I KNEW IT! Damn shame that things had to end so quickly, though. Wish more of the crew shared my paranoid tendencies.
Yeah. But, I mean...what else could have happened there? I just don't see any other way to continue that doesn't involve extreme GM railroad/ass-pulling. You guys turned it in to the npcs, and even IronyOwl pointed out that you guys just gave up on trying to figure out what was going on.
What else was supposed to happen?
Well, this kind of was to be expected.
Things that could be done to trigger an Imperial investigation are hyper drive activation, raising the shield or firing. Only 4 people have access to these consoles. That are Radio Controlled, Snail555, GentlemanRaptor and me.
Given that, the amount of traitors is far more limited. The others don't have the access to do much damage.
Taricus had the Commander's code cylinder. He could have accessed anything. Ghazkull had security access. He could have locked down areas of the ship, or revoked nav/comm access to the people who contacted base. Dr. Ironyowl could have sedated Radio Controlled while your soldiers were off the bridge. Either of your pilots could have launched. Anyone could have talked to the droids and asked them to commit sabotage. Remember when IronyOwl was able to get the astromech to re-enable the transponder even though her personally had no access privileges?
There were a lot of things that individuals could have done that would have forced everyone's hand. But again, apparently everyone was an Imperial loyalist, so none of that happened.
But really what I
expected, was that you guys would at least try to figure out what was going on. Even with no conspirators, if you'd simply taken the time to more deeply investigate the clues you had, you would have had more leads to work with that could have taken the game in any number of directions.
Immediately turning yourselves in and standing down...there just wasn't much else that that could have happened.
All well ends well. To be honest, I kinda thought the gm would shut it down at some point or force the plot in some direction, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see he played it straight till the end. Kudos to you, Lord of Buckets, I really mean it.
I have a strong "no railroading" policy when I GM games. Everyone who's played in one of my game's should know that. Those who don't, well...now you know.