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Author Topic: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha  (Read 177096 times)


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #165 on: June 07, 2015, 08:21:31 pm »

"Has it occurred to you that we may be doomed? Well... it's occurred to me."

Well... maybe not. Use Memento Mori!
The entire cubicle gains an outline labelled "Probable Situational Death". Additional paths go up and the walls of the cubicles, or through them accompanied with a downwards arrow presumably indicating that the wall needs to be lowered first. Those paths are labelled "Acceptable Possibility of Death".
Code: (SOTERIOLOGIST) [Select]
You aren't as screwed as you think you are.
We've altered your reflexes, amongst other things.
Should the shrapnel-lined maw of death seek to consume you, you could always slap that bitch and haul ass away.

Or you know, just deflect their grenade away.

"..Well, damn uh... We could try opening the blast doors and running. Really fast." He watched the soldiers for a moment, before muttering under his breath, '22 01'.
One of the soldiers move over above your cubicle and waves.
"You know the drill. Surrender and give us any Alcubierre Drives you have, or a grenade goes down there."

[COMP: 5/3] You get a sleek digital wristwatch, it's quite light thanks to its thin design. It lacks any indicator as to it's model, brand or manufacturer.
"What was that?"
The soldier draws their rifle and points it at you, visibly shaken, presumably because you just conjured a watch from thin air.

"Now that's new. I finally get to shoot something during a patrol."

Engage the PUPPETs. Rip them apart with my chaingun.
It seems that these are the derpy variety of System League frames seeing as they don't even move as you open fire on their tightly packed formation, rounds tearing into the armor. All except one. The one in the center does not fall.

Indeed, as the broken PUPPET frames fall, it becomes clear that the survivor is different. It looked like a PUPPET when positioned in their midst thanks having the head component of one, but the rest of it is quite different.

Its arms are immediately recognizable as being from a LUPUS frame, even possessing the integrated chaingun on one of them. Though judging by the scorch marks and nonstandard armor, they weren't installed, rather they look like they've been taken from a fallen frame and somehow attached to the core. It's a wonder they are even functional. Behind both of its shoulders are strange formations which appear to be twin computer clusters, albeit bent in circular arcs with peculiar protrusions facing inwards with no discernible purpose. The legs are stranger still, bearing the hallmark streamlined design and thruster bulges of a larger frame. It really shouldn't be able to maintain balance, or really withstand the weight of the rest of the frame.

The core is of a rather sharp, angular design, presumably designed so that attacks either glance off the slants or are forced to penetrate further in order to cause any real damage. Oddly, at where it's limbs are attached, there seems to be some sort of oily black goo slowly leaking from it, it seems to be leaking from the joints as well albeit at an even slower rate and in lesser quantities.

"What the hell is that thing?"
Electricity begins arcing from the regions where the arms, legs, and clusters are attached, discharging at irregular though definitely shortening intervals. In the center of the broken circle formed by the clusters, a pinpoint hole appears, filled with radiant light. It expands growing in size until it becomes a shifting region of twisted space with indistinct boundaries, vaguely spherical with diameter roughly half that of the cluster array, it baths the frame with a green glow. Seeing as it isn't moving yet, it's probably to be powering up and, if it's anything like an NEE frame, you still have a bit of time before it becomes fully operational.

"Well aren't you an adorable little bugger. I'll call yeh 'Jack'. OH SHET! Quick Jack, THE BAR'S UNDER ATTACK"

Check through the door of the damage. Aim rifle.
As you approach the door with Jack in tow, Wallace dives out through the window and scrambles to his feet.

Entering the door, the sickly sweet scent envelops you once more. Though now, it is not so much a whiff as much as it's a pervasive, intoxicating stench. Drawing your rifle, you take aim at, the odd liquid figure and the quadcopter behind it.

"Oh hey look at that, time to go!"

Grab the mace and duck out the back way!  If there's no back way, just the nearest available exit.  Get away from that drone.

If it attacks me, scream 1e 34 at it.

As a sickly sweet scent fills the room, you find that the mace has unfortunately been shattered upon impacting against a wall, though you still do manage to scoop up some of the larger shards of it as you run in search for another exit. Turns out there isn't any other than the window. The shattered window lined with broken glass. Welp.

People normally don't look at that and decide that they like the odds. Nor would they actually then attempt to do so with utmost confidence that they will succeed. Yet seemingly from instinct, you do. Leaping off of a table, you dive straight though the window with uncharacteristic agility, easily clearing the glass and coming to a stop on the footpath outside. Huh, you're completely unharmed, not even a graze.

Code: (SCHROEDINBUG) [Select]
I see that you've familiarized yourself with your new capabilities.

Ao Shi

"You just keep impressing me..." Ao says with admiration when witnessing her wallsitting technique.

As for enemy soldiers he says "Yeah, don't worry. No killing is gonna happen around here and hopefully not outside either, but that's not entirely in my hands. I'm not soldier, just an engineer who knows how to drive this thing. And judging from that explosion it's probably more like 'foes one minute, friends now', don't you think? Because while I'm not a strategist I'm fairly sure your side wouldn't start bombing the colony while having your own guys inside so it is probably third party trying to screw over us all.

So how about this; we team up and get the fuck out of here, preferrably all alive and let hotheads above decide later what was supposed to happen?"

If succesful, then figure out a way to get LATRANS out of the assembly chamber without having power to do so normally.
((Although I kinda want rest of the missing stuff installed, but I probably won't have time for that.)) If I can't get my frame out then see if it is possible to break it out by its own force. If not, then might as well abandon it.
    If I get my frame out then retreat to center while carrying a whole lot of people and recommend soldiers to order the auto frame stay behind. I'm not trusting it if it can be remote controlled.
    If not, then do same but simply without it.
If persuasion is not succesfull, then say
"Well, we have a problem then. Any suggestions? Anyone?"
With no source of power for the chamber, you have little choice but to smash your way through the rear wall which, as it turns out, is quite easy to do thanks to the size and strength of the LATRANS.

"Shit, I was kinda hoping that whatever made that noise was your side's doing. Okay, yeah, teaming up sounds great, where we will be headed?"
The squad of soldiers cautiously begins to pick their equipment back up and proceed to help the engineers climb onto, and anchor themselves to the frame.
"Not sure if the PUPPET is going to stay there if it's orders are overriden, but, it's probably gonna have a hell of a time trying to get outta the building without manual guidance."

Exiting the chamber, you see the storm for the first time. Perhaps, it is even the first time you've seen one with you own two eyes, after all the only rain inside this colony is from vapor condensing and falling back down in sparse quantities. This however is different, this is a blanketing mass of grey clouds covering the ceiling. Lightning flashing endlessly, either arcing amidst the tempest, or crashing down from it. It's still a few kilometers away thankfully, but it seems to be growing, slowly expanding to cover more and more.

You run across the facility lateral to the storm seemingly at speeds somewhat higher than what the LATRANS should be capable of. Oddly, even if you factor in the lower weightload it is carrying, it is still running a bit too fast.  As you race towards the colonial center, Red apparently levitating just outside the cockpit, you pass by the entrance of the main facility, which has turned into a battleground of sorts between 6 (which soon fell to 3) Auto Frames, 3 LUPUS units, and an inexplicably wall-running PHAROAH.
"Is this what your pilots normally do? Or were they just showing off?"

You end up just outside the facility on the side facing the colonial center. There don't seem to be any hostiles nearby, at least, not yet.

"Roger, I'm back. Looks like the curse is real, which I assume you were aware of. Fan-fucking-tastic. How the hell did Dead Hand make this, magic? Anyway, I'm going to restrain the arms. Also, it seems there's a storm up here. Any idea what caused it?" Beirus reports to command.

"Jus, you have any information on the construction of the Pharoah? How it was made or why it's cursed? Seems like magic to me, but I've never actually seen or heard of any real magic before. Also, you know anything about that anomalous storm?" Beirus asks Jus as he goes through the arm restraint procedures.

He heads into the main area of the facility. If he runs into any System League infantry, he offers them a chance to surrender. "This is Pilot Beirus O'Greenahan of the NEE. Cease all hostile actions and surrender, or I will use this autocannon to blow you into so many tiny pieces that they'll use a pill capsule as the coffin at your funeral. If you surrender, you will not be harmed. Also, the wonderful weather that just sprang up might warrant a bit of consideration in the time you take deciding whether or not you really want to refuse to surrender."

Restrain the arms. Check if the two pilots with damaged frames want to continue the mission. If not, send them back to HQ. Head into the facility with my squad and offer any System League infantry we meet the chance to surrender. If they attack, fire on them with the autocannon.
The restraint systems are not fully repaired yet, they're presently at 47% integrity and the console is refusing to let you reactivate them at anywhere below 90%.

"No damn clue, all we know is that it's expanding and there's some sort of structure in the middle of it that shouldn't be there. As far as we're concerned, it just appeared out of thin air. We're getting similar reports on Floor 1 about unidentified enemy units, we're hoping that it's just the System League flanking with new units or something."

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Well, it isn't 'real' magic. But it's about as close as you'll get to it. It's made using the same kind of reality distortion effect we've given you.

AF01-PHAROH units are primarily based upon the AF01-LUPUS frame, their main point of difference is in their integrated weapons, which
unsurprisingly, are also where the supernatural effects come into play. They very much are prototypes.

Those arms are bewitched, not too strongly, but enough that their users become a bit bloodthirsty and able to use them better
than if they had not been augmented that way. Depending on their mental attributes, however this may instead twist a pilot's
thoughts to the point that they are possessed by those arms without even realizing it. There have been reports of some pilots
even being driven to killing themselves because they could not satisfy the bloodlust of these weapons, things like biting off
their own tongues and choking to death on the blood during training, all while laughing madly. Or gurgling. Let's just say
the first few days were very eventful for the councilors.

Those chains bind them, weaken their effects. But they also build up the power within them, causing a surge when they are released,
proportional to the time spent bound, up to a certain limit of course. I would wager that it is one of the reasons why the PUPPET crash
didn't cause too much structural damage - the energy pulse unleashed with the arms would have struck it and counteracted some of its
impact force.

The auto-cannon's properties should more obvious: it doesn't carry any ammo. If it did, you'd have trouble keeping balance in
between the bound arms and the weight of the rounds. Plus, they would've run the risk of detonating in the case of an electrical failure.
Instead, it summons a round into existence just as its needed. No need to cycle in new rounds, no risk of jamming. Very reliable.
By itself.
Issues start happening around its electronic firing system. It's basically trying to interface something magical with something that
was never really designed with that in mind. Plus, they had to make sure that the arms themselves couldn't access them either.
So the electronics aren't too reliable. Sometimes they might fail to start firing. Or they might fair to start firing. Or have an
inconsistent rate of fire.

That storm is, something else entirely. It is the first of many, more metaphorical storms. It is why we contacted you.

"I can still fight, sir. Besides, if I need to retreat, I'll probably have to go through a few of those autos anyway."
"I'll be fine. Didn't sign up expecting to live forever or anything. Anyway, better to die now from a gunshot than to wither away in a nursing home somewhere decades from now."
"Uh, am I the only one here who isn't too keen on throwing myself into combat? My frame's fine anyway, so I got no excuses. Plus, gotta get paid somehow."
Ah yes, that payment incentive. Each System League frame has a bounty of sorts on it, more dangerous, larger sized, or just manned units are of course worth more. Destruction, disabling, doesn't matter too much, as long as it's rendered inoperable. And according to those bounties, each squad gets a nice bonus for all their kills.

No infantry encountered yet, guess they've holed up inside the facility. Or all dead, though you have a feeling that the way your luck's going, that probably isn't the case. What you do end up seeing as you approach the main facility is another group of 6 PUPPET frames, hovering a few meters off the ground in front of the main facility. These ones armed with what appear to be some kind of rifle.

[TRANS: 3/5] Welp. Back to mechanical arm possession with you.
[LTAR vs. MDEF: 0++ vs. 0] [UTAR vs. MDEF: 9++ vs. 3] I am beginning to think that the RNG doesn't want you dead, it just wants you as an eternal slave to the arms. Okay, now it's all a bit of a haze seeing as the murderous arms are clouding your senses to only really feel what they need you to feel, but you do get the general idea of what follows. First, you run, you run at the building building and leap forwards, the PHAROAH impacting feet-first. Before the debris even hits the ground, you run, you charge along the wall, rising to the top and leaping off. Finally, your prey is in range. Damned pathetic fools, thinking that being airborne would save them. A barrage of strikes, half-punching, half-impaling descend upon the closest PUPPET quite literally ripping it apart before hurling its shredded carcass with enough force to slam a second auto frame out of the air. You descend heavily, the frame's legs having surely been damaged by the fall judging by the terminal's warnings and the horrid mechanical groans it made on impact.

[UTAR vs. MDEF: 2 vs. 3] [UTAR vs. MDEF: 5 vs. 3] [UTAR vs. MDEF: 1 vs. 5] The rest of your squad opens fire during the commotion managing to down a third PUPPET.

The remaining three frames scatter into the air, flying towards cover and open fire on what they deem to be the greatest threats and most vulnerable frames. Categories which as it turns out, you fill quite well. Oh joy, three volleys of bullets aimed at your face, is it your birthday?

((Chain integrity is now at 63% because this has been a rather long turn for you. Integrity is regained significantly slower in combat since turns are shorter.))
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #166 on: June 07, 2015, 08:21:49 pm »

Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9

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« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 02:52:36 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #167 on: June 07, 2015, 08:26:17 pm »

"That thing looks like it should be shot with plasma."

shoot the mass with a plasma rifle
Nidilap likes Adamantine, Bituminous Coal, Garnets, Cats for their aloofness, Dwarves for their stupidity, and Swords for their Spikes and edges. When possible, he prefers to eat pizza, ramen noodles, and sushi. He absolutely detests elves and spiders. He needs MTN DEW to get through the working day.

A medium- sized creature prone to great ambition, but only when he feels like it.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #168 on: June 07, 2015, 08:59:50 pm »


((Lower wall? wot?))
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #169 on: June 07, 2015, 09:01:45 pm »

((The cubicles are just formed from blast walls that erupt from the ground. Miaoko's PDA can raise or lower them at his command, along with controlling the arms and whatnot.))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #170 on: June 07, 2015, 09:03:50 pm »

"I surrender! Please spare my worthless life! Lower the wall."

Ask my cubicle mate to lower the wall, so we can surrender. If he doesn't, just wrap myself into a ball and rock back and forth.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #171 on: June 08, 2015, 01:02:18 am »

"Okay guys, while they're distracted, some grab o' them plasma torches and sneak round the back, and flash their eyes a bit, maybe burn them. Others get the armor on the frame. I'll take the cockpit."

Derek climbs into the cockpit, thinking of the words floating around in his head.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #172 on: June 08, 2015, 03:49:33 am »

"Huh. Hallucinatory armor guy, what do I shoot?"

Equipment Check! Then try to shoot the enemy frame's weakpoints.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #173 on: June 08, 2015, 04:24:24 am »

Ao Shi

"Fucking pilots, always abusing frames. Guess who has to repair all the shit they wreck up, huh? Bastards think it just magically fixes itself while they look other way! On the other hand they keep me employed so it evens out nicely."

"I have never before actually seen them fighting, but this explains some of the shit I have seen. Aaaand that's a cursed PHAROH. Welp, let's pretend we are not here until he chains those arms again."

Chatting with ex-enemies-now-friends hanging on my frame.
Waggle eyebrows for Red's levitation show and do more talking.

"Cool, can I too do that levitation trick? And are you partially invisible or something, because nobody seems to care about you hovering around. Anyway, is that storm perhaps related to you or magic somehow? Is something deeper or badder coming around?"

Contact allied LUPUS squad: "Aah, hello? I'm Ao Shi, your engineer and the guy who's probably gonna fix all the damage you do to your frames. Do you think it is safe to be seen by the wall-runner? Because I got some reasonably nice System League guys hanging on my half-disassembled LATRANS who decided together with us that now would be great time to be somewhere else. Like, please don't shoot them? Or us?"

If the squad thinks I should hide or thinks it's great idea to shoot us, then hide somewhere somehow. Perhaps put some buildings in between us. In meanwhile will the grimoire into existance and focus on 02.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #174 on: June 08, 2015, 09:18:56 am »

Winston ducked into the nearest convenient alleyway to lose sight of the bar and anyone out to murder him.  He then looked to see who might be talking to him.

"New capabilities?  What are they?  Why did some mace suddenly appear?  What's all this about, anyway?  If you're asking about fire and explosions, what's the command to turn them on?  What happens if I try... this one?"

Duck into any convenient alleyway.  Request infodump from strange voice.  Focus on a point on the wall and give 3d 88 ulez a shot.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #175 on: June 09, 2015, 12:00:40 pm »

"I surrender! Please spare my worthless life! Lower the wall."

Ask my cubicle mate to lower the wall, so we can surrender. If he doesn't, just wrap myself into a ball and rock back and forth.
"Oh, uh, this is something we've been working on with the whole stealth-tech.." Miaoko shrugged, putting on the watch.
Lower the wall! And uh, pull my colleague behind the engine and start it up for mobile cover hopefully yes maybe yay? Oh, and have the mechanical arms use something like a sheet of metal to deflect any grenades and/or bullets.
If the chamber arms don't actually work, use ye olde ability, Work Damnit!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 12:02:55 pm by Shaporia »


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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #176 on: June 11, 2015, 01:50:57 am »

"Your puny bullets cannot stop me!"

Dodge the shots and fire back with the autocannon. Or try to do whatever the Pharoah wants if I'm still controlled as long as it doesn't involve maiming myself.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #177 on: June 11, 2015, 02:51:23 am »

"That thing looks like it should be shot with plasma."

shoot the mass with a plasma rifle
After staring down the ironsights of your assault rifle, you proceed to quickly clip it back to your belt and draw another rifle, firing as soon as you finish raising it. From the barrel of your weapon erupts a small, luminous sphere.

[UTAR vs. SDEF: 7 vs. 3] The figure reacts, sending forth a barrage of punches at unnatural speed (not too surprising considering how unnatural it already was). As each punch terminates, the fluid seems to rapidly evaporate, forming a concussive pulse of gas that quickly reforms back inside the figure. Was it trying to protect itself? No matter, they fail to intercept your shot which slams into the figure's torso and halts.

Around the sphere, the fluid boils and evaporates, only to be dragged back to the bullet, trapped by an invisible force. The figure lashes out, trying to drive its fist into your face, but you're too far away, and with its torso held by your shot, it cannot move forwards to close the distance.

((You may want to decide whether you have a handler and if so, which one. Because in your current state of limbo, you have neither Tradecrafts nor passive abilities.))

"I surrender! Please spare my worthless life! Lower the wall."

Ask my cubicle mate to lower the wall, so we can surrender. If he doesn't, just wrap myself into a ball and rock back and forth.
"Oh, uh, this is something we've been working on with the whole stealth-tech.." Miaoko shrugged, putting on the watch.
Lower the wall! And uh, pull my colleague behind the engine and start it up for mobile cover hopefully yes maybe yay? Oh, and have the mechanical arms use something like a sheet of metal to deflect any grenades and/or bullets.
If the chamber arms don't actually work, use ye olde ability, Work Damnit!

Miaoko manages to get behind the engine before the soldier can react and lower the frontal blast wall. Though none of the scrap metal is sufficiently large to act too well as cover, the arms themselves are solid enough that they can be used to block gunfire. The engine sputters to life as James finds himself hoisted onboard the makeshift vehicle halfway through his attempts to surrender. With a burst of speed, you both are sent zooming out into the corridor.

[SDEF vs. UTAR: 1 vs. -1] Despite Miaoko's efforts, he was unable to block the incoming shots. Namely because the soldier apparently got distracted by a shiny object and his shots go wild, menacing a wall a rather considerable distance away from the two of you.

You both are now out in the corridor, riding a rocket-propelled-deskchair. Scattered through the concrete corridor are bullet marks and bloodstained corpses of two security staff that encountered the soldiers and were gunned down. You know that to the left end of the corridor are the outer facilities and surface access. To the right is the central administration building.

"Okay guys, while they're distracted, some grab o' them plasma torches and sneak round the back, and flash their eyes a bit, maybe burn them. Others get the armor on the frame. I'll take the cockpit."

Derek climbs into the cockpit, thinking of the words floating around in his head.
You bark your orders to the engineers. You know, the ones significantly further away from you compared to the soldiers standing right in front of you? The ones easily within ear-shot? A glacially cold voice comes emanates from the smoke as one of the soldiers steps out from it, rifle raised.
"Do that, and we will kill every single last one of you."
Almost simultaneously, multiple shouts come from around the chamber, each of which taking some variant of the words "Are you fucking kidding me? Have you lost your goddamned mind?"

Welp, you're standing at the assembly console, which is a ways off from the cockpit, since usually the person operating it isn't expected to, nor qualified to access the cockpit of the frame in much of a hurry. You can definitely run over to it, but well, people will be shooting at you and trying to disable the frame. Oh and the other people in the room are strangely hesitant to throw their lives away by trying to fight trained and armed soldiers.

Small explosions begin to rumble awfully loudly from the back of the chamber, the wall beginning to crumble under the onslaught.

"Huh. Hallucinatory armor guy, what do I shoot?"

Equipment Check! Then try to shoot the enemy frame's weakpoints.
Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Weak points are the head and arms. And by weak points, I mean points you can do a non-negligible amount of damage to within a reasonable timeframe without putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Keep in mind though: that, thing, in front of you doesn't look like something you can expect to fight and live, well, not with skill alone.

That frame is a 00-LANDSKNECHT/AF. It isn't actually a proper model, it's just a classification for a kind of manned frame.
The only thing they really have in common is a kind of liquid sorcery that allows the core to interface with just about any frame part. And even then the exact mechanism varies.
They're built from whatever is on hand, be it ancestral heirlooms, scrap from fallen foes, and spare parts.

The core is, well, it's a lot of things welded cobbled together. Pretty durable. Main thing to watch out for is the reactive armor.
It's made from processed sugar and enchanted to erupt as a directional blast. Doesn't sound too menacing, but it hits like a sledgehammer.
It can definitely injure infantry, and cover surfaces with the sticky molasses, try not to get it on your camera, it won't be easy to get it off.
This one's interfacing unit for this is, good. Above average, not too amazing or anything.
Slowly, whatever is attached to it will be synchronized to the point where it acts like it's been custom-made for the core.

Head unit is from a 01-PUPPET/AF, a high-mobility lightweight frame. So it doesn't have too much armor, if you were to engage, I'd say that's the best part to target.
Camera function is, mediocre, nothing special. No extra sight modes either unlike NEE frames.

Arms are, of course from an AF01-LUPUS. I believe you're acquainted quite well with it, durable, reliable, old too, but definitely still can hold its own.
The chaingun is still functional, though that's the least of your problems..

Legs have no identifying name. They're blackbox tech. They're the best of the three worst things about that frame. Inbuilt energy-based thrusters.
They are far stronger than their appearance suggests as well, very durable and can carry a lot of weight. Oh and they move and respond quickly, latency is comparable to that of human legs.
Plus they're just as agile. Well, more agile if you consider the thrusters of course.

Rear weapon is, it's something from the Fall. It's a gateway-based weapon that acts as an adaptable particle cannon.
It basically generates a field of distorted reality that produces a kind of charged particle that is easy to weaponize.
It then creates transient electromagnetic fluctuations for the particles to travel through. Which, means that it can dynamically alter their paths.
So its shots are effectively homing and can ricochet off of thin air, depending on how good the firing control system is.
Shots can vary. It can be anything between a fast low-density beam to an explosive high-density shot. It can fire quite quickly.
The computer clusters it uses aren't too durable, issue is, that distortion is right between them, so incoming attacks can be intercepted by its shots.

And now, finally, the worst piece by far: the firing control system. It is also from the Fall. It is also clairvoyant. It knows what you will do before you do it.
It knows what you can do. And it knows where to fire to hit, and kill you, regardless of anything you do, and regardless of the fact that you now know what it can do.
Normally you'd have decent odds since it'd just be a race to destroy it before it destroys you. Issue is, the reactive armor gives it an edge in defense, and the gateway weapon is quite powerful.

All in all, it's a walking death machine. Albeit one that is still starting up, you have a bit of time.
Not much time.
But no one really has much time.
So, I guess the million dollar question is how to beat eh?

Well, I don't really know, that's up to you. But I can tell you that fighting fairly is going to probably end with you and everyone with you dead.
Still, if you blow off the head before it can fire, you could buy yourself a bit more time to rack on the damage. Aiming for the core can deplete its reactive armor.
Aiming for the weapon, might be able to damage or destroy it, but like I said, the FCS is capable of intercepting your attack, so you'd have to pretty much tackle it.
You'll probably die either way. We can resurrect you though. But you won't have a frame, or weapons, or clothes.

Hmm... I could could hook you up with their radio-frequency so you could contact the pilot. I guess if you want to bluff, surrender, or lie your backside off while you run.
Everything else is really up to you.
We'll stop the turn here for you for you to decide on what to do given this information. Only a few seconds have actually passed, so the LANDSCKNECHT is still powering up.
"Sir? Do we engage?"

Ao Shi

"Fucking pilots, always abusing frames. Guess who has to repair all the shit they wreck up, huh? Bastards think it just magically fixes itself while they look other way! On the other hand they keep me employed so it evens out nicely."

"I have never before actually seen them fighting, but this explains some of the shit I have seen. Aaaand that's a cursed PHAROH. Welp, let's pretend we are not here until he chains those arms again."

Chatting with ex-enemies-now-friends hanging on my frame.
Waggle eyebrows for Red's levitation show and do more talking.

"Cool, can I too do that levitation trick? And are you partially invisible or something, because nobody seems to care about you hovering around. Anyway, is that storm perhaps related to you or magic somehow? Is something deeper or badder coming around?"

Contact allied LUPUS squad: "Aah, hello? I'm Ao Shi, your engineer and the guy who's probably gonna fix all the damage you do to your frames. Do you think it is safe to be seen by the wall-runner? Because I got some reasonably nice System League guys hanging on my half-disassembled LATRANS who decided together with us that now would be great time to be somewhere else. Like, please don't shoot them? Or us?"

If the squad thinks I should hide or thinks it's great idea to shoot us, then hide somewhere somehow. Perhaps put some buildings in between us. In meanwhile will the grimoire into existance and focus on 02.
"So, the prototypes are here then. Guess command was wrong. What was that stuff about a curse and the chains?"

"With some enchantments perhaps... but it really isn't that useful for that purpose, if you were able to walk up a steep slope, let alone defy gravity with it, I'm not sure would be considered human at that point. It's easier to just use a spell."
She replies conversationally as she now leans on the forward wall of the cockpit inspecting her nails and seemingly unable to be shaken by your rapid movement.
"I am simply not here, just an image put in your head, sound put in your ears or pressure put into nerves... I must admit I rarely get to slip tactile simulation past Mal, she always gets quite huffy about "wasting system resources" blah blah blah, I also do some rather complex minor changes in those around you mostly so that you don't look like some sorta crazy person talking into thin air. The storm is a different matter altogether and considering that you have some time I guess~ I can explain..."
She takes a breath to begin but pauses.
"You wouldn't know about that would you? *sigh* this will take a bit of explaining..."

"This will be mostly out of context but the context would take far to long to explain and probably have context of its own: no the storm is not my magic, not that real magic exists anyhow, as far as we know it is an extrapolation manifested by something. And that the something is extra-dimensional which is at best, very bad. To the second question: definitely."

"Well, our CO has lost, found and relost his marbles, but he's still trying to murder the right frames."
You hear something from the PHAROAH's pilot about puny bullets being unable to stop him.
"Wait, I think he just refound his marbles again."
The cursed frame continues its attempts to reenact action film scenes by diving backwards as the ground explodes beneath its feet whilst returning fire.
"Just hurry along and get the hell out of here, we won't try and stop you, not sure about those autos though, they seem to like going kamikaze."

[COMP: 2/1] A faint set of chains appear outside the cockpit, little more than regions of distorted light, not unlike how a body of water refracts light. It soon fades away to nothing.

Winston ducked into the nearest convenient alleyway to lose sight of the bar and anyone out to murder him.  He then looked to see who might be talking to him.

"New capabilities?  What are they?  Why did some mace suddenly appear?  What's all this about, anyway?  If you're asking about fire and explosions, what's the command to turn them on?  What happens if I try... this one?"

Duck into any convenient alleyway.  Request infodump from strange voice.  Focus on a point on the wall and give 3d 88 ulez a shot.
You don't find the source of the text, they just seem to pop up in your field of vision. You do, however, find an alleyway and duck into it. The UAV doesn't seem to be following you, apparently being preoccupied with Lemmy and his newfound bear.

Code: (SHROEDINBUG) [Select]
Enhanced Agility: You can run along walls and dodge things you normally can't, such as bullets. Diving through broken windows also counts.
Enhanced Targeting: You can aim well using any weapon and deflect incoming attacks using them.
Enhanced Reflexes: Time subjectively freezes when you're in danger, giving you time to think out your course of action.
Reality Distortion: You can cast magic, like you are currently doing.

That mace appeared because you summoned it using magic.
It would have appeared as soon as you used the spell normally, but your spell also specified for it to be withheld until a certain condition was met.

I am unable to communicate the command.
An external party, thereby deemed the Outsider (one of whose matchboxes you seem to be in possession of) has been interfering with our communications.
Thus attempting to message them to you would be futile. Likewise, I cannot tell you what a certain spell will do for the same reason

[COMP: 8/4] A region of space just in front of your sternum shimmers with refracted light and a wall of wax cats erupts forth. The mass slams against the wall and deforms upon impact concealing whatever damage it did. Well, aside from the portion that flies through a window, it evidently shatters it and seemingly vanishes from existence a few feet afterwards.

"Your puny bullets cannot stop me!"

Dodge the shots and fire back with the autocannon. Or try to do whatever the Pharoah wants if I'm still controlled as long as it doesn't involve maiming myself.
[TRANS: 10/5] Having apparently regained the favor of the almighty dice gods with your boast, reality again comes rushing back as you force away the influence of the arms.

[MDEF vs. UTAR: 2 vs. 0, 2 ,1] [UTAR vs. MDEF: 3 vs. 0] You know those Hong Kong action films? The ones where people dive around in slow motion to dodge bullets? That's exactly what you do here. Upon the creaking legs of your frame, you leap backwards, the volley of battle rifle rounds exploding upon the region of pavement you had just been standing upon. Bringing your autocannon to bear, you discharge three rounds in mid-air, they strike one of the PUPPET frames and promptly rip apart its core. Your frame lands knees first, sliding backwards a short distance on the ground before you get it back on its feet.

[UTAR vs. MDEF: 3 vs. -1] [UTAR vs. MDEF: 3, 2 vs. 3] During this brief sequence, your squadmates open fire, succeeding in downing another PUPPET. The final one however, manages to evade the incoming shots and fly into cover.

Chain integrity at 70%.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 06:36:28 am by Corsair »
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #178 on: June 11, 2015, 02:51:42 am »

Turn 8
Turn 9
Turn 10

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Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
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« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 03:26:05 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - An-other Enemy
« Reply #179 on: June 11, 2015, 06:03:18 am »

"We engage. It'll be extremely dangerous though."

Attempt to contact the two LUPI inside the base and tell them to shoot the LANDSKNECHT's core and rear weapon (focus on the core if they aren't scratching the weapon) while I take care of the head. After the head's gone, fire on the core.

((First player casualty of the game is me. That's a 90% certainty guess.))
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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