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Author Topic: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha  (Read 172326 times)


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #390 on: October 08, 2015, 02:44:49 am »

((Well, it's a little more than a tame roll, but yes, it does tame them if successful.))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #391 on: October 08, 2015, 08:47:44 am »

Shoot out the left wall!  If so, make the jump left.  If that fails, try to jump into the new oncoming train once it's close enough.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #392 on: October 08, 2015, 10:30:28 pm »

((Well, it's a little more than a tame roll, but yes, it does tame them if successful.))
General Hostility roll? I assume Crit failure on that roll would have made the Murderbear start with me :P
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #393 on: October 09, 2015, 12:09:23 am »

Derek creeps down the stairs, then.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #394 on: October 09, 2015, 12:45:00 pm »

"This isn't suspicious at all. Nope."

"Jus, any idea who sent this limo?"

Get in the car. Get my stuff. Probably get back into the car. Listen to the guy.

Try "12 ed" before getting in though.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #395 on: October 10, 2015, 03:42:41 pm »

(I'm probably going to be taking a break from Bay12 for a bit, unfortunately. Can't really keep up with posting much at the moment so.. yeah.)


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #396 on: October 10, 2015, 05:14:56 pm »

(I'm probably going to be taking a break from Bay12 for a bit, unfortunately. Can't really keep up with posting much at the moment so.. yeah.)
((If you're still interested in this when you get back, PM me. I've got something I can rope Miaoko into.))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #397 on: October 14, 2015, 07:29:18 am »

"I'll bet all my equipment that I have on me whenever the bet resolves for that invasion pool. And for the incoming unknown pool, yeah, I'll bet my current gear and half the resources I'd get if I complete this mission that the ones identifying as ours are ours, moving at an accelerated speed in time compared to us. They probably think we're responding slower than normal. If I'm right, you hold onto my winnings for me until I claim them, even if it looks like I'm dead. And you might want to check your scanners again for ships that haven't identified themselves. I bet System League has reinforcements coming, and I've got a gut feeling that Vestige, the Consortium, and Dead Hand are probably on their way to get a slice of the anomalous clusterfuck that's going on here." Beirus replies to HQ before closing the comm channel and turning to Miaoko.

"Looks like HQ sent me some new toys to play with, and I've got another mission. You take care of yourself." Beirus states before jogging back out of the workshop towards the spot his new kit would have been delivered at.

"Jus, you mind giving me the details on the new gear? Especially that new weapon R&D sent over."

Go get new gear. Equipment Check new gear.

((Shame Shaporia has to go. I don't think there's anyone else in my area. Oh well, that just means I can shift my full attention back to badgering Empiricist and Corsair.))
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #398 on: October 23, 2015, 12:18:08 am »

"Wait-what? Being attacked by a monster from another universe? Also potentially causing a second Fall? Why is it attacking here of all places?! I'm definitely not sticking around."

Get up and go out the door, also try some other bit of magic, otrm.
Code: (TZINACAN) [Select]
It's here because it found a way in.
It is doing this because it is alive. Because living things spread, proliferate. Often at the cost of other living things.
It will awaken the demon within the darkness and it shall be most wroth with burning gaze, it shall look down upon the makings of all the living and destroy them.
Not too pleasant a chap as you can imagine.

As you get up, a visage of TZINACAN appears again and hands you a copy of your revolver.
Code: (TZINACAN) [Select]
Think of this as a backup weapon.
((Bound Weapon - Revolver gained!))

You head out into the hallway and walk towards the fire-escape, which holds the honor of being the only way out nearby. You look out over the rusty steel bars of the fire escape landing, the alley below is deserted with it's only inhabitants being bags of trash. You cast your spell.

[COMP: 2/2] What you get isn't really an object or an image, it's more, abstract. You feel safe, as if something's protecting you. Not as in watching over you or anything, you know you aren't that lucky, it's more that you feel that you can protect yourself if needed. It fades after a few seconds.

Ao Shi

Let's relocate into position that is equally far away from all potential stabbing action. And shoot Mr. Stabber's brain off. Or whatever part that works as one.

"Surrender or die!"
[LTAR vs. MDEF: 0 vs. 3] Stabbity attempts to express its love for stabbing the only way it knows how, but you're a bit too fast and you run further into the room, the sides and walls are plastered with crawling flesh that glows the same sulky orange of the core, you open fire at the advancing stab-monster.

[UTAR vs. SDEF: 3 vs. 4] Not even slowing its advance, the bone demon sends your shot sailing into the ceiling, in a shower of sparks and a ringing crack with a shocking uncharacteristic swipe, rather than a stab.

It's almost as if you don't want to hurt each other.

I mean, on the plus side that was some reasonably educational science, but still.

Also for my failed roll, was that supposed to be Trans? Like my (what I presume was a) "tame" roll when I summoned my horse?
Anyway I had generate a number between 1 and 100, less than 35 and I was to try and tame the Murderbear again, the hard way. Anything else was let it kill people and loot corpses.
I got 23.

Cast "22 02" and think of plastic polymer chains.
Run up behind the bear and climb up on it's back, in between the Bedframe-shields and hold on for dear life, using the summoned chains (if successful) as a kind of reins, or hold onto the back of the ribs elsewise. Hopefully it doesn't mind.
Look for any mechanisms I can either manipulate in order to try and exert some control over the Murderbear or something I can jam my Bound Multitool into to stop it from moving in a pinch if nessesary (some sort of weird Magnet-Metal joint or something).

Try to ride the Murderbear, holding it's ability to move hostage if taming goes particularly poorly, see if I can steer the Murderbear out of the camp and towards the colony, whichever direction that is.
If that doesn't appear possible hold on, hide myself behind the shield as much as possible and see what happens.
[COMP: 8/4] You conjure a 10 meter length of chain made of some sort of dull grey material with an odd surface texture. Running up behind the bear you leap onto it and loop the chain around it's neck.

[LTAR vs. MDEF: 0 vs. 0] The chain loops partially around before the bear shifts and makes the grip less effective. You can attempt to jam the multi tool into the nape of it's "neck" which would likely give you a bit of leverage in guiding it although it may become annoyed with that. But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.

[LTAR vs. MDEF: 3 vs. 2] As you swing your empty hand down, the multitool precipitates into existence, jamming itself into the nape of the bear's neck, granting you a degree of control over the beast.

The bear lumbers out of the tent like a grand metallic monster of myth, the tudding of it's tread matching the screeching of its joints which mixes into a glorious harmony with the yells of the soldiers scrambling out of it's path.

The bear begins lumbering diagonally back and left from the opening of the tent, squeezing between itself and another tent the pegs of both flying into it like bullets. It is roughly moving in the direction of the colony which is to the left, but also in the direction of several large tents and more screaming.

Shoot out the left wall!  If so, make the jump left.  If that fails, try to jump into the new oncoming train once it's close enough.
Two shots erupt from your weapon, shattering apart the wall. Shards of glass hang in the frozen air as you calculate your trajectory. Then, you leap. Slivers rain upon you as they fall opposite the train's motion, sailing unto the abyss, nearing, barely missing, but never touching you.

>Ooooh! He fell for the negative index trap!
>Wonder where he'll end up.
>You lost the bet by the way.
>I recall it was fifty souls.
>Damn it.

As you cross the threshold into the cavern, something goes awry. Darkness slams down behind you like the blade of a guillotine, tearing away the light of the carriage so that only the glow of the fireflies remain. Gravity twists, pulling you towards the cave floor, rather than backwards like before. You make the landing still, it isn't perfect, but hey, nothing's broken at least. Earthy scents of damp mud and wet limestone greet your entrance, accompanied by the faintest scents of, is that, honey? It certainly smells like that, though it's too soft to be sure. The fireflies silently scatter in your wake, delineating the rest of your surroundings. There is a path in front of you, and a path behind you. Lodged in a cage of sorts formed of stalactites and stalagmites, something glints in the darkness. To the right, tucked away in a natural alcove appears to be a marble altar.

Derek creeps down the stairs, then.
They are arranged in tight clusters, fanning outwards from the stairs. Transparent pillars, or perhaps cells of some sort. Glassy cylinders containing some sort of energetic shimmering, and inside them, in the center of each pillar is a figure forged of blackened brass. They looks almost gorilla-like, with proportionally large arms and a hulking form. Were they not so thin. Were they in possession of actual faces, rather than a gaping bear traps for mouths. Their bodies are formed almost entire out of countless gears lined with quite literal teeth, their forms interlocking in spite of their individual variations. Fangs and blades leer from within, beyond the narrowest of gaps in the mass of mechanisms. Each is equipped with one of two weapons. Either a polearm of sorts that ends with pulsating black sphere securely socketed into a receptacle of sorts that leaves most of it exposed, or a cross between a pistol and a cannon, with a segmented shield of sorts covering its barrel

Next to each cluster is, once again, are terminals, seemingly turned off with no apparent means of reactivating them. You are in a chamber of sorts with the stairs back up and stairs descending further down behind you.

"This isn't suspicious at all. Nope."

"Jus, any idea who sent this limo?"

Get in the car. Get my stuff. Probably get back into the car. Listen to the guy.

Try "12 ed" before getting in though.

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Judging by the alien in the back seat, the aliens.

[COMP: 5] Fizzle. Hooray for not dying horribly I guess.

"i am SALESMAN - i sell DEATH by big ROCK. big bad THING is here, ROCK cannot kill, must be contained. not our problem. is yours. but can help you, if you help our HARVEST.

the THING, it's PRESENCE, has reawakened the SHARDS of old LORDS. we want SHARDS. pay you for SHARDS. FAVORS; EQUIPMENT; sell DEATH to your FOES."

The drive itself is rather uneventful, with not much to worry about, save for how you plan on explaining why you were caught looting, magicking and dying on a security camera before reappearing in a limo. A shame your late comrades were not as fortunate, well, as far as you can tell at least.

You retrieve your loot and return to the car.
"drop you off where?"

"I'll bet all my equipment that I have on me whenever the bet resolves for that invasion pool. And for the incoming unknown pool, yeah, I'll bet my current gear and half the resources I'd get if I complete this mission that the ones identifying as ours are ours, moving at an accelerated speed in time compared to us. They probably think we're responding slower than normal. If I'm right, you hold onto my winnings for me until I claim them, even if it looks like I'm dead. And you might want to check your scanners again for ships that haven't identified themselves. I bet System League has reinforcements coming, and I've got a gut feeling that Vestige, the Consortium, and Dead Hand are probably on their way to get a slice of the anomalous clusterfuck that's going on here." Beirus replies to HQ before closing the comm channel and turning to Miaoko.

"Looks like HQ sent me some new toys to play with, and I've got another mission. You take care of yourself." Beirus states before jogging back out of the workshop towards the spot his new kit would have been delivered at.

"Jus, you mind giving me the details on the new gear? Especially that new weapon R&D sent over."

Go get new gear. Equipment Check new gear.
"No can do, gear belongs to the NEE, even if it's assigned to you. A higher-up is gonna throw the mother of all hissy-fits if we start throwing them around willy-nilly in betting pools. Cash only. Still interested in throwing in a fiver or two?"

You walk over back to your frame and find your new equipment laid out on their containers. The mobility armor consists of thin black plates on a sleek black exoskeleton, as if it had crystallized from pure teen angst and powered by edginess and poor fashion choices. Next to it is a long-handled blade made of white and grey ceramic, its edge noticeably missing. It has a long thin spine and a simple handle, with a rather stiff trigger of sorts. There are also four additional barrels for your assault rifle.

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
MA07-KIANG, a new addition to the NEE armory.
Designed to enhance mobility and strength, it is lightly armored and is laminated with graphene plates over vital areas.
Those plates are extremely light and extremely strong rendering the wearer resistant to small arms fire and slashing.
However testing indicates that the strength of the armor transmits impacts of harder hits as the armor doesn't deform.
This use of graphene is very new, I had no knowledge indicating a previous ability for the NEE to produce this form of technology.
A followup investigation may be needed later.

The SOL18I is an 18'' long plasma blade with a ceramic-tungsten body and back.
It is able to cut through most substances and can be projected as a gout of super-heated plasma.
This however drains the battery by quite a large amount.
This technology is also new, especially in the "fuck convection I want my energy sword" department.
It's very advanced, whatever they based this off of is at least close-Fall in era.
Also, it's weighted. So yes, you can spear a bitch if needed.

You equip your new shinies, finding that somewhere along the way a copy of your assault rifle has managed to lodge its way into your mind.
Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Flight of Fantasy sends you their regards.
((Bound Weapon - 092AIAR gained!))
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 05:15:29 am by Corsair »
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Rise of the Ladlemonger
« Reply #399 on: October 23, 2015, 01:00:13 am »

Turn 20
Turn 21
Turn 22

Spoiler: Shaporia (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Dbuhos (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fallacy of Urist (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hawk (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aoshima Michio (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Pencil_Art (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Toaster (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Blazing Glory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Waitlist (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 08:57:12 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds also Murderbears
« Reply #400 on: October 23, 2015, 10:11:57 am »


Examine the shiny in the "cage."  Can I get it out?  Can I smash it out?  Try to do either, as appropriate.

Also examine the altar.  If nothing obvious presents itself, reverently place the toaster on it.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds also Murderbears
« Reply #401 on: October 23, 2015, 10:57:38 am »

((I'm now in same room with the core, right?))
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

blazing glory

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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds also Murderbears
« Reply #402 on: October 23, 2015, 04:53:45 pm »

"Well thanks, nice to know that if a big abomination from beyond comes to eat me I'll have a back up weapon."

"Always did want to use the Fire Escape instead of the normal way out."

Go down the Escape and say '8b' on the way down.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds also Murderbears
« Reply #403 on: October 23, 2015, 07:54:27 pm »

((I'm now in same room with the core, right?))
((Yep, you are well into the core room, there are two meat men there as well. Stabbity is chasing you, followed by one of the original meat men.))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds also Murderbears
« Reply #404 on: October 23, 2015, 09:47:06 pm »

"Fine, I'll bet ten then. Got my gear too, looks like pre-Fall tech, or something close. Fucking love R&D.  You mind telling me what exactly I'll be doing?" Beirus responds to HQ, looking over his new kit before working his way through the process of equipping the mobility armor and sword.

Equip new shinies. Get orders.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.
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