Thanks! There's some HFS-related stuff I've overwritten and I need to make sure I've targeted the right ASCII tiles. I'm going to be overwriting
Also, tile overrides are going very smoothly. I went through and did some tweaks to the raws so soils are much more neatly organized now. I've got 4 unique tiles for topsoils, sands, clays and the ocean floor so now you can see at a glance what can be used for the glass and ceramic industries. Here's everything I've overwritten so far:
Tile ASCII Tile (May be incorrect)
OpenSpace 178, 250
Chasm 35
EeriePit 42
Void ???
RampTop 31
Shrub 34, 58
ShrubDead 34, 58
Sapling 231
SaplingDead 231
Driftwood 240
Ashes1 242
Ashes2 243
Ashes3 126
Fire 39, 44, 46, 96
Campfire 15
MagmaFlow 247
SemiMoltenRock 176
GlowingBarrier 206
GlowingFloor 197
UnderworldGateStairU 60
UnderworldGateStairD 62
UnderworldGateStairUD 88
SoilFloor1 39, 247
SoilFloor2 44, 247
SoilFloor3 96, 126
SoilFloor4 46, 126
SoilWetFloor1 39, 247
SoilWetFloor2 44, 247
SoilWetFloor3 96, 126
SoilWetFloor4 46, 126
FurrowedSoil 126, 205, 247
SoilWall (See below)
SoilRamp 30
SoilStairU 60
SoilStairD 62
SoilStairUD 88
Old tiles:
176 Loam, Peat, Pelagic clay, Red sand, Sand (tan), Sandy clay loam, Sandy loam, Silty clay loam
177 Calcareous ooze, Clay loam, Loamy sand, Sandy clay, Siliceous ooze, Silt loam
178 Black sand, Clay, Fire clay, Silt, Silty clay, White sand, Yellow sand,
New tiles:
7 Pelagic clay, Siliceous ooze, Calcareous ooze
176 Clay, clay loam, Sandy clay, Silty clay, Fire clay
177 Sand (tan), Black sand, Red sand, White sand, Yellow sand
178 Loam, Loamy sand, Peat, Sandy clay loam, Sandy loam, Silt, Silty clay loam, Silt loam