I have - mostly - finished the stocks list for this year. I'm still waiting to hear back from Asea about a few issues. In the meantime, these are the preliminary 1936/1 industry assignments, production figures and stocks:
TURN 8: 1936.0
Industry assignments:
Large Workshop
Large Workshop/0 (None): AATSM1933 HiLo (4 per round)
Large Workshop/1 (None): M1932 40mmAAA Cannon (10 per round)
Factory G1
Factory G1/0 (None): G-H-M1935 (4 per round)
Factory G1/1 (None): C-V-45-M1935 ammo (1 per round)
Factory G1/2 (None): ATHM1933 (6 per round)
Factory G2
Factory G2/0 (None): EAM M1932 (50 per round)
Factory G2/1 (None): C-V-45-M1935 (20 per round)
Factory G2/2 (None): EAM M1932 ammo (1 per round)
Factory V1
Factory V1/0 (vehicle): SDE M1933 (30.0 per round)
Factory V1/1 (vehicle): SDE M1933 (30.0 per round)
Factory M1
Factory M1/0 (ammo): T18 M1934 (30.0 per round)
Factory M1/1 (ammo): CA-AAA-M1935 ammo (1.5 per round)
Factory M2
Factory M2/0 (ammo): 7.62x54mm ammo (3.0 per round)
Factory M2/1 (ammo): 40mm ammo (1.5 per round)
Factory M3
Factory M3/0 (ammo): 7.62x54mm ammo (3.0 per round)
Factory M3/1 (ammo): ATHM1933 ammo (1.5 per round)
Factory M4
Factory M4/0 (ammo): AATSM1933 HiLo ammo (1.5 per round)
Factory M4/1 (ammo): .45 ACP ammo (1.5 per round)
Factory SA1
Factory SA1/0 (small-arms): SM1911/34 (300.0 per round)
Factory SA1/1 (small-arms): SM1911/34 (300.0 per round)
Factory SA1/2 (small-arms): MM1934 (225.0 per round)
Factory SA1/3 (small-arms): SMM1934 Double (300.0 per round)
Factory SA1/4 (small-arms): MM1927 (30.0 per round)
Factory SA1/5 (small-arms): RM1891 (300.0 per round)
Factory SA1/6 (small-arms): RM1891 (300.0 per round)
Factory SA1/7 (small-arms): RM1891 (300.0 per round)
Factory N1
Factory N1/0 (ship): Shockwave (4.5 per round)
Factory N1/1 (ship): CDV M1933 (6.0 per round)
Factory A1
Factory A1/0 (plane): HGAA M1934 Baklan (6.0 per round)
Factory A1/1 (plane): HGAA M1934 Baklan (6.0 per round)
Factory AM1
Factory AM1/0 (engine): AEM 1933 Hurricane (30.0 per round)
Factory AM1/1 (engine): AEM 1933 Hurricane (30.0 per round)
Factory G3
Factory G3/0 (None): SH M1935 (500 per round)
Factory G3/1 (None): SH M1935 (500 per round)
Factory V2
Factory V2/0 (vehicle): POAC-L (30.0 per round)
Factory V2/1 (vehicle): POAC-H (15.0 per round)
Factory LA1
Factory LA1/0 (artillery): AATSM1933 HiLo (6.0 per round)
Factory LA1/1 (artillery): CA-AAA-M1935 (18.75 per round)
Factory M5
Factory M5/0 (ammo): retool
Factory M5/1 (ammo): retool
Factory M6
Factory M6/0 (ammo): retool
Factory M6/1 (ammo): retool
Factory E1
Factory E1/0 (electronics): retool
Factory E1/1 (electronics): retool
Industry production:
AEM 1933 Hurricane: 18.0
ATHM1933: -3.0
C-V-45-M1935 ammo: 1
SH M1935: 1000
ATHM1933 ammo: 1.5
AATSM1933 HiLo: 10.0
AATSM1933 HiLo ammo: 1.5
EAM M1932 ammo: 1
SMM1934 Double: 300.0
MM1934: 165.0
7.62x54mm ammo: 6.0
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -5.0
40mm ammo: 1.5
.45 ACP ammo: 1.5
MM1927: 30.0
HGAA M1934 Baklan: 12.0
EAM M1932: 50
T18 M1934: 30.0
Shockwave: 4.5
C-V-45-M1935: 5.0
CA-AAA-M1935: 18.75
CDV M1933: 6.0
SDE M1933: -30.0
SM1911/34: 600.0
POAC-H: 15.0
POAC-L: 30.0
CA-AAA-M1935 ammo: 1.5
MM1911: -150.0
G-H-M1935: 4
RM1891: 900.0
ATHM1933: -3.0
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -5.0
SDE M1933: -30.0
MM1911: -150.0
7.62x54mm ammo: 40
RM1891: 29900
SM1895: 1750
7.62x38mm ammo: 2
Karp-class submarine: 1
MM1911: 0
T-18 engine: 0
T-18 gun: 0
T-18 light tank: 6
Ofery-class destroyer: 1
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -15
AEM M1932: -12
EAM M1932 ammo: 6
EAM M1932: 300
40mm ammo: 6
CDV M1933: 8
SDE M1933: 94
Ray Class HSCS: 1
AATSM1933 HiLo: 20
AATSM1933 HiLo ammo: 6
ATHM1933: -3
AEM 1933 Hurricane: 54
Skate Class HSCS: 1
ATHM1933 ammo: 6
.45 ACP ammo: 10
MM1902: 10000
MM1927: 1950
HGAA M1934 Baklan: 36
T18 M1934: 120
Shockwave: 13
SMM1934 Double: 1200
MM1934: 1440
SM1911/34: 2400
C-V-45-M1935 ammo: 1
SH M1935: 1000
POAC-L: 30
C-V-45-M1935: 5
POAC-H: 15
Bychok: 2
CA-AAA-M1935: -1
CA-AAA-M1935 ammo: 1
G-H-M1935: 4
M1932 40mmAAA Cannon: -15
AEM M1932: -12
ATHM1933: -3
CA-AAA-M1935: -1
Again, those are preliminary (I can virtually guarantee that I've missed some bugs).
However, going from these, we have the following:
- Probably enough Mosin-Nagants (27000)
- Many machine guns (10000 MM1902s) which I'll use for other production once the Lewis Gun runs out
- We are not producing enough ATHM1933 (for the Shockwave craft) and MM1911 (for planes, Shockwave etc). We still have stocks of the latter, and we have 10,000 of other LMGs, so that should be enough.
- We are going to need another production line for 40mm AAA guns, for the Shockwaves and Bychoks (if we continue to build the latter)
- We are going to need AEM M1932 naval engines; one production line will produce 15; i.e. one should be enough.
- We are going to need another line for the POAC engines (remember, each requires two of them)
Our Land Forces consist of:
- 30 POAC-Ls (some lacking engines), 15 POAC-Hs, 6 T-18s
- 300 EAM mortars, 27000 Mosin Nagants, >10000 LMGs
- 1320 MMGs, 1200 SMM1934 Double SMGs, 1200 SM1911/34 pistols, 1750 SM1895
Our Air Force consists of:
- 18 Dive Bombers
Our Navy consists of:
- 1 Karp Submarine, 1 Ray class (plus production of one turn)/1 Skate class submarine
- 13 Shockwave attack craft, 8 CDV 1933 coastal defense vessels
- 1 Ofery class destroyer, 2 Bychok-class destroyers (lacking engines, 40mm AAA cannons, and one lacking a 20mm AAA gun)