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Author Topic: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]  (Read 6354 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2015, 04:09:44 am »

Listen closely to the conversation about the ambassador while eating normally.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2015, 04:19:13 am »

You listen to the conversation (what you believe to be) nonchalantly whilst eating your meal, trying to make out any details. "-couple of days-" "-careful-" can be made out, but before you can really figure out exactly what they're discussing, Maldwick speaks up loudly, "So what do you think of the meal, err- Habber, was it? Better than that slop the government shovels down your throat?"
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2015, 04:31:19 am »

Hussar assumed he was deliberately trying to get under his skin by misremembering his name and decided to ignore it, even though he would take advantage of it to goad him at every opportunity. He forced a smile. The meal is well prepared, my lord! It doesn't compare to the chicken feed the magistrates deliver to the barrack.

He motioned towards the fat, steaming ham cut at the center of the table and then turned his gaze back to the grease-chinned lord before him.

Your own stock, yes..? I'm sure you pride yourself on keeping healthy animals here in the keep...

He made the remark with an even tone and an entirely straight face. He continued looking at the lord whilst chewing more of his food.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2015, 05:04:18 am »

Horrid place this casle. Sael thought to himself. Why must these petty nobles always live in places so easy to kill them in? Honestly, I need a challenge. With missions like this I may never be ready to take my revenge.

Sael waits until the day of the diplomats arival, and makes sure to be one of the servants who first greets him (He dresses in the outfits worn by the servants, and, due to his particular appearance, he goes unnoticed. He makes sure to take note of the ambassadors weapons.

That night, while the ambassador is at dinner, Sael sneaks into his room and removes from his bags some sort of blade. Sael knows not what it is, it may be a letter opener, it may be a dagger; it makes no difference either way. The weapon bears Karrow's crest, and as such it will suit Sael's purposes quite nicely. Sael then sneaks back into the tunnels and awaits the noble's slumber.

Sael waits until late. All the men should now sleep, all men but Sael, if he could even truly be called a man anymore. Sael will now use the passageway to enter Maldwick's rooms. Should Maldwick still sleep, Sael shall cover his mouth and slit his throat in one motion. Sael will then cut out Maldwick's heart, and (using the weapon taken from the ambassador's room) pin it to the wall over Maldwick's lifeless corpse.
Should Maldwick still be awake, Sael will do his best not to  be seen. Sael will creep up from behind Maldwick, and slit the beasts throat. He will then cover Maldwick's mouth lest his screams be heard, and still cut out Maldwick's heart and pin it to the wall. In either case, Sael kills Maldwick's wife in the same manner, however he leaves her body unmutilated. His orders said nothing of her.

Sael will then leave the room and return to his stone room, and await further orders.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 05:09:54 am by theyamikami »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2015, 06:18:06 pm »

Commander Hussar:
Maldwick either didn't notice your snide remark, or pretended not to. "Oh, not in the keep. We receive a regular supply of them from the surrounding villages. Not that the goddamn military is making it any easier..." he trails off, mumbling to himself. You're unsure whether he's even still aware that you were having a conversation. At this point, you think he may be more than a little off his rocker.

You wait for the arrival of the ambassador; since you are unsure precisely when he will arrive, you try to stay disguised as a servant as often as possible (you will be brought up again if something of interest occurs. Feel free to respond prematurely to change/alter your action).
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2015, 07:20:38 pm »

Hussar was a little relieved to see he was crazy, perhaps he wasn't as clever as he had given him credit for. He decided to address the officers at the table.

Where is the Captain this morning? He nearly always attends.

The Commander was sincere, he legitimately enjoyed the man's company.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2015, 09:26:16 pm »

A couple of your officers admit that they don't know, when the third one recalls a discussion with him regarding an examination of the Castle's defenses. "I believe he said something about checking the defenses today, sir. As well as the men guarding it, of course."
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2015, 05:12:50 pm »

Finish eating, then excuse myself and go join the Captain with his inspection.


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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2015, 05:34:14 pm »

You finish what's on your plate, and then excuse yourself from the table. Maldwick doesn't even acknowledge your departure, while the lieutenants nod curtly.

On the way to the wall, you pass a few of soldiers patrolling in the hall, but not much else stands out to you. Before long, you are out in the brisk cold, walking through the snow which has coated the ground. After a few minutes you reach the wall, where an imposing figure can be seen glowering at a cowering soldier. Moments later, yelling reaches your ears as he erupts, "YOU FELL ASLEEP BECAUSE YOU WERE TIRED, DAMMIT? AND WHERE THE HELL IS THAT USELESS SHIT WHO'S SUPPOSED TO BE UP HERE WITH YOU?"

You smile to yourself. Even after only a few days together, that man's earned your respect.

You walk up the stairs, while the Captain continues to bombard the hapless guardsman. You almost feel sorry for the poor schmuck. The Captain hits him in the groin with his scabbard, causing the soldier to keel over. "Get to bed if you're so damn tired." The soldier hesitates, but runs off as the Captain's face contorts into a furious snarl. He turns to you, a wide grin on his face. "Didja see that look on his face? PRICELESS!" He bellows, deep rumbling laughter emanating from his jovial face.
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2015, 05:38:39 pm »

Hussar laughs just as raucously and gives the man a crushing handshake. Missed you at breakfast! Lucky bastard. A very cute excuse this is, why didn't I think of it first? He smirks and walks with him as they converse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2015, 05:42:02 pm »

"Oh, Maldwick's not too bad once you get to know him. He's been through alot, y'know?" He shakes his head, "It kills me to see him like this. But it kills me even more to see what a sorry lot his men are. Can't do any goddamn thing right."
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2015, 05:56:40 pm »

I'd offer to have them drill with mine, but I'm afraid they might pick up some bad habits.. Hussar thought of the mustache incident and winced, a hand unconsciously drifting towards his upper lip.

He recovered. I've never heard you talk about the lord this way before, I wasn't aware you had a history. What was he like back then?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2015, 06:02:09 pm »

"Oh, he was smart. He might be the smartest person I've ever met. Probably the only reason Keyburn didn't fall in the Great Western War. Part of why he got it; I think the High Command also did it to shove it in the nobles' faces. His ambition was probably also a cause for it; He was a threat to their cushy positions, so they threw him into the boonies and left him to rot." The Captain's eyes glaze over, as if he's looking at something unseen. He then shakes his head, and smiles, "Yet he's outlived all of em, the rotten bastards. Guess who got the last laugh!" He bursts into laughter.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 06:03:49 pm by DontBanTheMan »
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2015, 01:20:30 am »

Being turned out by your own countrymen can do things to a man. He decided to turn the conversation towards a different subject in order to avoid offending the captain further. I've been feeling a little detached lately; my old man wants to get me a job in the heartland and I've been writing a lot of letters these past few weeks trying to talk him out of convincing the generals to reassign me. Can you bring me up to speed on our situation? Last I heard things were still pretty quiet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2015, 01:13:16 pm »

( Note: if you want to continue asking specific questions, keep doing what you're doing. If you want to just converse normally, say so; the amount of details you roleplay or don't roleplay are up to you, to a point. )

"It wouldn't be very good tactics to warn the enemy of your arrival, would it? Not surprised the Heartland is shutting their eyes to any possible war." He shrugs. "I dunno, it feels...too peaceful. Usually there's at least a few skirmishes or border conflicts, but there's nothing. To me, that's an alarm going off that we're about to be invaded. But the Heartland is completely oblivious to 'alarms' or 'intuition'; all they believe in is cold, hard, truth. And there's none of that out here in the middle of nowhere."

He thinks, stroking his mustache. "Now that you mention it, though, an ambassador from Karrow is gonna be staying here for a night on his way to the Capital. Doesn't really change much, though; ambassadors are really just spies that everyone damn knows about. Heartland probably sees it as we're on good terms with Karrow now. I don't believe a word of it."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 01:15:39 pm by DontBanTheMan »
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.
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