Being an experienced Masterwork player, i decided to turn on all additional invaders (Stranglers, Nightwings etc.).
When I played as Warlocks, I built big underground dungeon. At first floor there was a lot of cage traps. But i didn't know that enemy armed Nightwings are [Trap_Avoid]. That was 'fun'.
Another moment was when I played as Succubi (few moments ago so I remember even the details) - few of my Drowspiders went on rampage. Then, someone (Decay Brute maybe?) sprayed some kind of liquid - then rest of my spiders (30) got mad. Well, i got a lot of bones, meat and souls. I was butchering them and... [A vile force of darkness has arrived!].
About 70 of Dark Strangler Wrestlers attacked me from all directions (many groups). Few of my succubi were drinking water from river (I forgot to brew drinks,
). One of my ladies died, but everyone else escaped to my fort. Enemy attacked my gate. 10 of them got caught by cage traps. Rest of them entered the 'caravan zone', and... remember 'Rampage Liquid'? Yes, it was a slaughter. They started fighting each other (btw, another 10 got into traps). I started to laugh seeing this.
20 got caught, 5 died by hand of their fellows. Then they escaped. I lost only one animal taker, and few bats. Now, I need to make some kind of trap or killing mechanism to get more food and leather.
Sorry for mistakes and bad english, it's not my native language.