forwards, likely will head towards some part of the body vertically located between the head and chest. No tensing, no drawing back the arm. Shoulder and elbow kept loose, forward motion only to maximize velocity, tense up only at impact and immediately retract when the punch stops. Body posture is used as a shock absorber to absorb reaction force. Punch is prioritized over the parry as if it impacts, it will rob the opponent's attack of strength. Parry should guide incoming punch away, and immediately cycle back into the centerline behind bunching arm. Ideally, punch and parry should coincide with stomp. If successful, perform a straight centerline punch using parrying arm whilst other arm is cycling back. Perform a series of 3-4 punches as in quick succession."
Assuming I didn't fuck up the description, the above should specify a beginner-level non-committal attack against someone in a certain side-on stance.