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Author Topic: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]  (Read 6355 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2015, 05:05:48 am »

Note: I will still be taking character sheets.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2015, 06:43:23 am »

I'll have a sheet up later today.

Since guns are less important in this game, what is the state/role of artillery in the army?
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2015, 06:54:54 am »

Name: Sael son of none
Stats: Physical: 120
Intellect: 130
Charisma: 70
Wisdom: 100
Skills: I leave these up to your discretion
Rank: Assassin first class for the Corps. of the Silent Eye
Appearance: If one were to attempt to describe Sael, they would spend some great time pondering: What does he look like? Are his eyes blue? Or maybe brown... His hair was definitely dark. Or was it? Eventually they would all come up with the same description. Sael was the most ordinary looking man they could imagine. He seemed to blend in with every crowd, disappear whenever searched for, and Vanish whenever forgotten.

Sael is appears to be an average height, average build man. His eye and hair color seems to change based upon the light, however were one to see him in a pure neutral light, they would be able to see that his eyes are a dark grey, and his hair was of a type rarely seen on the heads of humans. While in general men have hair solidly of one color or another, Sael's head is coated with dozens of shades of different colors, each different from the last. While you would think this was a distinguishing feature, it generally proves to be just the opposite, it allows him to appear different in most any type of light. Sael's chest, back, arms and legs are coated with dozens, perhaps even hundreds of scars he has acquired through training; this would set him apart were it not for the fact that he is an active member of the military. In addition, he also has the insignia for the Corps. of the Silent Eye (A single eye sown shut) over his left shoulder blade.

By manner of dress, Sael typically wears long pants of washed brown, and a long shirt of charcoal grey beneath a grayish black cloak. His attire changes for missions based upon what is required to blend in with those surrounding him.
Background: Sael was orphaned at a young age, by soldiers in the Malinar army. On the day they arrived, Sael was only eight years old, and was busy playing with his four year old sister when they broke through the door. The soldiers that came through the door were not the drunken messes that Sael was used to seeing stumble into his home, hoping to find his mother and her services (Yes, it's exactly what is sounds like); these men had the calm, cool efficiency of a well oiled machine. They kicked down the door, and began to search the house for his mother. When they found her, they tied Sael, Adolene (His sister), and their mother together in the center of the hut, and began to light the various corners of the house on fire. When the house began to collapse do to the flames licking the walls, the men calmly left the house. As the house burned around them, his mother frantically tore at the rope binding the three of them, she managed to loosen Sael's bonds to the point that he could slide out of them. "Quickly, save your sister" his mother wheezed, as the coughed through the smoke enveloping them. Sael tried to free his sister, he tried to release her, he really did. He failed. As he was working on Adolene's restraints, one of the houses bearings came tumbling down and crushed her arms, trapping her in place as well catching her clothes on fire. Sael watched on in horror as his own sister burned to death in front of him; unable to do anything, Sael just watched, and then when there was no more of her to watch, he crawled through the burning debris, and left that place forever in his past. Sael may have survived that fire, but a part of him did not; part of Sael died that day, the same part that once made him human.

Sael's old home had been just on the outskirts of town, and so it was not a long walk into the city of Fahrren. With half of him dead and the other half mad, Sael collapsed into a gutter, and one could say it took him years to crawl out of it. His families deaths were not the last deaths Sael would see in his youth. The city of Fahrren is not forgiving to any living on its streets, to children even less so. Over the years Sael saw many children starve or die in the streets, and if he had not learned to kill or if he had had a weaker stomach, he would have been one of them as well. He killed dozens of other street rats over the years, sometimes for clothes, sometimes for bread, or beef, or sometimes even for another, less palatable type of meat when the others ran scarce. Over the years Sael grew less and less human, and more... Something else. He no longer felt guilt for the others he killed, now he blamed their own weakness, after all, in this world of cruelty only the strongest were fit to survive. Sael likely would have died on the streets were it not for the fact that he now lived for a purpose; Unbowed? Sael thought to himself They will bow some day, and when they do I will be standing above them, swinging an ax down to sever their heads.

When Sael was twelve years old, he decided to enlist himself in the military. He would never be able to slay the royals if he couldn't even fight. When he enlisted, he was sent to the general training facility. He spent one year their Before he caught the eye of Mabuz Septis, the head of the Corps. of the Silent Eye. Mabuz was doing a general sweep for potential Acolytes of the Eye, when he stumbled upon Sael. It is not often that you see eyes as cold and dead as the ones Mabuz saw that day, and never before had he seen them on one so young, and frankly... Sane. Mabuz immediately took Sael under his wing.

Over the next three years Sael was trained in the secret arts taught by the Eye. He took to this training with more vigor than anyone Mabuz had ever seen, and had utterly mastered all techniques save one within a week of being shown. He continued to train until he was deemed ready to preform his first solo mission at the tender age of sixteen (Trainees usually are not issued solo missions until after five or more years of training). His first mission went off without  a hitch, the only issue anybody could take with Sael's performance was that Sael killed more than just his target, he killed everybody on the same floor as his targets living quarters; all eighteen of them. Sael was not given enough information to successfully complete his mission as originally intended (He was not told which room his target was in), and so Sael instead of leaving to regroup, slipped from one room to another, killing their occupants one by one. Over the next five years Sael completed numerous dangerous missions with absolute precision, until he was a legend within the Eye, and was finally promoted to assassin first class. Sael was given more than one title however, in addition to Assassin first class, Sael also became known by another, slightly darker name, Rhubaiyat The Demon.

While most others make friends as they advance through the ranks, this was not the same in Sael's case. Something about his presence set people slightly... Off... It was hard to spend a prolonged period of time with him without shivering, and even those who could do so resented Sael for his quick climb up the ladder. In eight short years Sael had climbed to the third highest rank within the Eye, second only to the Silent Counsel, and Mabuz himself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2015, 10:58:05 am »

We're in the year 600 so, assuming this world progressed just as we did IRL, I'd wager that the only thing the world has in the way of gunpowder weapons are really weak cannons that can't damage castle walls.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2015, 02:25:36 pm »

The level of technology is close to the Renaissance in our world; however, most nations do not use gunpowder or only use it in very limited amounts. Your nation is among them. Your nation uses light cannons, but they are rare and more for pounding enemy formations than destroying enemy fortifications. Stone walls are still in the forefront of wars. Yamikami: About to head out for a few hours, but I'll make your character when I return.

Lieutenant Gray:
You and your accomplices move to a reasonable distance from the storehouse, and peer at the storehouse guards through the driving snow. One of them is leaning on his spear, bored at the prospect of guard duty. The other is chewing on a chicken leg. Three of your men nod at you and drunkenly waltz over to the storehouse.

The guards quickly come to attention at the sight of figures in the snow, but relax when they see who is coming. One of them laughs, "You look completely wasted. How on earth did you get your hands on some alcohol?"

The man in front snickers, "Ain't that something for me to knows and you to...potentially find out?"

"Hmmm...this concept of finding out intri-" "Oh, cut it out Charley. We're not supposed to be drinking while on duty." The man with the drumstick interrupts.

"Oh, don't be such a stickler! Comon, I'll bring you to my stash. Drink it afterwards if you must. In exchange, all I want is a bit o' chicken. That ain't so much to ask, isit?"

Charley strokes his chin thoughtfully, tugging on his somewhat impressive mustache. "I suppose not...we soldiers have to look out for each other, no? Let's go Rodney, quit being such a woman."

Rodney's splutters, "B-b-bu-" "Let's go, Rodney. Drink awaits." The two guards follow your men to god knows where. One of your men raises seven fingers to you.
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2015, 03:28:32 pm »

The level of technology is close to the Renaissance in our world; however, most nations do not use gunpowder or only use it in very limited amounts. Your nation is among them. Your nation uses light cannons, but they are rare and more for pounding enemy formations than destroying enemy fortifications. Stone walls are still in the forefront of wars. Yamikami: About to head out for a few hours, but I'll make your character when I return.

I'll rescind my reservation yet for someone else, I thought I read that this was going to take place around Napoleonic times.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2015, 03:30:39 pm »

After seeing the Lieutenant out of the keep proper Hussar backtracked. He returned to the colonel's chambers and let himself in, where he found the officer in uniform, still oiling his sword. He had already said good morning earlier so he simply helped himself to a seat on one of the hard wooden stools in his sparsely furnished room. They were always slightly informal in the company of one another but he kept his legs uncrossed regardless.

I sent Cornice's highlanders to take the walk again. King knows I wish I didn't have to rely on those boys as much as I do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2015, 06:15:52 pm »

(Yeah, last I remember the OP said it was Napoleonic? I might be wrong.)

That was ths signal. To the rest of his men clapped twice and raised three fingers into the air. Hopefully the distraction was long enough for them to sneak in and out.

Break into the storage and take food as fast as we can. Then haul ass towards the stash I planned earlier.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2015, 06:38:44 pm »

( Ya, my bad. Put Napoleonic but also with less dependance on firearms; what I truly meant was more of a Renaissancy type warfare, with a focus on heavily armored infantry and cavalry. Firearms and cannons certainly exist and in other parts of the world they may be more advanced, but there hasn't been much incentive to in your country due to the relative peace, the lack of much opposing firearms, and the low quantities of sulfur available. )

GUIN, you are currently in command of all national forces at the keep (so all troops except Maldwick's personal retinue). Your colonel may send you orders, but he isn't there in person.
Your company is alone at the keep; the rest of your battalion (along with your Colonel) is stationed to the northwest, nearly fifteen miles away in Blackstone Keep.

Lieutenant Gray:
You and your men work quickly, grabbing as much food as you can and getting the hell out of dodge. To your relief, no alarms and raised and none of Maldwick's men stop you as you transfer the goods to the stash. Before long, the food has been buried under a thin covering of snow. You managed to grab enough for quite a few decent meals.

You are currently in a small stone room beneath Keystone Keep. It leads directly into the dungeons via sliding wall, while another entrance leads into the tunnel systems built for the Silent Eye when the castle was first constructed. It leads to nearly every room within the keep, providing you with the ability to move unseen throughout it. You arrived at the keep four days ago, with the task to await the arrival of the ambassador from Karrow; he is expected to arrive within the next two days. Once he has arrived, you are to frame him for Maldwick's murder.

Spoiler: Sael (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Pertelay Hussar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Cannon Gray (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 06:52:21 pm by DontBanTheMan »
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2015, 07:02:45 pm »

Recall all my men back to our barracks. One group at a time.

When all his men gathered at the barracks, he himself burst in through the backdoor with a sack of real bread and rashers of bacon.

Mission successful, men! Today we feast! he said, tearing a loaf of bread.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2015, 07:08:39 pm »

All your troops are recalled to the barracks; the three men who drew off the guards report that they were yelled at, but there is no suspicion of missing rations. Your troops hold (well, compared to what they've been eating) a feast, and celebrate the successful mission. Morale and their respect of you rises; even the troops who were originally not so eager to participate have smiles on their faces. A good distraction for your men.
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2015, 07:28:08 pm »

Ohhhh, right. Here's my new action:

After seeing the Lieutenant out of the keep proper Hussar backtracked. He returned to the his chambers to finish donning his uniform, then had a seat on one of the hard wooden stools in his sparsely furnished room. He crossed his legs, taking up his sheath and laying it across his lap. He spent half an hour patiently oiling his blade.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2015, 10:23:58 pm »

You oil your blade for about twenty minutes when your aide-de-camp enters the room and informs you that breakfast has been laid out in the dining hall. Maldwick will undoubtedly expect your presence.
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2015, 02:28:45 am »

((This whole food thing as a trend seems kind of strange to me since it's half past 9. I would have thought that everyone would have already eaten by now. Except for the royals and officers, their food could conceivably take more preparation, or just be served later because they don't have to do things like perform drills and guard the wall. Just me thinking out loud, I don't mind an excuse to meet the lord.))

Thank you Corporal. Now, come here and help me with this.

With the help of his aide and a mirror, Hussar made sure his uniform and mustaches were in order. He kept his sword on and belted it firmly, unless the lord normally frowned upon that, in which case he left it behind. Either way he made sure his reserve dagger was tucked away in his boot, then marched off to the dining room. He entered and removed his hat while allowing himself to be announced, if that was customary, meanwhile pausing briefly to note the hall's occupants. Then he approached his seat, acknowledging his equals with a nod, and bade the lord good morn before he sat down. Next he politely began to eat, savoring the meal and using this opportunity to listen to any conversation that might be going on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Service to the Unbowed [Taking Players]
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2015, 03:11:53 am »

(( Breakfast (and thus every other meal) tends to be served very late at Keyburn Keep due to Maldwick's tendencies to rise later in the day; he expects meals to be ready as soon as he rises (which tends to be around ten) and simultaneously expects everyone else to eat at the same time as him, which pushes meals further back in the day than they would normally be. With the soldiers, you're absolutely right; they probably would've eaten earlier. ))

Commander Hussar:
You set yourself in order, sword belted to your hip. The march to the dining hall is cold, with only the sound of your footsteps and your aide keeping you company. Having already eaten with Maldwick on several occasions, you know full well that he isn't particularly fond of formalities; as can be seen when you enter. He glances up briefly from his roasted pig before turning his gaze upon his meal once again. There are four guardsmen and a handful of servants attending the lords and officers at the dining table, who are made up of three lieutenants, Maldwick, his wife, and two faces you are not all too familiar with. You note the absence of the Captain of the Guard; Sir Faust, if your memory serves. A roaring fire crackles in a beautiful hearth; one of the few things worth admiring in this godforsaken castle. Making your way to your seat, you greet the head of the table before sitting down. "Good morning, Lord Maldwick." The only response you receive is another mouthful of pork being shoved into his gob.

A servant swiftly brings your plate, and you help yourself to the bountiful meal laid out before you. As you do so, your lieutenants bid you good morning. You respond politely, before beginning to dine. As well as eating, you listen in as two of the lieutenants discuss whose platoon is better disciplined, while the unfamiliar figures talk quietly; you pick up something about an ambassador. Maldwick chews loudly as his wife sits politely.
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.
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