I was just building it. It's not really complete - I have not yet included the renaming, nor the fact that general facilities count as specialized for the LBE and Vest. Also, what's the difference between Tooled and Empty?
TURN 10: 1937.0
Industry assignments:
Large Workshop
Large Workshop/0 (None): AATSM1933 HiLo [105mm AA/AT gun] (4 per turn)
Large Workshop/1 (None): M1932 40mmAAA Cannon (10 per turn)
Factory G1
Factory G1/0 (None): AEM M1932 [2.5t boiler/turbine] (15 per turn)
Factory G1/1 (None): M-C-M1936 [Gas mask] (200 per turn)
Factory G1/2 (None): ATHM1933 [87.6mm AT gun] (6 per turn)
Factory G2
Factory G2/0 (None): EAM M1932 [Automatic Mortar] (50 per turn)
Factory G2/1 (None): C-V-45-M1935 [45mm AT cannon] (20 per turn)
Factory G2/2 (None): M-C-M1936 filter [gas mask filters] (2 per turn)
Factory V1
Factory V1/0 (vehicle, e): SDE M1933 [Diesel engine] (30.0 per turn)
Factory V1/1 (vehicle, e): SDE M1933 [Diesel engine] (30.0 per turn)
Factory M1
Factory M1/0 (ammo, e): T18 M1934 [18 inch torpedo] (30.0 per turn)
Factory M1/1 (ammo, e): CA-AAA-M1935 ammo [20mm AA gun ammo] (1.5 per turn)
Factory M2
Factory M2/0 (ammo, e): 7.62x54mm ammo (3.0 per turn)
Factory M2/1 (ammo, e): 40mm ammo (1.5 per turn)
Factory M3
Factory M3/0 (ammo, e): 7.62x54mm ammo (3.0 per turn)
Factory M3/1 (ammo, e): ATHM1933 ammo [87.6mm AT gun ammo] (1.5 per turn)
Factory M4
Factory M4/0 (ammo, e): AATSM1933 HiLo ammo [105mm AA/AT gun] (1.5 per turn)
Factory M4/1 (ammo, e): .45 ACP ammo (1.5 per turn)
Factory SA1
Factory SA1/0 (small-arms, e): SM1911/34 [Improved M1911 pistol] (300.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/1 (small-arms, e): SM1911/34 [Improved M1911 pistol] (300.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/2 (small-arms, e): MM1934 [Medium Machine Gun] (225.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/3 (small-arms, e): SMM1934 Double [Crazy SMG] (300.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/4 (small-arms, e): MM1927 [DP-28 MG] (30.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/5 (small-arms, e): RM1891 [7.62x54mm Mosin-Nagant] (300.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/6 (small-arms, e): RM1891 [7.62x54mm Mosin-Nagant] (300.0 per turn)
Factory SA1/7 (small-arms, e): RM1891 [7.62x54mm Mosin-Nagant] (300.0 per turn)
Factory N1
Factory N1/0 (ship, e): Shockwave [Fast attack craft] (4.5 per turn)
Factory N1/1 (ship, e): CDV M1933 [Coastal Defense Vessel] (6.0 per turn)
Factory A1
Factory A1/0 (plane, e): HGAA M1934 Baklan [dive bomber] (6.0 per turn)
Factory A1/1 (plane, e): I-C-M1936 [Interceptor] (15.0 per turn)
Factory AM1
Factory AM1/0 (engine, e): AEM 1933 Hurricane [1500HP aircraft engine] (30.0 per turn)
Factory AM1/1 (engine, e): AEM 1933 Hurricane [1500HP aircraft engine] (30.0 per turn)
Factory G3
Factory G3/0 (None): SH M1935 [steel helmet] (500 per turn)
Factory G3/1 (None): SH M1935 [steel helmet] (500 per turn)
Factory V2
Factory V2/0 (vehicle, e): POAC-L [APC w MG turret] (30.0 per turn)
Factory V2/1 (vehicle, e): POAC-H [IFV w 45mm cannon] (15.0 per turn)
Factory LA1
Factory LA1/0 (artillery, e): AATSM1933 HiLo [105mm AA/AT gun] (6.0 per turn)
Factory LA1/1 (artillery, e): CA-AAA-M1935 [20mm AA gun] (18.75 per turn)
Factory M5
Factory M5/0 (ammo, e): C-V-45-M1935 ammo [45mm AT cannon ammo] (1.5 per turn)
Factory M5/1 (ammo, e): EAM M1932 ammo [for automatic mortar] (1.5 per turn)
Factory M6
Factory M6/0 (ammo, e): G-H-M1935 [grenade] (6.0 per turn)
Factory M6/1 (ammo, e): bombs (1.5 per turn)
Factory E1
Factory E1/0 (electronics, e): Electronic Parts (4.5 per turn)
Factory E1/1 (electronics, e): Electronic Parts (4.5 per turn)
Factory M7
Factory M7/0 (ammo): republicans
Factory M7/1 (ammo): republicans
Factory LA2
Factory LA2/0 (artillery, e): M1932 40mmAAA Cannon (15.0 per turn)
Factory LA2/1 (artillery, e): CA-AAA-M1935 [20mm AA gun] (18.75 per turn)
Factory LA3
Factory LA3/0 (artillery): republicans
Factory LA3/1 (artillery): republicans
Naval Annex, 1000t drydock
Naval Annex, 1000t drydock/0 (ship): retool
Factory V3
Factory V3/0 (vehicle): retool
Factory V3/1 (vehicle): retool
Factory VE1
Factory VE1/0 (engine): retool
Factory VE1/1 (engine): retool
Factory VE1/2 (engine): retool
Factory VE1/3 (engine): retool
Factory M8
Factory M8/0 (ammo): retool
Factory M8/1 (ammo): retool
Factory M8/2 (ammo): retool
Factory M8/3 (ammo): retool
Factory LA4
Factory LA4/0 (artillery): retool
Factory LA4/1 (artillery): retool
Factory LA4/2 (artillery): retool
Factory LA4/3 (artillery): retool
Electronic Parts: 9.0
7.62x54mm ammo: 6.0
RM1891 [7.62x54mm Mosin-Nagant]: 900.0
40mm ammo: 1.5
AEM M1932 [2.5t boiler/turbine]: 15
EAM M1932 [Automatic Mortar]: 50
EAM M1932 ammo [for automatic mortar]: 1.5
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: 10.0
CDV M1933 [Coastal Defense Vessel]: 6.0
SDE M1933 [Diesel engine]: -30.0
AATSM1933 HiLo [105mm AA/AT gun]: 10.0
AATSM1933 HiLo ammo [105mm AA/AT gun]: 1.5
AEM 1933 Hurricane [1500HP aircraft engine]: 15.0
ATHM1933 [87.6mm AT gun]: -3.0
ATHM1933 ammo [87.6mm AT gun ammo]: 1.5
.45 ACP ammo: 1.5
HGAA M1934 Baklan [dive bomber]: 6.0
MM1927 [DP-28 MG]: 30.0
Shockwave [Fast attack craft]: 4.5
T18 M1934 [18 inch torpedo]: 30.0
MM1934 [Medium Machine Gun]: 36.0
SM1911/34 [Improved M1911 pistol]: 600.0
SMM1934 Double [Crazy SMG]: 300.0
C-V-45-M1935 [45mm AT cannon]: 5.0
C-V-45-M1935 ammo [45mm AT cannon ammo]: 1.5
POAC-H [IFV w 45mm cannon]: 15.0
POAC-L [APC w MG turret]: 30.0
SH M1935 [steel helmet]: 1000
CA-AAA-M1935 [20mm AA gun]: 7.5
CA-AAA-M1935 ammo [20mm AA gun ammo]: 1.5
G-H-M1935 [grenade]: 6.0
I-C-M1936 [Interceptor]: 15.0
M-C-M1936 [Gas mask]: 200
M-C-M1936 filter [gas mask filters]: 2
bombs: 1.5
SDE M1933 [Diesel engine]: -30.0
ATHM1933 [87.6mm AT gun]: -3.0
Electronic Parts: 10
7.62x54mm ammo: 8
RM1891 [7.62x54mm Mosin-Nagant]: 6550
7.62x38mm ammo: 1
SM1895 [7.62x38mmR Nagant M1895 Revolver]: 700
Karp-class submarine [initial sub]: 1
MM1911 [7.62x54mm Lewis MG]: 50
T-18 light tank: 53
Ofery-class destroyer [initial destroyer]: 1
40mm ammo: 4.5
AEM M1932 [2.5t boiler/turbine]: 17
EAM M1932 [Automatic Mortar]: 180
EAM M1932 ammo [for automatic mortar]: 9
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -11
CDV M1933 [Coastal Defense Vessel]: 20
Ray Class HSCS [High-Speed Coastal Submarine]: 1.75
SDE M1933 [Diesel engine]: 26
AATSM1933 HiLo [105mm AA/AT gun]: 16
AATSM1933 HiLo ammo [105mm AA/AT gun]: 2.5
AEM 1933 Hurricane [1500HP aircraft engine]: 75
ATHM1933 [87.6mm AT gun]: -9
ATHM1933 ammo [87.6mm AT gun ammo]: 3.5
Skate Class HSCS [High-Speed Coastal Sub]: 1
.45 ACP ammo: 4.5
HGAA M1934 Baklan [dive bomber]: 52
MM1902 [7.62x54mm Madsen MG]: 100
MM1927 [DP-28 MG]: 230
Shockwave [Fast attack craft]: 21
T18 M1934 [18 inch torpedo]: 76
MM1934 [Medium Machine Gun]: 1284
SM1911/34 [Improved M1911 pistol]: 3220
SMM1934 Double [Crazy SMG]: 1545
C-V-45-M1935 [45mm AT cannon]: 11
C-V-45-M1935 ammo [45mm AT cannon ammo]: 2.5
POAC-H [IFV w 45mm cannon]: 43
POAC-L [APC w MG turret]: 83
SH M1935 [steel helmet]: 2984
Bychok [3000t destroyer]: 2
CA-AAA-M1935 [20mm AA gun]: -5.25
CA-AAA-M1935 ammo [20mm AA gun ammo]: 2.5
G-H-M1935 [grenade]: 7
I-C-M1936 [Interceptor]: 28
M-C-M1936 [Gas mask]: 396
M-C-M1936 filter [gas mask filters]: 3
bombs: 3
D-R-M1936 [fixed radio]: 1
I-C-M1936-MK2 [Interceptor Mk. 2]: 3
Winchester M1897 [12g trench shotgun]: 400
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -11
ATHM1933 [87.6mm AT gun]: -9
CA-AAA-M1935 [20mm AA gun]: -5.25
Edit: Now including combat losses.