Another vote for a move. The fact that existing posts can be saved makes me skip for joy. Hallelujah!
Misc requests:
* Have the spellchecker stop flagging "Dwarves" and "Dwarven" as errors.
* Enable the best search possible within bandwidth constraints.
* Have some forum-savvy chap review the list of tags for smilies. On one board I went to, every time a chap wrote the word "smoking" (within quotes), the text was replaced with a face and a cigar! No joke.
* Also have him turn off various bandwidth-intensive features. I've heard horrible things about how much it costs to host a sufficiently active board with enough bells and whistles, and we all want YOU to keep as much of our donations as possible!
* Think about moderation. Do you want to accept any assistant moderators at all? If you do, what guidelines should they follow? My only request is that moderation continue to be relaxed and gentle.
Displays of number of posts, or privileges based on number of votes:
* One vote against 'em all.
Avatars and picture sigs:
One vote for avatars (if present) to be DF (or at least Dwarvish)-themed, and picture sigs entirely forbidden (perhaps with an exception of small-sized game screenshots), so that the forum retains an unmistakable DF look for all players, without un-Dwarvish and distracting elements, even as options.