I once decided to become "The Sun" and follow around the top leaderboarder, he was named ]usa[ kon (yes the brackets were backwards). While following him around I gobbled up the agar nearby and then gave some of it to him every now and then. Eventually I had became about 400 in size, when I was almost killed by someone bigger than me, he injected me with a ton of mass putting me to about 700, and I quickly gobbled the person who was attacking me, and gave him most of the gained mass. After this I frequently became his guard dog against more agile cells, this often made me around 6th or 7th place. Unfortunately, one of his rivals came up when I couldn't defend him and shot him with a virus, we made it out, and managed to be two best of buds that controlled the lower leader board for a long time, until we got cornered by a Russia and I died. I respawned and found him, we were worse off than ever before, then he got cornered by a large cell and died aswell. I escaped as fast as possible and managed to become a lower leader board again, when I saw a tiny blob following me around and saw his name, and instantly injected him with a ton of mass, however some of it was lost due to neighboring cells. Eventually I died, of course, so I decided to change my name to something along the lines of "Sun x Kon OTP", but when I hit backspace to clear my name, internet explorer decided I wanted to go back a page. Because of this, I could no longer going the right USA West room and find him, the room was very crowded after all.
God bless, ]usa[ kon.