Which program to make 'official'?
First -
Second - Twinwolf, BlitzDungeoneer
Neither -
Abstaining - Zanzetkuken
All trials settled in the courtroom will be completed within three days of the case being brought to court.
For - Andres
Against - TheFroggyNinja, Sheb, Zanzetkuken
Abstaining -
Induction of the Troll Watch service as an 'official' service.
For - Zanzetkuken, Twinwolf, Poketwo, Sheb
Against - Andres
Abstaining -
In order to preserve the integrity and dignity of the Congress of Bay12, and to ensure civil and respectful discourse, failure to meet certain post criteria shall be dealt with by the authority of said Congress. Should a congressperson resort to caps lock or ad hominem attacks, invoke Godwin's Law, display inexcusably poor grammar, or otherwise disparage the Congress with his or her actions or words, they may summarily be disregarded and their votes be rendered invalid until such a time that they make amends or correct their mistakes. Upon meeting the aforementioned criteria, they may be accepted back into this legislative entity and shall be born no ill will, nor be otherwise discriminated against.
For - Araph
Against - Poketwo, Sheb
Abstaining - Zanzetkuken
An Upper Chamber of the Congress be opened for for bearded members.
For - Sheb
Against -
Abstaining -