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Author Topic: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]  (Read 6356 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:32:49 pm »

Service to the Unbowed

The year is 648 of the New Dawn Calendar, established by Emperor Falsinar during the reign of the Mayar Empire. Like all empires, however, it collapsed; leaving only the Calendar and its memory to the descendant states which rose from the ashes of the old. The Kingdom of Malinar is one such state. Ever since the destruction of the Empire five hundred years ago, Malinar has been ruled by the line of monarchs known as the Unbowed. Though the dynasty has changed from time to time, the title has remained: a badge of honor that Malinar has refused to bend the knee to any would-be conqueror, always maintaining their independence from those who would take it from them. You are an individual who has, for one reason or another, ended up in the military to defend the traditions of Malinar and serve the Unbowed. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t involve a gruesome death.

Service to the Unbowed is a character-based roleplaying game. You will play the part of someone within the Malinar military; other than this, there are no restrictions on background, rank, or motives. There won’t be a hard cap on the number of players, but not too many will be allowed in; anywhere from five to ten. The amount does depend on what rank people sign up for; if ten people sign up for rank and file, it will be more likely that all of them will get a slot than if ten people signed up for officer positions. I expect well-written backgrounds, though I don’t need too much fluff; though it will help determine who I select, more words isn’t necessarily better. Outside of combat, there will be no turns - though there will be time, which means you'll be halted if you get too far ahead of everyone else.

Note: the level of technology is roughly Renaissance-era.

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 12:14:56 pm by DontBanTheMan »
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2015, 03:08:46 am »

Name: Pertelay Hussar
Physical 100
Intellect 110
Charisma 120
Wisdom 105
Skills: ---
Rank: Commander, Heavy Foot Company
Appearance: An immense, swashbuckling man. Nearly 40 years old. Wears his shako tipped over one ear; his longsword trails on the ground, and his red face is slashed by an impressive scar. Has moustaches six inches long, which, stiffened by wax, curl up into his ears and two big plaits of hair, braided from his temples that, escaping from his cover, hang down to his chest.
Background: Grew up under his father—at the end of his career a general in the King's Army—who had him join the cavalry at a young age in order to force the young boy to overcome his timidity. He lived as a light cavalryman for nearly a decade; at first a pitiful soldier, he distinguished himself consistently in assaults as an aggressive and confident warrior. He came into much skill with a lance due to his experience in combat, and only spent a month as a sergeant before he was promoted to the officer in charge of the first rank. Only when his second campaign was finished did he begin to dabble in politics. Using his father's social capital as a springboard he managed to acquire himself a small barony, which he spent the better part of a year managing. The improvement was so profound that the following year the count, with whom he had been decent friends since childhood, recommended him for a command, himself being a colonel and already impressed with his performance as a soldier. Since then his previously breakneck progress has slowed, and he has found himself settling. He has been the commander of his company of heavy infantry for several years now.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 01:43:21 pm by GUNINANRUNIN »


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2015, 08:37:39 pm »

Name: Cannon Gray
Physical 130 (40)(15)(20)=(75)
Intellect 75 (5)
Charisma 110 (40)
Wisdom 110 (40)
Skills: ---
Rank: Lieutenant, Heavy Foot Company
Appearance: Composed entirely of muscle without an inch of brain, Cannon is as loyal and strong as he is dumb, though that is to say dumb in academic terms. His eyes are sunken and baggy, where once the recruit that wore his boots had glittering, green eyes, thirsty for battle and glory. Most of his hair has fallen out due to stress, the rest has been burnt off due to an earlier accident. The right side of his face displays numerous burns that has left his face uglier than before. The soldier stands at six feet in height, broad-shouldered with a practiced pose, though his uniform hasn't seen a cleaning longer than Cannon has seen his home.
Background: Inducted into the military at a young age, Cannon was unlike the other boys; he looked forward to the war. Unlike the other boys, he excelled in training. Unlike the other boys, he survived. And that was the breaking point. The point where he realized that war is not playing-pretend. War was not like training. His friends weren't called out and made to do laps; they died screaming. Cannon grew up that day.

Quickly, Cannon rose through the ranks and became a lieutenant. He never got close to his men because he never tried. A pitiful, vain attempt to stop himself from going through that pain again. He commands harshly, knowing (or fearing) that if one boy disobeys orders, much like last time, that boy's comrades would all lose their lives.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 10:42:35 pm by Cheesecake »
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2015, 08:44:19 pm »

How many players do you plan on taking?


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2015, 10:24:24 pm »

I was planning on taking from five to ten, but it's not looking like we'll reach that mark. We'll start within a few days regardless, however (By the way, if you want to sign up but don't have time to make your sheet ATM, do what Cheesecake did and Reserve a spot so I can get an estimate). If it turns into more of a solo or duo adventure, so be it.
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2015, 10:49:45 pm »

I might get a sheet in soon.
Black lives matter.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2015, 08:43:01 pm »

February 7th, 648 ND. The time is currently nine o' clock in the morning.

Commander Hussar and Second Lieutenant Gray, Keyburn Keep.

The pale light of winter shines weakly upon the worn stone walls of Keyburn Keep. The 31st Infantry Battalion has been stationed in the sorry excuse for a castle due simply to the fact that somebody had to. Keyburn, however desolate it was, has the strategic advantage of being located in the Red Hills, named so for the large reserves of copper mined from within them. The Hills (which are more often than not impassable) serve as a natural border between Malinar and two of their neighbors; Parskeet and Karrow. Not only this, Keyburn is placed right between two mountains which have earned the nickname "The Fangs", due to their sheer size and incredible likeness to each other. In order to reach the Heartland, one would either have to march through Keyburn or make a weeks-long trek around or through the hills.

This information does not lessen the suffering of having to be here.

Keyburn is notorious not only for being located in the backwater of the Kingdom, but also for its unpleasant owner: Lord Maldwick. Maldwick is known among the nobility as being a foul, unkind, spiteful human being: they were being much too kind. Maldwick once released a boy who had been imprisoned from his cells, giving him hope for freedom and redemption in the process; he did so as an excuse to torture and kill him. They say the cries rang through the hills for six days, before being replaced by laughter on the seventh. Unfortunately, this is the man who you have the unfortunate privilege of dining with every night. Heaven help you if he ever finds a reason to dislike you more than he already does (for the simple reason that you're alive).

Some things of importance to note: The kingdom is at peace, and there is no expectation of war. Your company is alone at the keep; the rest of your battalion (along with your Colonel) is stationed to the northwest, nearly fifteen miles away in Blackstone Keep. Maldwick has maybe sixty soldiers in his retinue, while your company has two hundred men; there are also twenty archers who were left here by the main force under Hussar's control. Time is free-flowing, meaning you can post as much as you want within reason, as long as you don't shoot too far ahead in game time. If it has to do with a roll or NPC action, wait for me to post; player interaction can be done without my intervention. Typical "turns" will not take place outside of combat (or situational events). If you have any questions, just ask.

Note: I will still be taking character sheets.

Spoiler: Pertelay Hussar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Cannon Gray (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 08:57:10 pm by DontBanTheMan »
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2015, 08:49:56 pm »

Lieutenant Gray was walking with his commander through the lonesome halls. The damned draft of the desolate place was freezing. Maldwick must be stingier with firewood than Gray first thought. The sooner Gray was redeployed, the better. Breakfast was to be had soon. Gray wasn't sure if he was looking forward to it. Not if he had to dine with Maldwick.

"Sir, do I have your permission to break my fast with the men?" He cleared his throat. "To bolster morale, of course."
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2015, 01:50:40 am »

Hussar was busy gazing out the slit embrasures, set into the walls of the keep at even intervals, at the mottled grey of the curtain wall's battlements. It drew a stark contrast to the pure white horizon; he found it unconsciously disturbing. A blizzard? He turned his attention back to Lieutenant Gray and grunted.

A little hot food won't melt away the cold of this wretched frontier.. Regardless, make it so Mister Gray. They could use some cheering up after what happened to the sergeant.

A few nights ago one of the company's favorite NCOs had gotten a bit too punchy and was tossed out of the barracks to cool off. He took a walk on the wall and must have slipped. They found him half-buried in the snow, his neck broken. The troops were still partially in mourning in the wake of the tragedy.

Except for Cornice's platoon, his men will have to get by on single portions this morning. The colonel requested a patrol this afternoon and the way I understand it most of his troop grew up on the frontier. They'll be marching in the snow and I don't want his men to be overfed. The weather looks dangerous today, he should take the proper precautions in case they have to stay out overnight.

He paused.

Anything else, Lieutenant?


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2015, 02:43:03 am »

"No, sir. I'll relay the orders to Lieutenant Cornice."

Gray began his descent down into the castle's courtyard where the men set up their barracks. It was a shame Sanders was the one to fall. The men really liked Sanders. Gray made sure to watch his step down the winding stairway; the dilapidated stone was troublesome enough, but it was cold too, and a perpetual moistness lingered around the steps.

He stepped out into the courtyard. The blast of the breeze caught him unawares, at first, but he didn't feel much colder than he had inside. Now it was just windier. Trudging through the snow, Gray slowly made his arduous march to the barracks.

(What else are we meant to be doing, other than RP?)
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2015, 03:04:44 am »

As you work against the frigid wind, you count yourself lucky for your thick wool clothes. A few soldiers can be seen training under the command of a particularly (as the men see it) brutal sergeant, who you recognize to be in another platoon. Nothing else catches your eye on your way to eat, though the gate bell can be heard; nothing out of the ordinary, as merchants traveling from west to east have little choice to but to make for the Fangs. It's completely nuts that someone would be making the trip up here in this weather, though.

You finally arrive at your platoon's barracks, where just under fifty men are crammed into a space meant for thirty. One of the company's cooks can be seen in the back, scrambling to prepare the hungry soldiers' meals. Your stomach turns when the sight and smell of grits with a side of hardtack reaches you. Somehow it still seems preferable to eating with Lord Jackass, though. Many downhearted faces turn your way as you enter the room.

( Nothing at the moment; typically, you will be either roleplaying, obeying orders from higher ups (be it PC or NPC), or fighting. However, the nation is not currently at war.  Also, whatever private goals you've set for yourself. EDIT: And rolling. For stuff.)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 03:13:28 am by DontBanTheMan »
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2015, 03:26:27 am »

"Good morning, men," Gray said, though perhaps it came off as icy. Not that it would surprise anyone.

Taking a seat between the men, he cringed as the bowl of hardtack and grit was served to him. Well, it was either shit-food or Lord Jackass. Was good food really worth having to eat with him? No, he thought to himself, but it was worth stealing. Gray had an idea to bolster morale and get back at Lord Jackass.

Standing up, he addressed the fifty men under his command. "Men, you might wonder why I'm here eating shit with you. That's because, believe it or not, it's better than eating with that lord in the castle. Hell, even the cold out here is worth it. Not that it was warm in there anyway."

He called on his four sergeants. "Alright, no time to break your fast. This mission has a time-frame between now and noon, so let's get moving. Maxwell, squad one will secure a perimeter outside the castle's storehouse. Act natural. Gamble or drill yourselves, I don't care. Joseph, your squad will begin patrolling the castle halls. Tell whoever the fuck's on duty that Lieutenant Gray allowed them an hour's break. Keep an eye out for flashing light coming from out barracks."

He turned to his last two sergeants. "Asimov, your men will stay here. Questions will be raised if our entire platoon is gone, but be aware of anyone who might spot us; shine a mirror towards the castle walls. Simmons, split half of your men. First half will stay with Asimov. Second half, I want it comprised of your sneakiest men. Thieves, cheats and all you crafty sods, you're with me."

He gave a salute. Stationed here, he and the rest were wasting their potential as soldiers; they needed to feel like soldiers again. Doing this mission would bolster morale, reduce hunger and take a stab at that fatass eating all the ham. "Men, move out! We're eating well this noon!"
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2015, 03:42:17 am »

You can spot a few men who don't seem overly enthusiastic, but most of the others let out a few muffled whoops as they stand up, ignoring or dumping their meals. The sergeants start giving orders, and your men set themselves to their purpose.

Trusting your men to carry out their missions, you head out with a handful of your craftiest men; you count seven, including Asimov and yourself. What you know of the storehouse is that it's usually guarded by two of Maldwick's retinue; they tend to mess around during the long, uneventful shift, but they still do their duty in watching the storehouse. They are positioned on either side of the closed double doors that are the storehouse's only entrance.
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2015, 04:01:16 am »

"Tch. Undisciplined backwater militia. These two green boys will be easy for you men, I hope."

"Three of you go talk to them. Taunt them, tease them, get them into a fight with you. The rest of you, get some sacks. Once the first three divert those two bumbling guards we go in and grab as much as we can. In case it's locked, bring a lockpick or a hairpin. I'm sure one of you knows how to do it.

Three of should keep taunting, throwing snowballs, as long as you can until I arrive, but do not harm them. Make as much noise and commotion as you can. When we're done liberating the food, Asimov and the other two will stash the food under a pile of snow. I will break up your 'fight' and reprimand you personally."
Gray nods with a steely demeanor.

As the three go to divert the guards, he orders his team to get sacks and lockpicks. He himself goes back to the barracks and throws a pair of shovels to two sitting men. "Go dig a whole far from here, but make sure to mark it well."

When his team gets back with their wargear, he says to them, "Take only non-perishables. Make sure they can survive being caught in the cold. And let's be quick."

"Mission start."
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2015, 04:59:21 am »

Any chance I can still get in?
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